P4/5 Football Tournment

On Friday 10th March Strachur Primary participated in a football tournament organised by Active Schools, at Strachurmore Pitch. Primary 4 and 5 pupils took part from 10am until 2pm and played really well. All the small schools from the Cowal area were invited and Strachur came second, Tighnabruaich Primary won the tournament.

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Kilchrenan Primary School Spring Festival

Friday 24th March and Saturday 25th March 10.30am until 2.30pm

Please do come in and join us at Kilchrenan Village Hall

• Art Exhibition
• Craft Sale
• Refreshments
• Music
• Table Top Games
• Face painting for Red Nose Day

PLUS: Grand Easter Raffle
Tickets… Continue reading Kilchrenan Primary School Spring Festival

Nano Science Comes to Dunoon Primary

This week as part of British Science Week, Dr Joy Leckie and her team, came from Strathclyde University to Dunoon Primary School to introduce the P1-4s to Nano Science. The Primary 1 and 2 classes were involved in making nanojelly. Primary 3 and 4s learned about polymers, lacing beads to make a bracelet and had the experience of mixing ingredients to make a nanopolymer bouncy ball. It was a messy job, but thoroughly enjoyable! We are so lucky to have this fantastic team at our school, well done!

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JLB 2017 Burns Competition Winners

John Logie Baird Primary are delighted with their recent success in the Helensburgh District Burns Club competition held in Hermitage Academy last week. Children from primaries 5, 6 and 7 took part in the poetry and song recital categories. Eilidh Jakeman in Primary 5 won third place in the P4 and 5 poetry recital category, whilst Eden Sanderson won first place in the P6 and 7 song category. Her acapella rendition of Auld Lang Syne to the original melody impressed the judges and also won her title of over all 2017 competition winner.

WORLD BOOK DAY- Bedtime Story Day

St Andrew’s Primary School marked World Book Day 2017 by having a Bedtime Story Day. The school’s Pupil Council organised the day that included the pupils (and staff) wearing pyjamas! The pupils were busy with lots of different literacy based activities including shared reading, where pupils from older classes read bedtime stories to younger children and younger children showcased their reading skills for their older peers. Pupils also had the chance to buy a new book at the book fair organised for the day.

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Kirn’s P6 Digital Leaders click with Cowal Elderly Befrienders

The Digital Leaders from Kirn’s Primary 6 spent a morning being teachers for members of our community who felt they wanted to come back to school and find out more about the online world.

Using the school iPads P6 pupils began with the basics – turning the iPads on and and finding out what an app is. Then they were off! Soon holidays were being browsed and online shopping was being investigated.

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Junior Heart Start Training at Minard Primary

Last week the pupils at Minard and Furnace Primary Schools learned skills for life when they undertook Junior Heart Start training with local specialist Andy Craven. Andy taught all of our pupils the ‘ABC’ of saving lives.
A – how to assess the situation if someone appears to be a casualty, to check for danger and ‘shake and shout’.
B – how to check for breathing, tilting the casualty’s head, lifting their chin, looking, listening and feeling for breath.

Continue reading Junior Heart Start Training at Minard Primary

STEM Focus at Dalintober PS & ELC

STEM has been a learning focus for pupils of Dalintober PS & ELC. Lots of activities and investigations took place with input from local STEM Ambassador, Joanna Holbrook, and various other partners. Pupils learned about, amongst other things, life cycles and how they can be recorded, drones and coding, buildings and structures and DNA. The focus ended with a whole ELC/school ‘Sharing Our Learning’ assembly.

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John Logie Baird Primary School – STEM Collaboration

The children from John Logie Baird Primary 1 and nursery have been demonstrating their skills for life while working collaboratively on STEM experiences as part of their Early Level Class.

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Science & Technology in Kirn’s P6

Kirn’s P6 have been immersing themselves in the world of science and technology. We have been learning about the science of electricity in class using BBC Science and enjoying a fantastic science and technology workshop with STEM ambassador Kirsty Jackson-Stark. Kirsty brought an amazing array of equipment to measure and observe how electrons behave, how electricity can be created and measured, and what it can be used for. All the children enjoyed a really interactive and experimental hands-on day.

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Kirn Primary Score at Football Tournament!

Kirn Primary’s A Team were delighted to be announced the winners of the 2017 inter school P4-P5 Football Tournament. The weather was kind, and teams from Dunoon Primary, Sandbank Primary, St. Mun’s and Kirn all battled it out on the astro turf pitches at Dunoon Grammar School. With some close matches against tough opposition, Kirn A Team won through, with the B team on-the-ball to take second place and the C Team still in the running in overall 5th.

Continue reading Kirn Primary Score at Football Tournament!

Fourth Green Flag for Dalintober Primary

Dalintober Primary School are delighted to have been awarded a fourth Green Flag from Keep Scotland Beautiful as part of the Eco School programme of study.
Our photograph shows the Eco Committee displaying the Green Flag in our school grounds.
Our next steps include creating a new Action Plan, organising a Green Day and investigating new ways to explore the Eco principles within our curriculum.

Bella Beatson visits Strachur Primary School

On Friday 24th February we had a very special visitor at Strachur Primary School – the mascot for the Beatson Hospital in Glasgow, Bella Beatson. The children were very excited and some came to school dressed in black and yellow to match Bella! Bella’s escort, Amy, told the children about the work the Beatson does and how people with cancer can be looked after there. We put our donations in Bella’s collection can and raised £121.30 for the charity.

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World Book Day at Strachur Primary

On Friday 3rd of March Strachur Primary School celebrated World Book Day. The children (and staff!) dressed up as characters from books and everyone brought in their favourite book to share with their class. In the afternoon we paired up and read to one another. We had fun talking about books and reading new ones. All children received a voucher for a free WBD book or £1 off a book of their choice. What a fun day!

Continue reading World Book Day at Strachur Primary

Sport Scotland Award for Strachur Primary

Last week we were very excited to receive a bronze award from Sports Scotland for our physical activity both during class and outwith class time. The award was presented to our oldest pupil, Tara, and youngest pupil, Leonie, by Councillor Alex McNaughton. Also pictured is Active School Co-ordinator for Cowal, Ruairidh McGregor.

Next year we are hoping for silver!

Thank you Sports Scotland 🙂

World Book Day 2017 with Furnace & Minard PS

This year the pupils of Minard and Furnace came together to celebrate World Book Day with an afternoon of reading related activities including a second hand book sale, shared reading activities. We were fortunate that local story teller Margaret Renton also came along to read to our pupils and share her enthusiasm for literacy. Parents and carers came along for a cup of tea and our toddler group took part in the reading activities with glee.

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