Cardross Primary Health Week

Cardross Primary finished the Easter term with their annual health week. Some of the highlights were ‘Healthy Hearts’ with Andy McKechnie, ‘Funky Fitness’ with Julie Smith and the Chest, Heart and Stroke – Cardio Hoop Fundraiser.
Thank you to Mrs Sharp for all of her efforts in planning and organising such a wonderful week for pupils and staff. Continue reading Cardross Primary Health Week

Daffodil Tea at Dunoon Primary

“Outstanding! Superb! Moving!” These were some of the comments made to describe the Daffodil Tea performance by Dunoon Primary School Choir on Tuesday 26th March. The choir performed their programme in the afternoon for invited guests within the community and also in the evening for parents, relatives and friends. The hall was decorated with artwork produced by all the classes and refreshments were provided by the PTA.

Hermitage Art Show success!

Talented Young Artists from Primary Seven at Hermitage Primary School gathered at the Victoria Halls on Tuesday 19th March to show off their art at an Exhibition for parents and invited guests. The pupils produced pieces of contemporary art around the theme of transition and the result was a very colourful and imaginative exhibition which included a piece of art from all seventy three children in Primary Seven. The exhibition was opened by successful sculptor and artist Jason Pyper Davis who was very impressed by the vast array of skills and ideas on display. Continue reading Hermitage Art Show success!

Dalmally Talent Contest

Dalmally’s Got Talent!

At the end of March the children of Dalmally Primary School organised a talent show. This was no ordinary evening; in fact it was a very exclusive event. Guests entered through the V.I.P entrance, made their way along the red carpet and were greeted with a champagne (sparkling fruit juice!) reception. The event was not complete without a panel of celebrity judges who took their roles very seriously.
Continue reading Dalmally Talent Contest

Hermitage Primary Netball

Hermitage Primary are very proud of the school netball team for winning the Lomond School Netball Tournament. The group phase saw some excellent play in all sectors of the court and the team progressed into the final undefeated. Hermitage faced Cardross in a nail biting final in which both teams played superb netball and were equally matched. However a tense 4 minutes of extra time allowed Hermitage to score a further 2 goals and finally win the trophy. Well done to the whole team!

Tobermory High – Comic Relief

From the youngest primary children to the oldest S6 and most of the staff everyone joined in the fun of Red Nose Day. Crazy hair and pyjamas were the themes and most people rose to the challenge so there were some interesting sights in Assembly. In primary they baked cakes and had an impromptu dance contest whilst in secondary most junior pupils had bought senior genies for the day who carried bags, helped with work and in some classes lead a bit of karaoke.

Continue reading Tobermory High – Comic Relief

Burns organising committee

On the 5th Feb the organising committee for the Local schools Burns event met for the second time to confirm their plans for the day. The representatives from Rockfield, Lochnell and Kilninver’s Pupil councils printed certificates and organised nametags and presentations. Hopefully the arrangements we have made will ensure that the day runs smoothly.

Good Luck to everyone who is planning to take part….break a leg.

rural schools athletics final

On the 7th March our P4&5 children were chuffed to bits to qualify for the Oban schools athletics competition.

This is the first time we have made it into the final. Some of us jumped and threw further than we have ever managed before. with a bit of training who knows, we might make the medals next year.

Continue reading rural schools athletics final

heartstart assembly

On the 12th March we held our Easter assembly, we based it around the theme of helping your neighbour.

The children demonstrated how to phone for an ambulance, put someone into the recovery position and do CPR if necessary. The parents followed the instructions the children gave them and asked lots of questions about the Heart Start programme.

Continue reading heartstart assembly

Southend snow and scarecrows

Just back for 1 day after the 5 day black-out but we got right down to it by designing and making two scarecrows as part of the Southend Village Scarecrow Challenge. We couldn’t miss out on the very topical theme of power cuts either. Pupils enjoyed playing in the huge pile of snow which had fallen from the roof and they even managed to make a mini-snowman.

Continue reading Southend snow and scarecrows

Easter Bonnet Parade

There may have been wintry temperatures and snow showers outside on Wednesday March 27th, but inside Dunoon Primary there was most definitely a celebration of Spring and Creativity taking place, as children from the Nursery and P1 – 3 arrived in the hall, wearing a fantastic array of colourful Easter bonnets. The pupils of P4 – 7 and staff showed their appreciation, as the younger children took to the stage to model their amazing creations. A wonderful effort! Well done!
Continue reading Easter Bonnet Parade

Author , Kenneth Steven, at Lochnell

We were delighted to have a visit from children’s author Kenneth Steven just before we closed for the holiday. Author of wonderful stories like Fergus Finds a Friend, The Biggest Thing in the World and The Sea Mice and the Stars chose to visit Lochnell Primary INSTEAD of travelling to Norway where he was to be awarded Best Children’s Picture Book of the year.

Continue reading Author , Kenneth Steven, at Lochnell

Greeen Flag erected at St Joseph’s Primary

The children, parents and staff of St. Joseph’s Primary were delighted to see their Green Flag finally erected this week. A very enthusiastic Eco Group were very pleased as they are very committed in their mission to make all things ‘Eco-Friendly’ at St Joseph’s. Each year the Eco Committee encourage all children and staff to audit the school for ‘green’ capacity and from this audit produce their own ‘Eco Plan’ for the school.

Continue reading Greeen Flag erected at St Joseph’s Primary

Lochgilphead High School Young Ambassadors

Fraser MacNicol and Alistair MacVicar, Young Ambassadors at Lochgilphead High School decided that one job they’d like do while they were in post was to raise funds so they could buy new strips for school. Together they organised a Non Uniform Day in November and pupils and staff in school paid £1 to come dressed in ‘sporty gear’ to show support for the cause. Continue reading Lochgilphead High School Young Ambassadors

News from Kilninver Primary

On the 5th March we emptied the Rag bin and have managed to raise £99. This is our highest total yet. We set our team of organisers the challenge of making the bags weigh as close to 5Kg as possible. As you can see from the photos we weighed the bags to make sure that they were round about the same size.
If they were very heavy we shared their contents among the smaller bags.
In the new term we are going to buy new playground toys with the money raised. Continue reading News from Kilninver Primary

Tobermory High – BBC Schools’ News Report

On Thursday 21st March students from S1 and S2 took part in the BBC’s School Report, making two news reports. One group made and completed a report on the importance of our ferries to everyday life on Mull. They had already been to Craignure and interviewed some of the staff at the port and some of the crew of the Isle of Mull including the Captain. They managed to meet the 2.00 editing deadline so that their report could go live on News Day. Continue reading Tobermory High – BBC Schools’ News Report

Argyll & Bute Seniors Football Tournament

On 26th March teams from five schools across Argyll & Bute competed at Lochgilphead Joint Campus for the inaugural ‘Argyll & Bute Seniors Football Tournament’. S6 pupils at Lochgilphead High School, along with the Active Schools Coordinator Jillian Gibson organised the tournament as a final opportunity for senior pupils to play competitive football for their school before they leave. Continue reading Argyll & Bute Seniors Football Tournament

St. Andrew’s Primary – Ancient Egypt Presentation

Pupils from Primary 3/4 and Primary 4/5 at St. Andrew’s Primary School invited family and friends along to a presentation of their learning on Ancient Egypt.
Primary 3/4 talked about life in Ancient Egypt. They explained the importance of the River Nile and the differences in the lifestyles of the rich and the poor.
Primary 4/5 then demonstrated the mummification process, step-by-step.
The audience then enjoyed a slide-show of photographs showing the pupils working throughout the topic. Continue reading St. Andrew’s Primary – Ancient Egypt Presentation

Strone Primary Parents Evening – Strone Gallery Opening

Strone Primary School had a very successful Open Evening last week. It was a chance for the children to showcase all their hard work over the past term. We were also able to give parents a wee taster of our Friday afternoon skills clubs. We have been learning ukulele, and keyboard skills and we also had a Forest and Beach club that went out each week, taking the curriculum outdoors.

Continue reading Strone Primary Parents Evening – Strone Gallery Opening

Author Keith Charters visits Kirn Primary

With World Book Day still fresh in our minds, with support from Scottish Book Trust and the PTA, three authors visited Kirn Primary School. On Monday 25th March P5 and P6 were treated to a lively session with author and publisher Keith Charters. Keith read exciting bits and disgusting bits from his books, spoke about writing books, how to get ideas, how to make an action sandwich and how he became a writer himself. He also explored our Space topic, and gave insights we may not have thought of on how to live in zero gravity, as demonstrated by Lee in “Lee on the Dark Side of the Moon”. Two lucky winners also went home with signed copies of his book. Continue reading Author Keith Charters visits Kirn Primary