Category Archives: Topics

St. Joseph’s success at Local Competition!

St Josephs Toyota 1Friday 15 January was a special day for two pupils at St. Joseph’s Primary. Both Cameron and Ellisia came 3rd and 2nd respectively in the under 8’s section of the local Toyota Dream Car competition. Both children’s parent attended along with their Head Teacher. It was a proud moment for all the adults as Cameron and Ellisia collected their prize. Who knows?….one of the children’s creations might one day grace the future showroom of Toyota yet!!!!

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DGS Debates on Trident

DGS Trident debate picture2On Friday the 18th December, the pupils of Dunoon Grammar School took part in a whole school debate on ‘should the UK government renew Trident?’ This was the culmination of three weeks of preparation, research and speech writing for everyone involved.

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Royal Navy Sea King Helicopters bid farewell to Colgrain Primary

Colgrain Sea King 1Two Royal Navy Sea King Helicopters set off on their farewell tour of Scotland. One of the helicopter pilots requested a fly-past over the school and staff and pupils were excited and happy to be part of this historical event.

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Happy,Healthy Me workshop at Castlehill

Castlehill health 1Primary 1 and 1/2 invited their preschool friends over to join them in their Happy,healthy me workshop. The children are learning to make healthy choices and were involved in a range of activities including ; making fruit salad, golf and football taster sessions. Catherine McTaggart the school nurse spoke to the children about healthy eating too. What a good start to the new year !

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When Sasha Got Swept Up the Chimney

Salen PS Christmas 4 Version 2Salen Primary School held a Half and Half Draw after a stunning Christmas Production performance by the whole school and raised £352 towards school funds. Everyone had a superb night and enjoyed the high quality of acting, singing and dancing. Well done!

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A letter from Professor Stephen Hawking to Caleb at Kirn

Kirn S Hawking letter to CalebOne of Kirn Primary’s P7 pupils, Caleb McLeod, received a very surprising letter sent by no less than Professor Stephen Hawking himself! Professor Hawking was replying to a letter Caleb wrote at the end of last session to Professor Hawking as part of a P6 letter writing project.

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Bowmore Primary’s Heavenly Nativity!

Bowmore Christmas NativityOur Round Church in Bowmore was buzzing on the evening of the 21st of December. Not only downstairs was full, but the upper seats were being taken as well! Our Nativity and Carols by Candlelight Service was being presented there this year. It seemed extra special and very fitting to hold our nativity in the Round Church. It was lovely to be greeted by our school flautists – they had very nicely set the tone for the evening and again played as we left after the service along with other members of the Primary Wind Band.
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Oh No They Didn’t, Oh Yes They Did!

St Muns Panto 1With the Christmas holidays almost upon us, the children of St. Mun’s were joined by Strone, Innellan and Toward Primaries and really got into the festive spirit when they were treated to The Rainbow Theatre Group’s pantomime production, ‘Sleeping Beauty’.

The traditional fairy tale was retold by the wonderful cast, who had their entire audience, laughing, booing and singing popular ‘chart’ hits from beginning to end.

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Castlehill Fairytale Land Nativity

Castlehill Nativity Picture 2015Little Red Riding Hood called on her friends from Fairytale Land to put on a Nativity Show. She played the part of Mary, Goldilocks was Gabriel, the Three Little Pigs were the wise men and the innkeeper was the big bad wolf! Castlehill’s Primary one and two children dressed as characters from Fairytale Land and entertained a packed hall with this amusing Christmas musical.

Road Safety Calendar Success at Rothesay Primary

Rothesay Road Safety CalendarAt Rothesay Primary we all love to take part in the Road Safety Calendar Competition. We know that there are lots of entries from across Argyll and Bute and are always very proud when our pupils get a Highly Commended or even win a prize! This year was no exception with 11 pupils receiving Highly Commended, two fourth, three second and one first prize! Congratulations to everyone that took part.

The Christmas show Presented By Southend Primary

Southend Picture 1On Thursday the 10th of December Southend Primary and ELCC unit put on a play called ‘What a Star’ and ‘Christmas Is Forever’. ‘What A Star’ featured a small star called Leo who was bullied and laughed at because of his size, but God sent an angel who told Leo to be the star that shone above the stable where Jesus was lying in a manger full of hay. This resulted in Leo becoming the most special star of all time.

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