Christmas Spirit at St. Joseph’s

St Josephs Fooodbank 1The children and parents of St. Joseph’s were recently asked to donate luxury food items to school during the season of advent to assist those in need in the community. As a tradition St Joseph’s has always made food bags and given them to the senior citizens in the area. However, this year we decided to spread the Christmas cheer even further. We were overwhelmed by the generosity of parents and pupils and were not only able to give food bags to the senior citizens but also made healthy donations of food to the Food bank in Helensburgh. Continue reading Christmas Spirit at St. Joseph’s

Dunoon Primary Pop-up Shop Success

DPS Pop up shop 1On Thursday, 3rd December, P6/5 and P7/6 opened their 60s themed pop-up shop in the Function Suite at “The Braes”. The shop was very busy all day and by lunchtime the children had to start taking orders for vinyl clocks as they had run out of stock! One pupil had a great idea to have a raffle with the prize being a hamper filled with 60s goodies, including a Beatles album. The children made a fantastic profit of over £700 which will be put towards resources for the classes and hopefully a trip to “Scotland Street Museum” in the New Year for a lesson in a 60s classroom.
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The Button Box

Kilcreggan Concert 2Pupils at Kilcreggan Primary recently entertained Parents and friends with a production of “The Button Box”. This fun musical is based around a story about two children staying with their grandparents who become bored on a rainy day. They knock Grandma’s button box over spilling an array of buttons onto the floor. They ask Grandma to tell them where all the buttons came from and the story behind each button is revealed in a song.

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Interdisciplinary Learning at Rockfield Primary School

Rockfield PS pirates 1Over the last term the children of Rockfield Primary have been learning a great deal through their interdisciplinary topics based on our overarching theme of “Adventure, Exploration and Innovation” Children in the early level have been learning about Pirates,

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Scottish Book Week at Dalintober PS and ELCC

Dalintober P7 SBW 4Pupils in Dalintober PS and ELCC recognised and celebrated Scottish Book Week through a whole-school project which culminated in a ‘Sharing Our Learning’ assembly. Activities included reading and voting on the finalised books for the book awards, ‘Dress as your favourite book character’, reading and creating Scots’ texts and researching the history of Scots’ language and the meanings of key words and phrases.

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North Bute Competition Entrants 2Ralph Anderson and Gordon Garmin from the Rotary Club of Rothesay visited North Bute Primary School on Tuesday afternoon to present awards for the Rotary Club’s Young Photographer of the Year competition.


St. Andrew’s Ceilidh

Easdale Primary School Orchestra playing at St. Andrews CeilidhOn Monday 30th November Easdale Primary School celebrated St Andrew’s Day with a Community Ceilidh in Seil Community Hall. Our Strings Orchestra led by Miss Hazel Clark played a selection of tunes. All the children sang some Scottish songs and led the Scottish dancing.

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Our Visit to Winston Churchill’s by P5 pupil Brooklyn

Strone visit to Winston Churchill's 1On Thursday the 26th November, Strone Primary School went to Winston Churchill’s to talk to them about venison and all the things that you can make from venison. We wanted to visit because we wanted to find local produce that we could use for our evening meal that we are cooking in The Pier Hotel in Kilmun in the New Year.
We had decided upon venison sausages and wanted to see how they are made and where they come from.

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Donation to Raven Trust

Strachur Donation to Raven TrustStrachur Primary P6-7 have donated proceeds from selling a school newspaper to a local charity that supports communities in Malawi. They also sold second hand school uniforms, making their total donation up to £70. The money will be used to purchase jotters and pens for school children across Malawi. Mr Challis from the Raven Trust was very thankful for the donation and promised to come back with photographs from his trip next year. Annie and Tommi (house captains) are pictured presenting the cheque to Mr Challis.

Disgusting Digestion at Strachur Primary

Strachur Science Centre visit 2The Glasgow Science Centre visited our school this morning with lots of fun equipment to teach us about the journey food makes through our body! We watched clips, played games, did experiments and learned lots of facts about our bodies its function. We recommend you book a visit from them today, it was fantastic and made learning about digestion, fun! Thank you Gemma and Mike!

Primary 7
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St Andrew’s Day at St Andrew’s Primary School

St Andrews Day at St Andrews 1Pupils at St. Andrew’s Primary School treated their parents and parishioners to an afternoon of poetry, song, dance and art on St. Andrew’s Day. The celebration of teaching and learning was the culmination of a weeklong learning journey by each class exploring all things Scottish.
Primary 6/7 shared their learning about the life and times of our national bard, Robert Burns, and sang a beautiful rendition of Leezie Lindsay before encouraging school mates and parents to join in with the rousing Charlie is My Darling.
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Strachur Primary Bring and Buy Sale

Strachur PS Transition bring and buy 1P6-7 held a Bring and Buy Sale in their classroom today and raised £93! This goes towards the P7 transition trip to Benmore next year. They will have the chance to bond with their future Dunoon Grammar peers. Thanks to all the families who donated items to sell. Well done P6-7 and Mrs Tato!

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Bowmore’s Blast Off!

Bowmore PS Blat offWe have been studying space at Bowmore Primary and following Tim Peake! G4-7 used their 3D shape knowledge and built a rocket! P1/2 have made rocket packs to help boost them into space. P3/4 found Tim Peake’s space boots in their classroom along with moon dust footprints. P4/5 seem to spend a lot of time researching in their space station as do G1-3. P6/7 used an awful lot of paper to demonstrate the distance between the sun and the planets and the sun.

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