Toyota dream Car competition

Here at Bowmore Primary, we are so proud of Natasha Thomson, P.5. Natasha’s class entered the Toyota dream Car competition and this is what happened…
‘I had to draw a picture of my dream car and I found out I had got into the World Competition!
I was so excited when I entered the Toyota Headquarters because it was soooooo big. We had lunch in a private room and it was delicious.

After that it was the presentation and I was a wee bit nervous. When it was my turn to go up, I shook the Toyota president’s hand and I got my picture taken. After that I looked in my goodie bag and I found an i-pod shuffle! I couldn’t believe my eyes. I felt really proud and happy. I was really shocked and very happy! I had a fantastic time.
By Natasha Thomson, P.5 Bowmore Primary

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