Category Archives: School trips

Tobermory and Tiree High Schools Visit Paris and Ypres

S3/4 students from Tobermory and Tiree High Schools bonded on a recent trip to Paris and Ypres. They spent the day at Euro Disney where Space Mountain was the most popular ride (with students!). All pupils and staff also managed the exhausting climb up the 264 steps of the spiral staircase to the top of the Arc de Triomphe where they had a more unusual view of the Eternal Flame as well as stunning views of the Champs Elysées and the Eiffel Tower. They completed the Paris leg of the trip with a visit to Notre Dame, the Musée d’Orsay and the Stade de France. Continue reading Tobermory and Tiree High Schools Visit Paris and Ypres

Port Ellen Go Golfing

On Monday afternoon Primary 4 & 5 were lucky enough to have a trip to the Machrie golf course on Islay to practice their golfing skills. Shona Ramsey had spent the term teaching them to putt, chip and hit the ball in the correct way, but it was so much better to get an opportunity to have a shot on a real golf course. The Machrie is in a beautiful setting right by the sea and it was a very calm and peaceful way to spend the afternoon. Some groups practiced putting with Mrs Clark, some chipping with Shona and some got to have a go on the real course with real clubs with Mr Gairns! Continue reading Port Ellen Go Golfing

Oban Pupils Pay Tribute to Local Heros

From the 10th – 15th June 2012, 40 S4 pupils from Oban High School took part in the school’s annual Battlefields Trip.  The pupils visited a variety of sites associated with the First World War including the best preserved trenches on the Western Front at Sanctuary Wood, near Ypres, the famous Thiepval monument at the Somme and on the last night they attended the Menin Gate ceremony and laid a wreath in memory of those who had died during the Great War.

Continue reading Oban Pupils Pay Tribute to Local Heros

Mr Cuddles’ New Home

There is a new arrival to Kilchrenan Primary’s P1 class, much to delight of one particular pupil.

During the Oban Festival of the Sea, the P1/2 class visited the Hutton Institute’s displays on windpower, the Marine Lab’s exhibition on algae and seaweed, and the land of Japan through the story teller. As part of the event, pupils were asked to suggest a name for a very desirable seal & pup soft.
The winner of the competition was Sarah MacIntyre who received her toy, Mr Cuddles, through the post on Thursday. And yes, we realise that it might be Mrs Cuddles!

Building bridges between Luing and Easdale Primary Schools

Easdale and Luing school communities are part of the shared head teacher pilot.
The children in the schools both requested an opportunity to work closer with their peer groups. The nursery children took the lead by taking a day out for a Teddy Bears Picnic in the ancient Hazel woods of Kilbrandon that stretch between the two schools. This was followed up with P4-7 joining forces for 3 days away with Stramash taking part in challenging team building activities, forging friendships for future learning opportunities.
These are the first of many steps to work together, learn together and share the two identities of these island schools. Continue reading Building bridges between Luing and Easdale Primary Schools

Strachur Primary Centenary Celebrations

Strachur Primary is celebrating its centenary this year.
We’ve been learning about the history of the village and enjoyed a walk in the past, suitably dressed in our 1912 outfits, which the Strachur History Society made for us. We also visited Scotland Street Museum. We’re glad we go to school in 2012!
We invited former pupils to share their memories, good and bad, of their days at school and we enjoyed showing them how we learn now. Continue reading Strachur Primary Centenary Celebrations

Robert Mapplethorpe’s Exhibition

The children of Dunoon Primary Seven were treated to a glimpse into Robert Mapplethorpe’s Exhibition in the Burgh Hall.
The ARTISTS ROOMS collection includes flower studies and portraits of many of the most influential artists, writers and musicians of the period.
The children were invited to take their own photographs and sketches. The new I Pad 3 was a popular choice among the children as they enjoyed snapping shots
of each other in various costumes. There was also a face painting session. Super day! Continue reading Robert Mapplethorpe’s Exhibition

Fun in Science and Technology

The P4-6 pupils from Ashfield Primary School experienced two visits to the Lochgilphead Joint Campus.
 Investigations into ‘Materials in our World’ were taken into a real Science Laboratory in the Campus and the children undertook experiments with the guidance of Dr O’Donnell and Mr Rocket. Chemicals were used to make ‘smelly’ mixtures and the highlight was the competition to make the longest nylon string! Continue reading Fun in Science and Technology

Olympic Themed Youth Games in Oban

A spectacle of dance, music and colour, inspired by the Olympic Games was showcased at the opening ceremony of the Argyll and Bute Youth Games in Oban on Thursday 14th June.
A record 598 of our first and second year pupils from Argyll and Bute’s secondary schools staged their own version of the Olympics to welcome in Bank of Scotland National School Sport Week.
A specially composed mass fusion Olympic themed dance was performed at Mossfield Stadium by all of the pupils participating in the games. Continue reading Olympic Themed Youth Games in Oban

Port Ellen Primary – Celebration of Science and Engineering

On Friday 8th June five children from P6/7 – Aileas, Dan, Elinor, Ewan and Jason – went to the Celebration of Science & Engineering at the Science Centre in Glasgow.  They were there to showcase the science and technology we have done in school and science club over the year; the Forces in Motion topic for National Science & Engineering Week; the wave power generator that we designed for the Saltire Award; and Jason’s individual pyropyramid.

Continue reading Port Ellen Primary – Celebration of Science and Engineering


Rosneath Primary School visited the Titan Crane recently. We would highly recommend going. As you can see some of us did not look that keen to be going way up there but we did it! Can you imagine the size of some of those vessels that were lifted? The weather was against us that day – wet, freezing cold and windy – but we soldiered on. The guides were great and we had an interactive World War 2 workshop using the Smart board. This was linked to our Interdisciplinary Study of the Second World War with a particular focus on the Clydebank Blitz. Continue reading UP THE TITAN CRANE, CLYDEBANK


P1&2 have been finding out about dinosaurs and investigating different ways we can discover about the past, including books, the internet and museums. On Thursday Primary 1&2 went for a visit to Port Charlotte where we were met by Mr Reavey who took us to both the Islay Wildlife Centre and the Islay Museum so we could learn all about museums. We saw lots of exciting things like bones, pottery and very old stones and Mr Reavey told us lots of interesting facts. Continue reading Port Ellen Visit: WILDLIFE CENTRE AND MUSEUM