Category Archives: Primary schools


Rosneath Green Flag 2Rosneath Primary School pupils were so happy to “get their hands on” their very first Green Flag after an outstanding assessment report from Paula Love, Lead Assessor. They gathered together on a beautiful, sunny day (of which we don’t have that many!) out in the School grounds to show it off. We hope to have it flying high soon. As Julie Wilson , Education and Learning Manager (Keep Scotland Beautiful) said, “This is an outstanding achievement, congratulations to all.”


Luss – Grow to Sell

Luss PS Grow to SellThe children at Luss went along to Waitrose on Wednesday this week to sell the produce they have grown through the summer for the ”Grow to Sell” Project in conjunction with Waitrose. This was a feature of their work last year which resulted in a 6th Green Flag and a 4th Total Green Award.

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Cowal Rugby Festival

Strone PS Rugby FestThe 2015 Rugby Festival for the Cowal primary schools was held on Thursday 3rd September at Dunoon Grammar School in glorious sunshine. The festival was extremely well attended with over 100 pupils taking part. All the schools had received a block of rugby coaching in the previous year through the partnership between Active Schools, the Rugby Development Officer Brendan McGroarty and Cowal Rugby Club. On the day a number of S6 students did an excellent job by helping to referee the games and coach the young players.
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Kirn P6 go wild at Ardentinny

Kirn PS Ardentinny 1 Sept 15Back to school was even more exciting for Kirn Primary’s P6 pupils this year as they set off for four days of challenges at Ardentinny Outdoor Education Centre.

Children were treated to a programme of gorge walking, which was very challenging and involved walking up waterfalls, canoeing, and lots of team challenges. Strategies had to be invented to move children through a rope course, and teamwork skills were needed to create a crate stack. Continue reading Kirn P6 go wild at Ardentinny

New Trim Trail for St. Joseph’s!

St Josephs TRIM TRAIL 1Monday 07 September was a day of great celebration at St. Joseph’s Primary School in Helensburgh. Thanks to the generosity of ‘Awards for All Scotland’, the school has just installed a brand new trim trail in the senior playground. The total cost of the work to date is slightly in excess of £11,500, £10,000 of which was given by the ‘Awards for All Scotland’ grant.

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Bowmore’s Show-stopping Success!

school 004We are so proud of our Bowmore pupils and their achievements. We know they work hard in school and we also know how hard working and dedicated they are outside school! During the holidays, these children attended our popular Islay, Jura and Colonsay Agricultural Show. Our pupils worked hard and were rewarded with prizes galore! Continue reading Bowmore’s Show-stopping Success!

‘Groundforce Day – Port Charlotte Pre 5’…

Groundforce day Port CharlotteParents, children, staff and members of the local community have been hard at work this weekend developing our Pre 5 outdoor area. There was a great turnout and we are looking forward to day 2! The children and parents have planned the different areas they would like to have, these include a ‘Dig pit’, ‘Magical den’, ‘Story stage’ and ‘Mud kitchen’. Here’s to a great start to outdoor learning!

Strone Primary School News

Strone PS FoodHere at Strone our whole school community is busy planning our new Interdisciplinary Topic for this term around the theme of Food.

With support from Education Scotland’s Food for Thought Funding, we aim to embed in our school community an understanding of food education which permeates all areas of school life, curriculum and home.

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P1 Parents Lunch at St. Joseph’s

St Joes P1 Parents Lunch 1St. Joseph’s got off to a flying start last week with the first event of the session, the P1 Parents’ Lunch. Parents had been informed of the date during Induction Day in May last session in order to secure as many parents as possible could manage along to join their child for lunch…..and it paid off! What a turn out of parents!

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Opening Mass at St Joseph’s

St Joes Mass 1Monday 24 August, 2015 saw the staff, pupils and parents of St Joseph’s Primary gather together in the school hall for the Opening Mass of the session. As ever, the children were responsible and reflective as we gathered not only as a learning but also a faith community in readiness for the school year ahead. Parents turned out in good numbers again to exemplify the excellent support St. Joseph’s has from the parental and parish community. It was a lovely start to the new term!

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Dunoon Primary win UK Kodu Kup 2015!!

DPS Win table kodu 2015Hands up – which Scottish primary school took on 300 schools from all over the UK and won hands down?

Dunoon Primary School, who fought off the cream of game designers from Scotland, England and Wales to bring home the Kodu Kup, Microsoft UK’s computer programming competition- bringing the prize to Scotland for the first time.

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Dunoon Primary wins prizes at Strathclyde University

DPS reallysmallscience verion 3Pupils from Dunoon Primary School were invited to the reallysmallscience on tour celebration event, at the University of Strathclyde, on the 17th of June. Primary 7 pupils, Siobhan Simpson and Leagha Campbell lifted the trophy for the best 3D entry for the ‘science in everyday life’ image competition. P7 pupil, Lucia Westwood-Phillips also received a medal for her drawing entry to the competition.

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Local History Display – Glenbranter Forestry Office July 2015

Sandbank Glenbranter office 1Taisbeanach – Ard na Blathaich
Chuir clas 6/7 o Bhunsgoil Thaigh a’Chladaich crioch air an topaic aca mun eachdraidh ionadail le taisbeanach san oifis Coiltearachd Gleann a’Bhrandaidh o chionn ghoirid.
Sandbank Primary’s GM6/7 ended their topic on local history by setting up an exhibition in the Glenbranter Visitor Centre and Forestry Offices.

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Crofting Connections – the story of wool

Sandbank Crofting Connections  card 12Rinn clas Ghaidhlig 6/7 ealain le cloimhe. B’fheudar dhuinn cìreadh, snìomh agus breabadaireachd a dh’ionnsachadh. Chuir sinn dathan nadarrach air an cloimhe cuideachd.
As part of our local history study and Crofting Connections programme, Sandbank GMU 6/7 worked on their handcraft skills to complete a piece of textile art together. We took the inspiration of a croft as the basis for a wall hanging, seeing as we had researched an abandoned farm settlement near Loch Eck.
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sandbank school trip – Bute

Sandbank woodwatch 1At the end of May, GM6/7 from Sandbank Primary (Bunsgoil Thaigh a’Chladaich) travelled to Mount Stuart on the Isle of Bute to participate in some ancient technology courtesy of Gordon and Jessica at Bute Heritage Woodwatch.
We had a brilliant day in the woods learning about how our ancestors lived throughout history. Sitting inside the Bronze age roundhouse we imagined life long ago and saw how they made hooks, needles, whistles, arrowheads etc from natural materials such as bones and antlers.

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Health Week @ John Logie Baird

JLB Health Week 4 FunkyJohn Logie Baird Primary School children and staff took part in a variety of fun activities, to celebrate Health Week. The children’s activities included a presentation from SSPCA, Tae Kwon Do, Fruit demonstration and tasting by Waitrose, Big Pedal Cycling and Scooter event, the school sports day and nursery sports day, cardio tennis, rugby, mini kickers. Julie Smith of Funky Fitness put both children and staff through their paces with an energetic and fun filled day of fitness on the Friday to end the week in style.

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John Logie Baird Touch Ruby Winners

JLB Rubgy WinnersPrimary 4 children across Helensburgh and Lomond have been taking part in a Touch Rugby training programme through Active Schools this term. All schools entered a competition within this programme to link the number of passes they could do without dropping the ball.

John Logie Baird Primary are delighted to have won this competetion with 25 passes. Here they are being presented with the winner’s cup by Adam from Active Schools.

Success lands at John Logie Baird Primary School and Pre 5 Unit once again.

JLB Green photoFollowing a recent intense assessment from Paula Love, an Eco Schools assessor John Logie Baird successfully secured our Green Flag. Our amazing Mrs McArthur, Primary 6 class teacher and our Eco group worked tirelessly to showcase all that John Logie Baird was doing to recycle, reuse, manage waste and pick up litter. Paula commented on what a warm welcome she received and paid tribute to our whole school’s inclusive approach…. And what’s more, our nine newly erected raised beds will help us to gain our next green flag in the near future.

Beauty and the Beast

RAC RPS Beauty and the beast 2Rothesay Primary and Academy came together in a fantastic production of Beauty and the Beast. Rehearsals began early this year. With performances on 16th 17th and 18th of June. Pupils and staff planned , prepared and performed together under the directorship of Primary teacher Julie Henry. Thanks go to all who helped, Art and Technical departments among many more.

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