P1/2 and P6/7 mini topic week

P1/2 and some of P6/7 have been busy this week doing lots of collaborative activities based around the story book Whatever Next by Jill Murphy.

P6/7 quickly set to the task of writing a sequel to the original story using a similar format and characters. We have been preparing for our class assembly next week which Abby, Kian, Jowita, Wiktoria and Chloe will help us to present.

We created a healthy picnic for teddy and owl. – Maris

We changed the words of Teddy Bears picnic and made it about Owl and Baby Bear. – Leah

P6/7 wrote a new story called Baby Bears Adventures. – Stephen

We designed teddy a proper spacesuit. – Adam

We watched Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldron walking on the moon. – Oliver

We played a game called “Whatever Next” which was like What’s the time Mr Wolf. – Lewis

We are looking forward to sharing all our learning with you on Wednesday at our Assembly.


Today in P3/4/5 we went outside to do our maths.

The Rectangles were finding a fraction of a quantity and showing it using nature.

The Triangles were measuring out in the playground using trundle wheels.

The Circles were making patterns with nature.

Rights Respecting Committee

On Tuesday the 7th of February the Rights Respecting Committee had an assembly to make the school aware about internet safety as it was Safer Internet Day across the country. They gave advise and tips on how to stay safe on the internet and had a question wall and photo booth in the hall to further promote internet safety.

The photos below are a record of this.001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024