Kilcreggan Primary School held its Sports Day this afternoon. The weather stayed fine and spirits were high. Parents and friends had a great afternoon with parents taking part in a race at the end of the day. The pupils were arranged into teams and progressed around a number of activities with points added up as they went along. The final two races were a relay and an obstacle course.


Oban High Pupils Rock Sell Out Crowds!

Last week, a cast of over 40 pupils from Oban High School wowed audiences at the Corran Halls for four nights with their production of We Will Rock You. The musical, written by Queen and Ben Elton celebrates the hits of the eponymous rock band through a futuristic comedy tale.
Following their sell-out success two years ago with Little Shop of Horrors, the school were determined to raise the bar by attempting one of the biggest shows available. Continue reading Oban High Pupils Rock Sell Out Crowds!

St Joseph’s Scoops the Double!

Two pupils from St Joseph’s Primary School in Helensburgh won both available prizes from the primary section of the Helensburgh Garelochside’s Rotary Club ‘Helensburgh Young Photographer 2013’ competition recently. All children who took part in the competition were invited to the Rosslea Hotel on the evening of Monday 10 June where the winners were announced. A number of the St Joseph’s children and their parents attended and were delighted to see Charlotte O’Hara of P6 take the runner-up prize with Hannah Thomson of P7 lifting the winning plaque. Both girls and their parents were delighted!
Continue reading St Joseph’s Scoops the Double!

News from Lochgilphead Joint Campus

P7 Induction Days
The P7s from all our Primaries were in High School for 4 days, gettiing to know new friends and experiencing different High School subjects. The theme this year was ‘The Commonwealth’ – pupils started work on this in Primaries. S6 Mentors were a great help throughout the week. Well done all P7s and hope you are looking forward to August!

Continue reading News from Lochgilphead Joint Campus

Malawian Rice Farmers visit Barcaldine Primary

Barcaldine Primary School children were full of questions for the two Malawian Rice Farmers when they visited the area recently. These farmers are here to promote Kilombero rice to become a Fairtrade product.

Barcaldine Primary have recently started working towards becoming a Fairtrade School and this easily tied in with our learning on how to achieve that.

Snapberry Project

Lochgilphead High School have had two exciting developments for their Snapberry project in recent weeks.

Kilmartin House Museum has asked to display and sell a selection of the students’ images from the last five years. The photos are on display at the Museum and monies raised will help the students support the work of Lochgilphead’s ARMS centre. Continue reading Snapberry Project

Springwatch at small Isles

We now have seven very lively chicks who are preening and stretching their wings and legs ready to fly. Mum and Dad are still feeding everyone, but not as often – perhaps they are hoping to encourage the chicks to head off into the big, wide world. We hope that they fledge when we are all in school so we can watch them!

Continue reading Springwatch at small Isles

The Argyll & Bute Assessment Forum

The Argyll & Bute Assessment Forum has been set up this term to help drive forward the assessment agenda in Argyll & Bute. It has a cross-sectoral membership and schools throughout Argyll & Bute are represented. The aim of the forum is to draw together assessment guidance to assist all schools and to seek out and share good practice. To help the forum achieve this, a very short survey has been designed to give all teachers the opportunity to share their views and good practice on assessment.
Many teachers have already responded but the forum would like to hear from as many teachers as possible. Please click HERE to take part in the survey. It will only take you a few minutes.

Campus Eco Schools Success

The Lochgilphead Joint Campus Eco Schools Committee have joined the Royal Horticultural Society’s (RHS) Campaign for School Gardening and are reaping the benefits by reaching Level 3 of the organisations Benchmarking Scheme. This was achieved by providing evidence of pupil’s class work, putting a holiday maintenance scheme in place for the campus garden, growing a range of plants (see table by clicking HERE)  adopting sustainable gardening practices, using appropriate signs and labels for seedlings & plants in the campus garden and finally showing the pupils in action using all of their gardening skills. Continue reading Campus Eco Schools Success

Port Charlotte learn about the Lords of the Isles

On Thursday the 16th of May Port Charlotte School went on an excellent trip to Finlaggan and Dunyveg. P5/6/7 went with Mr Mackie, Mrs MacTaggart, Mrs McLellan and Mrs Coughlin. We went because our topic is the Lords of the Isles and we wanted to know more about them.
We found out that the Lords of the Isles were only MacDonalds, they could not be MacLeans. Women couldn’t be Lords of the Isles either in those days. They ruled right down the west coast.

Continue reading Port Charlotte learn about the Lords of the Isles

Southend and Saint Columba

Pupils in P4-7 have been learning about Southend’s connection with Saint Columba as part of local celebrations to mark 1450 years since the saint landed in Scotland from Ireland. With local amateur historians they visited the site of the Saint’s footsteps. The choir performed a Gaelic song at the annual Saint Columba Conventicle also held at the footsteps.

Continue reading Southend and Saint Columba

Craignish Primary clay dig

Originally inspired by African mud dolls sent to us by Olngarua School in Kenya, Miss Brown and the Primary 1-4 pupils from Craignish Primary have been involved in an exciting clay dig project this term. The aim of this project was to enable the children to make direct comparisons between our culture and those of children living in Africa. We had an amazing time on our ‘clay day’ where we got to dig local clay, listen to African stories inside a tipi, create woven willow balls and create patterned clay tiles by pressing natural materials into them.

Continue reading Craignish Primary clay dig

Barcaldine’s Big Pedal 2013

Barcaldine Primary School came 1st in Scotland in this year’s Big Pedal 2013.

Big Pedal is a virtual cycle that follows a different Sustrans route across the 15 days of the competition. The giant inter-school cycling competition ran from the 28th February until 20th March this year and Barcaldine Primary School came 1st in Scotland and 2nd overall in Britain in the Small Schools category.

Continue reading Barcaldine’s Big Pedal 2013

Argyll and Bute 3-12 Learning and Teaching Features

Members of the Quality Improvement Team recently made presentations to Councillors at the four Local Area Committees. They spoke about 3-12 teaching and learning in our schools, backed up by a report featuring news from each primary in their area. You can download the reports below and enjoy the examples of CfE, community involvement, eco-learning, partnership working etc. Continue reading Argyll and Bute 3-12 Learning and Teaching Features

Campbeltown Grammar School helps celebrate the Picture House Centenary

To celebrate the centenary of the Picture House in Campbeltown, Home Economics pupils in S1 and S2, studied the history of the Picture House in Campbeltown, using the internet and “The Wee Pictures” website.
Pupils found it fascinating to see the huge changes which have been made over the years, taking into account the changes in society and the impact of technology.
Following their investigations, everyone got their “designer hats” on to come up with ideas for a celebration cake for the event.
Continue reading Campbeltown Grammar School helps celebrate the Picture House Centenary

Cardross Primary Green Day

The Cardross Primary Green Day took place last week. The event was planned by our Eco teacher Mrs Girling to incorporate the whole school focus this term on the Rainforest. The pupils were taking part in rainforest and eco themed activities all day. Some of the highlights were; Amazon Micro-Parks, Rainforest Story Sticks and Smelly Cocktails.

Continue reading Cardross Primary Green Day