Strachur Primary Burns Supper

strachur-burns-supper-1-jan-2017We had a braw day on Wednesday 25th January celebrating Robert Burns. We enjoyed poetry, music, dancing and singing. Primary 1-4 had learned the Selkirk Grace. The haggis was piped in by Kirsty, Sophie and Anna. Cameron, Isaac, Finlay and Dylan addressed the haggis and our lunch of haggis, neeps and tatties was delicious!

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Dunoon Primary – After School Coding Club

img_0342Wednesday afternoons have been full of excitement as Steven Simpson from the Learning technologies team has been in school showing the children how to code Spark + and Drones.  This has been an exciting time for the P5-P7 pupils who are keen coders! Thank you Steven for providing such exciting challenges for our pupils.

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Chris Riddell Illustrates Kirn’s Question!

kirn-ps-chris-riddell-1We’re always looking forward to Authors Live at Kirn so were eager to tune in to the latest broadcast featuring Children’s Laureate Chris Riddell. P4/3, P4, P5, P6/5 and P6 had already researched Chris and looked at a selection of books filled with his amazingly detailed illustrations. We had also prepared questions for Chris and emailed them in advance, hoping that one of our questions would be read out during the live show.

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Third Green Flag for Dunoon Primary!

dps-third-green-glag-jan-2017Dunoon Primary had been awarded it’s third Green Flag. Below is an extract from the letter Dunoon Primary received by Mrs Senga Wakefield, who is the leader of our Eco Committee from Eco-Schools Scotland/Keeping Scotland Beautiful.

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Inveraray Eco Success

inveraray-eco-award-jan-2017Inveraray Eco Success

Inveraray Primary School was the first school in Argyll and Bute to gain Green Flag status as an Eco School back in 2003. We are pleased to share the good news that we have once again retained our Green Flag status through our Crofting and Kenyan Connections work which includes the whole school and the nursery.

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Lights Camel Action P1-P3 at Dunoon Primary

dps-nativity-1-jan-2017Christmas time was a time of great celebration for the infants P1-P3 at Dunoon Primary School as they practised for and presented the most wonderful version of ‘Lights Camel Action’! Susan McEwan produced and oversaw the whole show and what a show it was! The smiles at both the afternoon and evening showing from friends and families were indeed confirmation that the Nativity was a complete and roaring success.

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Virtual Games Winners

dps-virtual-games-winners-3-jan-2017Primary 4 are delighted to announce that one of their teams, The Flames, have won the Virtual Games for the Primary 4-7 age group. What an achievement! The winning team; Lewis, Anton, McKenzie, Cara and Aoife recorded the highest scores in the competition. Well done to them. Mr McGregor, who organised the event, came to the school yesterday to present them with medals and some P.E. Kit for their use.

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Regional Winner of the French Drama Competition

drama-2La Concours de la francophonie
Well done to the P5 class of Dunoon Primary School for winning the regional final of the French Drama competition. The class were involved in an interdisciplinary learning project about the Titanic. They then developed a French drama linked with this project and sang a traditional French song about a sailor and the sea. Their winning entry can be seen HERE . They have now been entered into the national final. We wish them every success in the next stage of the competition.

P7 Young Leaders Clubs at Dalintober PS

dalintober-young-leaders-janaury-2017P7 pupils at Dalintober PS have launched a programme of Young Leaders Lunchtime Clubs for younger pupils, beginning with Technology and Dance Clubs this week. The P7s plan, resource, lead and evaluate the clubs – building their leadership and organisational skills and inspiring their young school mates.

BMT Masterclass at Dalintober PS & ELC

dalintober-dr-dalziell-janaury-2017Dalintober PS & ELC were delighted to welcome Dr Andrew Dalziell as part of the school’s commitment to developing the acclaimed ‘Better Movers & Thinkers’ programme across the whole school and ELC. Dr Dalziell is highly regarded for his work and research in this area and worked with the staff and pupils on the theory and practice of BMT and the marriage of healthy, active bodies and healthy, active minds – we look forward to welcoming him back in March.

Burns Supper at Arinagour Primary School

arinagour-burns-supper-2017Our annual Burns Supper was a great success.

Many thanks to the Island Café staff for looking after us so well.
Well done to all of the children who performed speeches, poems and songs with confidence.
There was also an opportunity for the children to do Highland Dancing and to play recorders, fiddles and Cello too.

‘Lismore goes Alpine!’

lismore-goes-alpine-3To get the New Year off to a flying start Lismore Primary School had a “French Alpine Ski Week” to celebrate all things alpine and wintry! We have taken the overall theme in French of the alpine year and have a large changing display in the classroom. This week, we imagined we were all off skiing to the French Alps!

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Minard & Furnace at large in Kelvingrove Museum

furmin-6-kelvin-art-galleryFurnace and Minard pupils headed off to Glasgow for a day at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum this week. We had a brilliant day and were so inspired by everything we saw from Egyptian “mummies” to dinosaurs, Charles Rennie MacIntosh art and the famous spitfire. We had planned our visit as part of our Scotland topic but we saw and learned much beyond our national heritage. Here are some pupils comments:

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Book vouchers from WH Smith for St Columba’s

st-columbas-wh-smith-donations-rWHSMITH’S SCOTTISH SCHOOL LIBRARIES
WHSmith donates book vouchers to help St. Columba’s Primary boost their library resources.
The store manager from WHSmith enjoyed a visit to St. Columba’s Primary recently as part of the WHSmith Trust’s Scottish ‘Encouraging Reading’ programme. As part of the ‘Encouraging Reading’ programme, the WHSmith Trust is donating vouchers to twenty four schools across Scotland to help boost the schools’ library with “Books for Reluctant Readers” for the new academic year.
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Barcaldine Primary Virtual Games Winners

Barcaldine Primary School children took part alongside other rural schools in a virtual games competition organised through Active Schools.

Over a 5 week period the children, who had been split into two separate age categories (P1-3 & P6-7), did the same games each week. In the final week, each game earned the children points for their achievements.

Our P1-3 children received third place in the competition.

Here the children are with Active Schools co-ordinator Gillian Walker showing off their medals.

Christmas at Barcaldine Primary School

The children of Barcaldine Primary School decided to do something a little different for our recent Christmas celebrations.
Their first job was to organise a school enterprise project. The children named themselves The BPS Elves and made wreaths and Christmas decoration from natural materials along with the glitter and sparkling ribbon! The children sold to their families, staff members and the local community and made an impressive £100 profit.

Continue reading Christmas at Barcaldine Primary School

Kirn’s P4 get Food for Thought at Season’s Cafe

kirn-p4-cafe-visitKirn Primary’s P4 class visited Seasons Café in Dunoon as part of their Food for Thought topic. The class were given a tour of the kitchen to see how food is prepared, investigated how the food is presented to customers, how the café is arranged and paid extra special interest to the décor as Kirn Primary have been asked to contribute ideas for the refurbishment of Dunoon’s historic Burgh Hall.
The children rounded off their visit with a delicious Italian biscotti – many thanks to Seasons Café.