Dunoon Primary’s magnicifent Sal Team attended the ‘Raising Attainment’ Conference in Oban on Tuesday 11 March 2014. The enthusiastic pupils were thrilled to be asked to have a stall displaying their IT skills in Raspberry Pi, Lego We Do and EV3. Their stall was very busy and the pupils displayed very confident clear answers to any questions asked by the visitors. Gary Clark held a workshop and the pupils were delighted to be invited to assist him. The audience asked them lots of questions and they explained the various aspects of the software and how they enjoyed using it. They got to meet and show Mr Michael Russell, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning their skills! What a terrific day for our pupils!
Well done Mrs Peek and the SAL team! Your reputation soars!! Thanks too to mrs Derrett for a safe journey. DPS is very proud of you all.