Southend Primary Gets Third Green Flag!

Southend ECO Flag 1 2016At Southend Primary School and ELCC we have been awarded our 3rd green flag! Our Eco Group have been monitoring litter in the playground, improving both playground areas by introducing a pond, wild flower area and grass for outdoor studies. The Pavillion has had recycled bottles put into the windows to reduce the draught. The Wendy House, Pavillion, benches and gardening boxes have all been repainted and we had fun measuring and marking games on the playground.

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Burns Lunch at Southend School

Southend Burns Supper 1 2016Southend Primary held a Burns Lunch on Tuesday 26th of January. All children took part, reciting poems, making speeches, playing the chanter, singing and dancing. We all enjoyed the haggis, neeps and tatties with our guests.

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Strachur Primary ‘Walk to Rio’

Strachur Walk to Rio 1Strachur Primary and Pre-5 have started a challenge – to walk the 6000 miles to Rio, where this year’s Olympic Games will be held. We have been doing laps of the playground and have figured out that 7 laps is approximately one mile. Last week we managed to walk 250 miles! The children (and staff) enjoy the exercise and we have also been learning about Rio in the classroom.

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Rothesay Primary P7 Burns’ Supper

RPS Burns Tables 2 2016This year, Primary 7 held their annual Burns’ Supper in the beautiful Marble Hall at Mount Stuart. In honour of such an occasion, a feast of talents were performed from The Selkirk Grace to The Address to the Haggis; with every pupil playing a part in this celebration of Robert Burns. The ‘Bill o’ Fare’ was cooked by our hospitality students and was absolutely delicious! Our guests enjoyed piping, singing and recitals – both from pupils and Mrs Nicol, who was hilarious with her rendition of ‘Tam O’Shanter’.

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Strath of Appin Primary Pre5 Celebrate Scotland’s National Poet

Strath of Appin Burns Supper 1Ellis Carmichael and Ken Oxland from the Oban Burns Club, joined staff, pupils and children from the Pre 5 Unit at Strath of Appin Primary School to celebrate Scotland’s national poet, Robert Burns. After a traditional lunch of haggis, neeps and tatties, the guests enjoyed an afternoon of entertainment provided by the children. The children recited poems and sang songs in Scots, including the Shooglie Wooglie!

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Burns’ Supper at Kirn

Kirn Burns Supper 2016Parents and invited guests were treated to an amazing afternoon of entertainment and Traditional Scottish Food at Kirn Primary School annual Burns’ Supper. The Primary 7 pupils organised this wonderful event themselves, serving the food, providing the entertainment and leading the ‘Bill O’ Fare’. The delicious Haggis, Neeps and Tatties were prepared by the hard-working kitchen staff and served by our P7 pupils. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed this event, even Willie Wastle’s Wife!

Innellan Primary School Wildlife Watch Group

Innellan PS Wildlife checkThe pupils at Innellan Primary School have received a ‘Level 4-Thriving It’s Your Neighbourhood Award’.
The School is continuing to develop an area of waste ground in order to attract as wide a variety of wildlife as possible. Members of the community help the children with growing seeds and planting, and the children get involved in environmental art, making it a fun and productive space.

CAST MUSIC CPD, IT and GARAGEBAND in the classroom.

Jenny cast map 1CAST MUSIC CPD, IT and GARAGEBAND in the classroom.
THURSDAY 28th JANUARY, ROCKFIELD CAMPUS 4-6pm. This course replaces the scheduled Music and Health and wellbeing CPD.
Music is a ‘heard’ art form. We should be using the technology available to us to track progress and develop musical ideas. This session aims to increase your confidence and open the door to the benefits of using technology in a meaningful way to enhance musical learning. We will explore: Continue reading CAST MUSIC CPD, IT and GARAGEBAND in the classroom.

DGS Learning Support Department Annual Christmas Fayre

DGS Learning Support Department Annual Christmas FayreOn the 16th of December 2015 Dunoon Grammar school Learning support department held its annual Christmas fayre. At the fayre there were lots of different stalls such as tombola, raffle, baking, homemade decoration, wood crafts and Guess the weight of the Christmas cake. For the first time ever there was a Santa’s Grotto and Kirn Primary Nursery children enjoyed meeting Santa and getting a small present.

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St. Joseph’s success at Local Competition!

St Josephs Toyota 1Friday 15 January was a special day for two pupils at St. Joseph’s Primary. Both Cameron and Ellisia came 3rd and 2nd respectively in the under 8’s section of the local Toyota Dream Car competition. Both children’s parent attended along with their Head Teacher. It was a proud moment for all the adults as Cameron and Ellisia collected their prize. Who knows?….one of the children’s creations might one day grace the future showroom of Toyota yet!!!!

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DGS Debates on Trident

DGS Trident debate picture2On Friday the 18th December, the pupils of Dunoon Grammar School took part in a whole school debate on ‘should the UK government renew Trident?’ This was the culmination of three weeks of preparation, research and speech writing for everyone involved.

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Royal Navy Sea King Helicopters bid farewell to Colgrain Primary

Colgrain Sea King 1Two Royal Navy Sea King Helicopters set off on their farewell tour of Scotland. One of the helicopter pilots requested a fly-past over the school and staff and pupils were excited and happy to be part of this historical event.

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Happy,Healthy Me workshop at Castlehill

Castlehill health 1Primary 1 and 1/2 invited their preschool friends over to join them in their Happy,healthy me workshop. The children are learning to make healthy choices and were involved in a range of activities including ; making fruit salad, golf and football taster sessions. Catherine McTaggart the school nurse spoke to the children about healthy eating too. What a good start to the new year !

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When Sasha Got Swept Up the Chimney

Salen PS Christmas 4 Version 2Salen Primary School held a Half and Half Draw after a stunning Christmas Production performance by the whole school and raised £352 towards school funds. Everyone had a superb night and enjoyed the high quality of acting, singing and dancing. Well done!

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Taynuilt win Oban Library Reading Den Competition with an Igloo!

igloo 3 002Taynuilt Nursery children have created and designed their very own milk bottle igloo. We have been collecting the empty bottles from our snack each day for a whole year! We started the first layer in October and is looking like an igloo, ice castle, Santa’s grotto, an animal den……..the list is endless. Our recent topic – Caring and Helping our Environment gave the children a clear focus on how we can reduce, reuse and recycle every day objects! Our more recent topic was Storytime which led us into World Book Week and to a BookBug Session as our topic celebration, and now the children are using it for their library where Winter and Christmas stories are favourable. Feel free to visit our Igloo for a story anytime!