Ardrishaig Primary are Millennium Cup Champions!

Ardrishaig Football 1 2015-06-18 ArdrishaigArdrishaig Primary School Football Club travelled all the way to Campbeltown to compete in the Millennium Cup this week and they were delighted to come home as champions. The team included children from P4-7, captained by Robbie in P7. They remained unbeaten throughout the night with 4 wins and 1 draw. Each player received a medal and the school will hold onto the cup for this year.

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Park P3 Visit OHS Home Econonmics Dept!

Park PS OHS Home Economics 1On Friday 19th June Park Primary 3 visited the Oban High School Home Economics department as part of our interdisciplinary learning project on Food Journeys. While there we made our own individual pizzas using ingredients sourced from different countries around the world and then measured which pizza had ‘travelled’ the furthest! The entire visit was extremely well organised and the children found it a very enjoyable and valuable experience. They also enjoyed eating their pizzas!

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Learning Centre @ Rockfield: We are going mad for DUCKS!

Rockfield PS LC Duck 1We have waited a very long 28 days for our duck eggs to hatch. Now they are finally here; and we think they are adorable! We have had so many pupils and staff members come to visit us and our ducklings. This term we have learnt about life cycles by hatching our ducklings and growing wonderful vegetables. It has been a fun term!

Continue reading Learning Centre @ Rockfield: We are going mad for DUCKS!

Celebrating Success at The Sunshine Room

Parklands School Celebrting SuccessParents were invited to The Sunshine Room Nurture Group at Parklands School to celebrate achievements made through the term. Parents looked through pupils’ “My Book of Success” before enjoying a DVD showing the childrens hard work through the term. Darren Sibbald and Dylan Jackson were also presented with certificates for their achievement in completing their time at The Sunshine Room.

DGS Grangemouth Success

DGS Grangemouth SuccessOn the 3rd of June 2015 some pupils from Dunoon Grammar School took part in Scottish Disability Sports National Junior Athletics tournament in Grangemouth. Competitors from all over the country gather to race against each other. This is the fifth time that DGS pupils have participated.
Each competitor had three events which included 60m, 100m, shot putt, standing long jump and running long jump. The day was bright, windy and cold and perfect for competing. Continue reading DGS Grangemouth Success


Rosneath Primary School are ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED to share their latest success with everybody. Today, Monday 15th June, will stick in our minds for a long time to come because today is the day we earned our very first Eco Green Flag.

Children and adults alike were soooooooooooooooo excited when Paula Love (Assessor) came to school at 10.30. Two hours later, we were all celebrating!

We are hoping to receive our Flag before the end of Term so photos will follow!

Tesco Bank Summer Reading Challenge Scotland

Tesco Bank & R-Breakers logoThis year the Summer Reading Challenge has teamed up with Guinness World Records to establish a “Record Breakers” themed Challenge. Aimed and 4-11 year olds, Record Breakers brings together fact and fiction, challenging young readers to explore astonishing real-life achievements and world records. Children are encouraged to read six or more library books of their choice during the summer holidays with collectable incentives and rewards. Children can sign up at their local library at the start of the summer holidays– it’s absolutely free – and pre-schoolers can take part in the mini-Challenge. Continue reading Tesco Bank Summer Reading Challenge Scotland

Roots of Empathy

Rosneath Roots of Empathy 1This session, 21 pupils from Primary 2/3 have been involved in an exciting new initiative called Roots of Empathy. Throughout the year there have been weekly visits from the instructor Jane McLean, School Nurse and every two weeks a visit from a mother and baby, Kathy and Hamish.
Roots of Empathy is an innovative program teaching pupils valuable lessons while fostering a more nurturing and caring environment in the classroom.
Continue reading Roots of Empathy

Pencil Cases for Nepal

Taynuilt nepal pencil casesJenna (P3), Aaron (P1) and Owen (Nursery)’s Uncle Matt was in Nepal during the recent Earthquake. He has been back in the UK speaking and fundraising to help the people of Nepal rebuild their country and he asked Taynuilt Primary to help the children of a school similar size to ours. Many schools were destroyed by the quake and everything was lost. They are trying to restart the schools but have no equipment at all.

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Cardross Primary 7 in the Spotlight!

Cardross Oscar 4On Thursday the 4th of June we had our Oscar Night at the Roslea Hall Hotel in Rhu. This was to celebrate the success of our Homunculi Movies which we made in our class with the help of our teacher Miss Travers. We worked with the psychologists Dr Greig and Amy to find out more about what to do if you are worried about something. Homunculi are tiny people inside your head who help you to function, solve problems and help you with your worries.

Continue reading Cardross Primary 7 in the Spotlight!

P5 Wonka Factory Opens at Dunoon Primary School

DPS Wonka 1A few weeks ago the Primary 5s at Dunoon Primary School released 20 Golden Tickets into the community. The winners of these lucky tickets were invited to the Factory Opening on Thursday 4th June. At 2pm, the Primary 5s, dressed as characters from the novel “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” greeted the crowds of people and took them on a special tour.

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Kirn P3 visit Western Ferries

Kirn PS wester ferries 1As part of their Seaside topic, P3 visited Western Ferries to learn about how these big boats work, and visited the beach.

Lots of us have been on Western Ferries to go ‘across the water’, but we don’t normally see the huge engines and all the machinery in the engine room at the bottom of the boat, or the control room where the captain sits right up at the top! We also saw how someone would be rescued if they fell overboard. Continue reading Kirn P3 visit Western Ferries

The Sunshine Room Reunion

Parklands ReunionThe Sunshine Room Nurture Group at Parklands School held a special reunion for all the pupils past and present to celebrate receiving The Marjorie Boxall Quality Mark Award from the Nurture Group Network. The reunion allowed Adele and Fiona, the nurture group staff to find out how the pupils have been getting on since completing their time at Parklands. There was also time for fun and games and also a special healthy picnic.

Kirn’s ELCC Head Outdoors

Kirn ELCC 1Over the past three weeks, we have been meeting each Friday morning at Scabby Knowe, near to Kirn School for Outdoor Learning with some of our parents and also some of the Childcare students from Dunoon Grammar School. Each week we planned what we would do when we arrived next time.

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St. Joseph’s STEM Engineers!

St Josephs S.T.E.M 002Engineering was big on the agenda at St. Joseph’s this year with Mrs McLean leading developments in Technologies throughout the school. The children loved the creative aspect of engineering and were enthralled by the visits of many parents who are engineers giving presentations to the children about their jobs. Mrs McLean then took on the challenge of affording every pupil in the school the opportunity to apply for the STEM leadership award.

Continue reading St. Joseph’s STEM Engineers!

Lighthouse Day at Dalintober Primary School

Dalintober PS  LighthousePrimary 1 and Primary 2/1 have been reading ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. They had to make a model lighthouse and gather their own materials – Pringle tube, stones and driftwood. They spent an afternoon making beautiful lighthouses. Zena Coffield, Trust Manager of South Kintyre Development Trust kindly judged the lighthouses. There were eight winners and they each received a ‘Lighthouse Keeper’ story book. The winning lighthouses are on display in Zena’s shop window.

Tesco Football Fanatics!

RPS Tesco FootballThe pupils in Primary 1, 2 and 3 at Rothesay Primary are football fanatics after six weeks of training and skills development through the SFA and the Tesco Bank Football Challenge. Martin Rae was very pleased with how the boys and girls worked across the sessions and the support he had from all the staff. Rothesay Primary thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience and would like to thank Martin for organising a local Festival of Football for us as a finale to the whole experience. Six lucky players also had their footballing dreams come true when they got surprise tickets to the Scottish Cup Final!