Teddies at Beddies at Rothesay Primary

Rothesay Primary recently presented Primary 2 with their special teddies. The teds are special because there is nothing they like better that a good book! The children and their parents and carers have all promised to look after their bears by reading them at least one book per week and remembering to change the books every week at the library.

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Lochdonhead playgound development

The pupils of Lochdonhead Primary School have planned, resourced, gained funding, and overseen the development of their school playground, creating a story glen, based on an old Gaelic tale, Iolaire Loch Treig. The pupils have worked with various artists and they are even working with pupils in a secondary school in Harrogate, who are designing wooden story boards based on our children’s designs.
We now have a fantastic imaginative play area, including a willow dome with tunnels, a willow cave and a log ringed area.

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Toyota dream Car competition

Here at Bowmore Primary, we are so proud of Natasha Thomson, P.5. Natasha’s class entered the Toyota dream Car competition and this is what happened…
‘I had to draw a picture of my dream car and I found out I had got into the World Competition!
I was so excited when I entered the Toyota Headquarters because it was soooooo big. We had lunch in a private room and it was delicious.

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Red Nose Day at Rothesay Primary and Pre-5

Comic Relief 2013
Rothesay Primary had a Red Nose Day on Friday the 15th March. All the Primary 7s gathered up to organise a day full of fun for the rest of the pupils. We had a sponge throw; nail bar; designer dreams stall; a raffle; beat the goalie; car wash; float the lemon game and face painting. Everyone had a brilliant day! Along with the money raised in Pre-5, Primary 2 and the red noses sold by our pupil council, we raised a staggering £1028.78! It was such a successful day for all the Rothesay Primary pupils and staff.

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Red Nose Day at Bowmore Primary School

Bowmore Primary School all rocked up in red on Friday 15th March for Red Nose Day! We all put some money in the collection and raised a fantastic amount of £211.02! In the afternoon everyone from the nursery right up to Primary 7 went through to the hall and showed our fabulous Zumba skills on the Wii for a while. It was amazing and some of the teachers joined in too! It was a fantastic day and we are all so proud of how much we raised!

Zoolab visit to Strone Primary School

On Monday 18th March, Alannah from Zoolab visited us as part of our Eco Schools programme. She brought lots of interesting mini beasts including Hissing Cockroaches, Rats, Snakes, Millipedes, Tarantulas and a Tree Frog.

She talked to us about Paper and Deforestation, Mining in the Rainforest, Energy Saving, Acid Rain and Climate Change. We loved learning this way and Alannah and the animals were great.

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Scottish Food Workshop

A huge thank you to Keren Cafferty from the Puffer Bar and Restaurant, Easdale Island for coming into Easdale Primary School to show us how to make stovies and cranachan. The children and parent helpers enjoyed making and tasting these traditional dishes and are now looking forward to preparing and serving these at our end of term ceilidh next week.

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Early Years Igloo at Tighnabruaich

“At Tighnabruaich Early Years Class we have been building an igloo by using 2 litre used plastic milk bottles. Parents and the community alike donated their empty bottles for a few months and the result (thanks to George our Janitor mostly)! was a brilliant play house for the Early Years Class to enjoy.
All built with recycled materials!”

Monsteriffic’ Red Nose Day at Dalintober PS

Mrs Kean and Primary 3 organised a ‘Monsteriffic’ Red Nose Day at Dalintober PS. Pupils were invited to dress up and/or come to school with monster feet! Other activities during the day included baking, a colouring competition, an obstacle course and Head Teacher, Miss Armour, was kidnapped! A fantastic total of £454.76 was raised for Comic Relief.

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Dervaig Red Nose Day Sponsored Walk

On Saturday 16 March Dervaig children organised their third sponsored walk for Red Nose Day. They walked from Tobermory to Dervaig raising £230, from passing vehicles, in their buckets. They still have to add sponsor money to this fabulous amount! The children appreciated the help from parents and grandparents and would like to say an enormous Thank You to the Bellachroy Hotel for providing soup and sandwiches at the end of this long walk.

Tobermory parents make Bramble Wood

Recently, the parents of P1/2 came to class to view The Land of Me DVD. They made suggestions and gave good ideas on activities the children could do as part of the topic. The following week parents joined us to help create Bramble Wood, which is one of the lands in The Land of Me.

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Chinese New Year at Strone Primary School

On Thursday the 21st February, Xin a lady from Shanghai in China came to Strone Primary school to talk to us about how they celebrated Chinese New Year in China.
We had an assembly in the morning and Xin talked to us about Chinese culture. She showed us pictures of people celebrating Chinese New Year and talked to us about the Chinese zodiac, the Great Wall of China and told us how to say ‘Happy New Year’. She also told us what languages were from what area of China. She spoke Mandarin and her second language was English. Continue reading Chinese New Year at Strone Primary School

STRICTLY comes to Lochgilphead

Lochgilphead Joint Campus glitzed and glammed its way to raising in excess of £1000 for Comic Relief on Friday 15th March as S6 students took part in a Strictly dancing competition. The students had been training for months with dance tutor, Laura Sweeney, and their efforts were finally unveiled to an audience of friends, family and staff. This was one of the most glamorous nights the Campus has seen and the students should be commended on their efforts – and their bravery. Well done!!

Rockfield PS athletics competition in Atlantis

We are very proud of our P5 pupils who took part in the annual athletics competition in Atlantis Leisure. Rockfield had 2 teams in the final, Rockfield A and Rockfield B, and we are delighted to say that our B team won first place in the competition and our A team came second! The children worked very hard to improve their skills and should be very proud of their achievements

Red Nose Day at Park

Park Primary School took part in “Dress Funny for Money” on Friday to raise money for Comic Relief. Everyone dressed up in funny outfits and we had a whole school talent show in the morning which all the classes took part in and had a great time! Many of the children also purchased red noses that were on sale in the school and the total raised was £300.66! Well done to everyone!

Dalintober PS Police Station Escape!

Dalintober P3’s flee Police Station!
Primary 3 pupils of Dalintober PS recently visited Campbeltown Police Station as part of a topic looking at ‘Emergency Services’, although as you can see from the photo they managed to make a quick getaway! The pupils thoroughly enjoyed their visit and have written letters to Inspector Harper to thank him and his team for demonstrating many aspects of police work to the class.

red nose day at Ulva Primary School

On Red Nose Day people at Ulva Primary School dressed up silly. We had a James Bond, a superdiver, a vampire skeleton, a boy dressed up as a princess, a vampire from Trannsylvania, Indianana Jones and a Shrek bird.

All the children did a sponsored cycle circuit-athon in the playground. We did laps for 20 minutes and we were fantastic, especially as it was snowing and hailing!
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Our Primary 7/6 class took part in an Eco-Schools competition and won a range of fruit trees and on Friday 8th March our Eco-Committee, parents, carers and staff took part in a tree-planting session in our School gardens. We look forward to the fruits of their labours!!