Rookie Lifeguard Awards for St Columba’s Swimmers!

st-columbas-lifegaurd-award-nov-2016Some of the P7 and P6 pupils in St Columba’s Primary School, Oban, have managed to achieve the Rookie Lifeguard Bronze Award during their swimming lessons in school. With the help of fundraising by the Parent Council, all pupils from P3-P7 have an eight week swimming block every year to ensure that as many pupils as possible are competent swimmers by the time they leave primary school. Of course, none of this would be possible without the help and support of Atlantis Leisure.

Digital Leaders at St Columba’s

st-columbas-digital-award-2016Some of the pupils in St Columba’s, have been awarded the title of Digital Leaders. The school works in partnership with iTeach, an education company who supports staff and pupils to embed the use of technology into their curriculum, who have helped to train some of the pupils to ensure that they can, amongst a wide range of things, troubleshoot and create video tutorials to support other pupils and staff. Every child in the school has their own iPad that is used to support them in all areas of the curriculum and to ensure that the children in St Columba’s have the very highest standard of digital skills possible.

Strachur Chess Lunch Club

strachur-chess-club-1-nov-2016We were very excited to welcome Elspeth and Tony from the Rotary in Dunoon into Strachur Primary for our very first Chess Lunch Club. It was open to Primary 6 and 7 pupils, although some younger children did choose to watch! We had some children who had played before and some beginners, so thank goodness we had Elspeth and Tony to teach them the game. Chess Lunch Club will continue every Wednesday.

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Strachur Primary 6 Young Leaders

strachur-young-leaders-2016Primary 6 pupils were trained as ‘Young Leaders’ on Wednesday 23rd November. They will be able to organise games for the younger children at playtimes and run a lunchtime activities club too. Well done Primary 6 and thank you Ruairidh at Active Schools for running the training.

Strachur Fundraises for Children in Need

strachur-children-in-need-fundraiser-1-2016Strachur fundraises for Children in Need
Strachur Primary and pre-5 have raised £173.42 for Children in Need this year. On Friday 18th November pupils and staff came to school dressed ‘back to front’ and Primary 5 and 6 ran a ‘Bring and Buy’ sale.

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Kirn Primary School

kirn-new-primary-school-planting-1The Contractor building the new Kirn Primary School, Morrisons, invited pupil to design posters which would be enlarged and placed on the hoardings outside the building site. Last Thursday the winners, accompanied by the nursery pupils, visited the site to see their pictures being displayed. While there, the pupils helped plant bulbs at the front of the Site Office.

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Furnace and Minard Pupils Go Gruffalo Hunting

furnace-and-minard-gruffalo-2Last Friday, while the ‘bigger’ pupils were off learning how to become Digital Leaders, Furnace and Minard ‘littler’ pupils decided to go off on a Gruffalo Hunt to Ardkinglas Gardens to have some outdoor fun and learn some more Scots words. The crispy cold day added to the sense of adventure, especially as we had recently read The Gurffalo’s Child. We followed the little mouse’s directions past Tod’s ‘deep-dooon hoose’, Hoolet’s “tree-tap hoose” and Snake’s “log-hoose”.

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Pupil Digital Leader Event – Tell us what you think

week7-2The pupil Digital Leaders event took place in Inveraray on Friday 18th November.   This event was attended by 244 pupils from 40 schools.

It is important that our pupil’s opinions are heard and we would like feedback from our digital leaders via the survey emailed to staff.

The survey will close on Monday 28th November at 5pm and will take around 10 minutes to complete.

Easdale Primary Remembrance

easdale-remembrance-3-nov-2016Helen Glennie, Ron Hetherington and Colonel Tim Sinclair came into give us a talk on Remembrance and showed us a display. Helen told us about some of the people who were from Seil, Easdale and Luing who died in World War 1. Tim told us about why we do remembrance and what it is for as well as why we wear poppies. Tim came in his uniform and told us about his medals and rank.

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Minard PS Win CRNS School Challenge

minard-crns-4-conference-2016This month Minard Primary fought off stiff competition from across Scotland to win a national competition for its innovative ways of making waste go for further.
Instead of using traditional recycling methods for disposing of waste paper, pupils at Minard Primary School have been turning it into recycled paper briquettes which can then be used in the community as fuel. As a result of this ingenious idea, Minard Primary was crowned the winner of the Community Resources Network Scotland (CRNS) School Challenge Competition.
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sandbank-any-excuse-to-dress-up-1Sandbank Primary became a place of confusion on Monday 31st Oct.!
With staff and students enjoying a day in costume, no one was quite sure who was really who! We think everything has returned to normal now; vampires vanished, batman returned to the bat cave and the undead laid to rest. Staff have managed to remove most of their glitter and makeup!

Continue reading ANY EXCUSE TO DRESS UP!

Oban Primary Campus Remembrance Day Service

oban-joint-campus-remembrance-day-1-november-2016Rockfield Primary School and St.Columba’s Primary School came together this morning in a Remembrance Day Service. Senior Pupil Leaders from both schools participated in the service by giving information about The Great War and reading the poem, ‘The Cherry Trees,’ by Edward Thomas.

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