Debi Gliori Visits Kirn Primary School

Following on from World Book Day, with support from Scottish Book Trust and the PTA, three authors visited Kirn Primary School, including multi award winning author and illustrator Debi Gliori, who dropped in on P3 and P4 this morning, to share her thoughts on writing, ideas and illustration. She showed us how to draw a bunny from an egg, mused on where the ideas for characters in her books come from, told us how she felt when she had to let one of her book characters go, and shared “What’s the Time Mr Wolf?” with us in her own amazing, energetic and enthusiastic style. Continue reading Debi Gliori Visits Kirn Primary School

Burns Competition at Kilninver

On 11th Feb over 200 children from the Lorne area came together to compete in a range of Burns competitions that had been organised by the pupil councils of Rockfield, Lochnell and Kilninver Primary schools and over 400 entries were received.

The event was held in the Argyllshire Gathering halls and the adjudicators came from the local Burns club who had donated £500 towards the costs of the day.

Continue reading Burns Competition at Kilninver


On the 26th of March Primary 6&7 and Primary 3&4 had a India afternoon. We invited parents and we had stalls ready for the parents to interact with. To start off the day we showed power points on different celebrations in India we also made Indian God masks to show to our parents. In p3/4 there was a shadow puppet show of Rama and Sita and Rangoli patterns to do also hand paints and guess the spice. We also set up a build the Taj Mahal with lego stall.


WWF Earth Hour on the Isle of Luing

As part of our Eco Schools work the children decided to take part in WWF Earth Hour. They decided to wear something bright and also planned several outdoor activities to do for one hour; these included art using natural materials, having fun with the parachute and learning a new playground game. Unfortunately the weather was against us, and indoor activities had to be thought of.
Continue reading WWF Earth Hour on the Isle of Luing

Red Nose Day – Wear something funny for money day on Luing

There was lots of laughter when the children appeared wearing something funny for money. Kyle and Corey had a backwards day, wearing their clothes back to front; fortunately this did not affect their work. Kurtis was hoping to hide away in the garden in his special floral camouflage suit. Everyone felt extra safe with Batman and Spiderman in the school, ready to swoop into action at the first sign of danger. The rest of the children arrived in their onesies, hoping for a sleepy and peaceful morning. Lots of fun was had playing games and we raised a total of £25.

St Joseph’s P.3 visit to the Fire Station

Primary 3 of St Joseph’s Primary enjoyed a visit to Helensburgh fire station as part of their interdisciplinary topic, “Emergency Services.”
The crew were very welcoming to us, allowing the children to see their training buildings, spray water from the hoses, try on real uniforms and sit in the fire engine. The children enjoyed every moment of their visit and we have the photographs to prove it!
Continue reading St Joseph’s P.3 visit to the Fire Station

Cardross Primary School Visit to the Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians, Glasgow

Last week, Mr Henry and four lucky pupils from his class were invited to the Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians in Glasgow to see some of the amazing things that they do. They were able to watch and perform keyhole surgery (on a dummy!) and learned about travel medicine and dentistry. It was a fantatstic experience!

Rednose Day at Kilninver

On the 15th March children at Kilninver Primary raised £30 for Comic Relief.

The pupil Council organised a day of hilarious activities. We built houses for our dinosaur noses from K’nex, designed placemats and played a whole school game of pass the parcel to tell a joke.

We had a lot of fun and know that the money raised will go to help a good cause. Continue reading Rednose Day at Kilninver

Maths Challenge

Mr Priest would like to extend congratulations to Joshua Finnie (S1), Libby MacLean (S1), Bethany Walsh (S2) and Robbie Ireland (S2) who represented Dunoon Grammar School excellently against strong competition at the UKMT Team Maths challenge in Falkirk. After four rounds, including an intense relay race, marks were tallied and we ranked 15th place!

Continue reading Maths Challenge

Film G Winners!

Congratulations to Ms McDonald’s S4 Film G team. ‘Tha an t-acras gam tholladh’ won the Film G Theme Award category for the film that interprets the FilmG theme – ‘Hunger/Desire’ – in the most original, engaging and inspirational way. Students attended the award ceremony at The Arches in Glasgow on 22nd March. Continue reading Film G Winners!

National Science and Engineering Week at Port Ellen

We have had a busy science week, which kicked off with a visit by Dr Dave Stodhart from the Fraunhofer Institute in Glasgow. Dave works as a scientist making lasers that can detect escaping gas, and talked to us about his work and being an inventor. He also showed us how to make our own spectroscopes to see the colours found in light. It was excellent. Primary 6&7 shared their learning on light with primary 3&4, who then went on to create shadow puppets with what they learned.

Continue reading National Science and Engineering Week at Port Ellen

Dunoon Volleyball Tournament

The Annual Interschool Volleyball Tournament took place today at Dunoon Grammar School. Dunoon had 6 teams. Each one played very well with 2 teams getting to the semi final and the final. Lauren, Luke and Jack went through to the final against a strong Kirn Team C who won the match. A great day was had by all the Primary 7’s and there were lots of happy smiling faces to be seen around the hall.
Continue reading Dunoon Volleyball Tournament

Park Primary Fairtrade Cake Bake

Park Primary School held a two day Fairtrade Cakebake last week. Many of the pupils and staff baked cakes and biscuits using at least one Fairtrade ingredient to show their support towards Fairtrade products during Fairtrade Fortnight. This was a huge success and raised £340.01. Well done to all the bakers and thank you to all who came along and spent some money!

P4 Weather Report

As part of P4’s Weather topic , the children had the opportunity to present their own forecast, which was filmed by one of our children’s dads, Mr Mark Heathcote, a Video Journalist. The children were full of encouragement for each other and those who couldn’t be persuaded to present, became sound technicians instead. After filming, the children asked numerous questions of their guest, who was very impressed with the range of enquiries being aimed at him. One child wanted to know how old a person has to be to get started in this line of work, so maybe we have a budding Video Journalist in our midst! Continue reading P4 Weather Report

Third Green Flag for Luing

Luing’s third green flag proudly hoisted.

Over the past two years all the pupils of Luing Primary have been working very hard towards their third green flag. They investigated the subjects: – waste minimisation, litter and water.

Continue reading Third Green Flag for Luing

Red Nose Day at Oban High School

Oban High School students and staff report Rudolph has nothing on them!

More than 600 of the three varieties of the 2013 Red Nose Day noses were sold for £1 each at Oban High School for Comic Relief. Students and staff raised £1,063.68 to contribute to the international global assistance agency through a variety of activities including open mic performances in costume; face painting stalls and cake bakes. Continue reading Red Nose Day at Oban High School