The Pied Piper at Lochgoilhead

lochgoilhead-ps-piper-1The audience were wowed when the children of Lochgoilhead Primary School performed the play ‘The Pied Piper’ on 21st December, 2016. After the show there were mince pies and tea/coffee or juice. We also sold some Christmas crafts we had made. A total of £183 was raised for school funds. Both children and adults put in an enormous amount of work into it. The Pied Piper was a big success.
By Anna McCulloch, P6.

Sharing Good Practice event

Sharing Good Practice event – Taking Citizen Science Outdoors to support your Teaching and Learning
Battleby Conference centre, Perth, Thursday 16th March 2017

Please click on the link below to access information and a booking form for the forthcoming free event which is for teachers, teacher trainers and trainee teachers, decision-makers and influencers involved in learning and the environment, professionals involved in outdoor learning and in learning for sustainability, academics and anyone working with young people in the outdoors. For flyer and booking form please click: HERE
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Digital Learning Strategy Consultation

Argyll and Bute Councils Digital Learning team have produced a draft Digital Learning Strategy which we would like to receive feedback on.

The Scottish Government launched a Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy in September 2016. The vision is that Scotland’s educators, learners and parents take full advantage of the opportunities offered by digital technology in order to raise attainment, ambition and opportunities for all and that conditions are created to realise this vision and unlock the potential of digital technology in schools. The number of key curriculum developments within digital learning require teachers and learners to be confident and competent in the use of technology. Argyll and Bute establishments, staff and pupils must be ready to embrace the changes that will inevitably take place.

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Strachur Christmas Concert and Party

strachur-christmas-week-8-2016The last week of term was a very busy one with our Christmas concert and Christmas party. The concert was compered by ‘Jack and Victor’ and included singing, instruments and plenty of festive frolics! All pupils helped bake mince pies for our visitors.

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Nativity at Strachur Primary and Pre-5

strachur-nativity-6-2016We are very proud of our children who took part in the nativity plays in December. We had a Pre-5 nativity and a P1-4 nativity this year. Everyone was very excited and the singing was brilliant. Some children had lines to say and they did very well. The narrators kept the story moving along and everyone enjoyed wearing their costumes and using their props. Thank you to Reverend McCulloch for having us at the church and to Sheena Dowse for filming.

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Road Safety Calendar Competition winner announced

lochnell-road-safety-competition-tara-heritage-crabb-2017-winnerThe whole of Lochnell Primary School were in attendance for an award presentation on Tuesday of this week when Tara Heritage-Crabb was announced as the winner of the 2017 Road Safety Calendar Competition. Tara, a P5 pupil, was very surprised but thrilled to be this year’s winner. Her brightly coloured picture, bearing the message ‘Wait till the red goes green’ was selected as the header for the 2017 calendar. Judging was again incredibly difficult for the Road Safety Unit who received 1,673 entries from 43 of our schools.
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Strone Primary School Christmas Show

strone-christmas-panto-1-dec-2016Pupils from Strone Primary School performed their Christmas Show ‘ Away with the Manger’ to a full house of parents, families and friends from the local community on Wednesday 14th December.
A nativity tale with a comic twist, ‘Away with the Manger’ gave the children a chance to show off their acting and singing talent, with some great comedy moments, which had the audience crying with laughter.

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Taynuilt Primary School Charles Rennie Mackintosh

taynuilt-charles-rennie-mackiintosh-project-dec-2016Taynuilt Primary 6 and 7 enjoyed a visit from Mr Bruce Jamieson of Greenspace. He came to discuss our recent project on Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Ms Burger hosted the event with a question and answer session followed by presentations by the children in pairs to Mr Jamieson. The children learned about the current renovation of a Mackintosh property in Helensburgh and were so interested in the project they have formed a School Trip Focus Group to plan and organise a visit to Helensburgh to both the new project and the Hill House. Watch this space…

Kirn’s Christmas of Kindness

kirn-christmas-kindnessKirn Primary School have been in a whirl of activity lately, celebrating Christmas with our community. Our annual Community Tea with Christmas Concert for elderly members of our community was a great success. All our guests enjoyed their tea, scones and mince pies, served up by Primary 6 children while watching each class perform a beautiful Christmas song.

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Kirn P3-2 visit Benmore Cafe : Food for Thought

kirn-benmore-cafe-1As part of our Food for Thought topic Primary 4/3 from Kirn Primary visited Benmore Cafe with Miss Campbell. We were allowed to go behind the counter and into the kitchens to see where all the delicious food is prepared. Then we sat in the cafe, looked at the menus and had our lunch. The lovely people at the Cafe gave us some tasters to experiment with different flavours.

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Kirn Primary Brightens Up their Building Site

kirn-new-school-drawing-1Children from Kirn Primary School were invited to imagine their ideal new school playground and create a drawing to illustrate it. The best designs were chosen by the building contractor Morrisons, enlarged and are now on display on the hoardings around the building site for the new Kirn Primary School.

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Clachan Primary Present; Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat

clachan-joseph-and-his-amazing-technicoloured-dreamcoat-1On Monday the 19th of December, Clachan Primary School presented a fabulous performance of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. The children all sang beautifully, certainly a show to remember! The well-known tunes by Andrew Lloyd Webber were enjoyed by everyone. It was lovely to see such a great turnout. The audience joined us for tea and our homemade mince pies after the show. Everyone went home singing their favourite tunes!

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Dalintober PS Pupil Council’s ‘Tasty Tuck’ Promotion

dalintober-liam-tasty-tuck-salDalintober PS Pupil Council’s ‘Tasty Tuck’ ‘Tasty Tuck Team’ Hit Dalintober PS
This month, the ‘Tasty Tuck Team’, aka Dalintober Primary’s Pupil Council members, launched their annual initiative to encourage pupils to bring in healthy snacks for playtimes. They sold some tasty morsels – fruit, pitta breads and crackers – as suggestions and these ‘tasters’ went down a treat with their fellow pupils. Following the current project’s run; they hope that parents and pupils will continue to promote the healthy eating message. The ‘Tasty Tuck Team’ would like to thank Miss Flaws, Miss McCallum, Mr Strang and the staff of Tesco Campbeltown for their help.

Dalintober PS and ELC ‘Citizenship’ Moderation Week

dalintober-p1-cit-weekDalintober PS and ELC pupils, teachers and partners recently planned, moderated and evaluated a Citizenship Week across the whole school. The focus was on rights and responsibilities, questioning, fact & opinion and bias & persuasion, ranging from local to global issues and priorities.

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‘Twelve days of Christmas’ to Malawi

rhu-puppet-co-malawiThe P5 Pupils of Rhu Primary brought the ‘Twelve days of Christmas’ to Malawi.
Through their script writing, puppet making and puppet show performances they raised over £500 for the Nora Docherty School. At the end of term service the school will perform the song the Twelve days of Christmas with new words telling of the equipment sent. Happy Christmas Malawi!

Magic Castle Celebrations at Rhu Primary

rhu-magic-castle-1-parentThe P4 children at Rhu Primary recently celebrated their hard work for ‘The Magic Castle topic’ with friends and family. The pupils held an open afternoon where they gave visitors a guided tour of the ‘Great Hall’. Wall displays included Suits of Armour, Castle Maps, Fantasy Broomsticks, Owl collages, Secret Panels and even a Magic Spell Recipe book! The children also demonstrated how to build a catapult using lolly sticks and elastic bands!

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World War Two Tea Dance at Rhu Primary School

rhu-ww1-tea-danceTo mark the end of their World War 1 and 2 studies Primary 7 pupils celebrated in style with a 1945 inspired Tea Dance. As well as baking delicious ‘Anzac’ biscuits the pupils delved into their ration books and had sufficient coupons to make ‘carrot cookies’. Throughout the term the children have been learning how to jive and completed the day by sharing their newly acquired dance skills with their parents.

Scottish Food Tasting at Rhu Primary

rhu-food-tasting-1Primary 1 & 2 pupils along with their teachers, enjoyed an afternoon of Scottish food tasting. They learned about the history of the dishes before trying them and discussed what they liked or disliked. The menu was: a piece and jam, haggis and an oatcake, followed by a piece of shortbread.

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