Santa needs a new Sleigh

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P1, P1/2 and P7 were very busy today helping design a new sleigh for Santa. It was lovely to see the children working with their buddies. P7 listening well to their buddies ideas, and P1 and P1/2 had lots of fabulous suggestions for the design as you can see from some examples below.

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A great activity for our last day ! Merry Christmas from P7, P1/2 and P1.

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P1B Christmas Excitement

P1B have been absolute troopers this week, they are very tired at this stage in the term but are still full of life and are working very hard.  Their excitement is contagious and I don’t think there is a nicer place to be in the run up to Christmas.

On Monday we played party games during PE in preparation for our party next week.  It was really good fun, we were very good sports and were showing some fantastic dance moves!

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We have been doing some lovely art work this week – related to our new sounds j and v.  We made jellyfish and jingle bells for j and vases and volcanoes for v.

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We made snowmen with  Mrs Begarnie on Tuesday as part of our study on forms of water.

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Rev. Cheryl McKellar-Young from St Michael’s visited on Wednesday, she told a very good story at milk time.

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We are continuing addition in maths, this week we looked at all the ways of adding to 8 and 9.

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On Thursday we had an afternoon looking closely at Stick Man by Julia Donalsdon, we read the story and watched the short film, then had a carousel of activities: re-telling the story using puppets, send a postcard home to the Stick family, sequence the story by creating a comic strip and draw your favourite part of the story.  It was a great afternoon, the children really got into the story, thinking about the events in detail and how the Stick Man and his family might be feeling.  They really liked the part where Santa saved the day!  Looking at them working during this lesson made showed just how far they’ve come this term.  The writing was excellent and I could see and hear lots of children sounding out as they attempted to write words and sentences. The puppet shows were good too, there are some good organisers in P1B. Good job guys!

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On Friday morning we read our reading books to a friend.  We like the Biff, Chip and Kipper stories and often notice extra things going on by looking closely at the pictures.  We read really well  – again, lovely to see the new skills they are picking up.

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Phew! Another busy week.  Christmas party and church service to look forward to next week, along with lots of Christmas activities.  Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Kennedy and P1B x

Festive fun in P1A!

What a busy couple of weeks we have had in P1A!

Last week, we performed our nativity, ‘The Innkeeper’s Breakfast’ to our friends and family. Some of us were a little nervous but we tried our best and Miss Harrison was very proud of us. Sammy thought that our nativity was great!


One afternoon we watched The Snowman and looked at the shapes and colours of all the different snowmen. We created our own snowmen using crayons, chalk and oil pastels.

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This week, we have been looking at the story ‘The Stick Man’ by Julia Donaldson. We listened to the story and identified some of the rhyming words and we also discussed how the Stick family might be feeling when he went missing. Miss Harrison put us into groups and we completed different activities relating to the story.

We created postcards from the Stick Man to send back to his family about all the adventures he was having:


Using puppets, we tried to remember all of the main parts of the story:


We made our own comic strips and drew pictures of the beginning, middle and end of the story:


Finally, we drew our own pictures of Stick Man and his adventures:


Over the last two weeks, we have been continuing to learn our sounds and common words. We can use our sounds to make words and we can even write sentences! In maths, we have been learning number bonds for numbers to 10 and 20.

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We would like to wish everyone a very happy and safe Christmas!

P1A 🙂

Festive Activities

We have all been getting into the Christmas spirit this week in Primary 1/2. We started the week with a shadow puppet show after reading an information book all about shadows, practising our ‘ow’ digraph.

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In phonics we have learnt our new sounds ‘j’ and ‘v’. We made beautiful vases and jellyfish to help us remember our sounds. We have been writing sentences using our new sounds and digraphs. This week we put a lot of effort into reading and writing our tricky words. We were determined not to let them trick us!

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In PE we played Christmas themed games. We had to practise following instructions and learnt how to take turns. We played musical chairs, musical bumps and Christmas corners. To finish off, we played sleeping reindeer to help us relax and cool down.

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We have been very busy making Christmas cards for our wonderful families. Miss Mudd showed us 4 different designs to choose from and we used finger prints to create our beautiful cards.

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We have been working hard on our addition this week. Miss Mudd has seen huge improvements with our mental recall of key number facts. We are still working on getting our numbers all the correct way round so Milkshake Monkey set us a challenge to help him this week. He also set us a challenge to put all of the Christmas objects into the correct size order.

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Miss Mudd has been incredibly proud of our ‘Trapped in a Snow Globe’ writing. We have spent the last few weeks working away on our secret project and today they will be sent home to be enjoyed with our families. We discussed what a snow globe was and looked at different examples. Then, we had to create our own snow globes using chalk. We used our fingers to blend and create different textures. We then had to use our imagination to pretend we were actually inside the snow globe. We put all of our new writing skills to the test and Miss Mudd loved seeing us all supporting each other and sharing our ideas. Here is a sneak preview of some of our work.

We finished the week with a special ‘Stick Man’ afternoon. We read the wonderful story and looked at the rhyming words. Miss Mudd set up 4 stations for us to try out different activities. We put on a puppet show, created a cartoon strip, drew pictures of the setting/characters and wrote a postcard from the Stick man himself.

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What a wonderful week we have had in Primary 1/2. We are all very excited for the Christmas holidays to arrive and we wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Primary 1/2 and Miss Mudd

P1B Superstars!

What a  lovely week in P1B.  The children were amazing in the nativity, what a fantastic choir, I’m sure you’ll be extremely proud of them and will agree that there is no better way to get into the Christmas spirit.  Here are a couple of photo’s taken minutes before we went on stage:

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We also had fun this week, learning the sounds h and w.  In the Jolly Phonics song for w we sing “I see the clouds moving, w-w-w, I see the kites flying, w-w-w…” so we went outside to fly a kite and it actually worked!

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We also made witches and wizards hats and wands.

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We were very lucky on Thursday when some P6 and P7 children came to help in the class.  They were excellent and they really helped us with our learning.  The boys and girls really enjoyed having them.  They can come back anytime!

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On Friday we watched The Snowman film.  It was lovely to watch together as the children added the commentary to the silent film, we also listened to the music and spoke about how it reflected what was happening in the film.  We then made some snowmen oil pastel pictures.

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Well done P1B on another fantastic week!  Mrs Kennedy

A busy start to December in P1A!

We can’t quite believe that it’s December and that Christmas is on it’s way!

We have been working very hard this week to make our salt dough Christmas trees for the Christmas Fair. Mrs Rae (our Parent Helper) helped us to make our trees and then we painted the baubles in class. Miss Harrison put on the red ribbon and we wrote our names on the trees using a special pen! Thank you to everyone that bought our trees!


It was lovely to invite guests into our classroom for the Family Learning Growth Mindset afternoon. We listened to a story called ‘The Most Magnificent Thing’ about a girl who kept on trying and didn’t give up and then we took part in different challenges. Some were quite tricky but we worked hard and kept on trying like the girl in the story.

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This week, we have been using all the sounds we have learned so far to make words. We have also been revising all of our common words. In numeracy, we have been learning different addition facts and looking at doubles and near doubles to 10.

We look forward to performing our nativity, ‘The Innkeeper’s Breakfast’ next week.

Have a lovely weekend,

P1A 🙂

P1B Christmas is coming!

In between nativity rehearsals, making salt dough decorations and the Christmas Fair we have managed to do a lot of consolidation work on our sounds and common words this week, keeping a sense of normality before christmas excitement really sets in!  At the beginning of the week we practised using sounds to make words and sentences and towards the end of the week we concentrated on our common words.   The children are really coming on and it is especially apparent in weeks like this how good they are at reading and writing now.  They are also very good at choosing activities that suit them and their learning styles.


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We had our Growth Mindset Family Learning afternoon on Wednesday.  P1 were learing about resilience. We have been listening to stories about resilience – ‘Giraffe’s Can’t Dance’, ‘Winners Never Quit’ and ‘The Most Magnificent Thing’.  There were challenging activities set up around the classroom, and we had to try each activity with these things in mind: keep trying even if it’s a bit tricky, mistakes are ok, ask for help if you need it and work together.

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We have also been working on near doubles in maths as we apply our knowledge of doubles to work out the answers to near doubles sums.  We finished this off by going outside on Thursday to write all our doubles and near doubles in the playground.

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We also worked on our salt dough decorations this week, getting them ready to sell at the fair- a huge thank you to Mrs Woolsey (parent helper) who came in to take groups of children to make the dough.  They were a huge hit and we completely sold out!

Nativity practise is going great and we’re very excited to perform for you next week – the children have worked really hard, you’re in for a treat!

Have a lovely weekend.  P1B and Mrs Kennedy

P.S. Some of the children were being photographers this week, taking photos of the learning happening in the classroom, when I uploaded the photos I found these 😉 I did hear some chat about needing a selfie stick!

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Sing-a-long in P1/2

This week we had a special visit from NYCOS (National Youth Choir Of Scotland) to do a workshop with us looking at rhythm and steady beats. We absolutely loved the games and activities and had so much fun. We want to say a big thank you to Tracey for coming to teach us. You can download the short video to have a look at what we were doing.

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In Literacy this week, both groups have learnt their new sounds and we have been using the stations set out to practise using our sounds. Each week we do activities to help us say, make, blend, read and write our new sounds.

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Some of us were doing activities where we had to read the sentence and write in the missing word. We have been using our new spelling rules to help us know which digraph to use. We have then applied our new learning to our sentences.

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We have also been working hard on our CVC words so we can write short sentences more independently.

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In Numeracy this week we have been consolidating our understanding of addition. We have looked at number facts for 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. We will continue to work on our numbers to 20 to speed up our recall. We have also looked at doubles and will be going on to use our knowledge to help us with near doubles.

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Our Nativity rehearsals have been going very well this week. We are keeping it all top secret so it is a surprise for all of our parents. Thank you to all of the parents who have helped us with props, we are very grateful.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend

Primary 1/2

P1B – From making dough to collecting trophies!

Another week has raced by!  At the beginning of the week we had a visit to the school kitchen to make play dough.  It was good fun, following the recipe, checking we had the right ingredients, measuring them out and then the tricky part – mixing it together, it was very sticky!  Our dough is lovely and soft and squidgy and we’ve used it a lot to make our sounds and words.

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As the nights are getting longer, we’ve also been learning about how the earth moves to create night and day.



We’re continuing to look at addition in numeracy, looking at adding three sets of numbers together and are beginning to look at adding larger numbers.

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We completed our study of Jack and the Flumflum Tree on Friday.  When Mrs Kennedy came back from break she had a terrible dose of the moozles, she must have caught them from granny!


Mrs Kennedy also had the sack that granny gave Jack, all the things in the sack helped us to retell the story and put them in the correct order as we sequenced the story too.  We also spoke a little about why Jack says ‘don’t get your knickers in a twist’ and discussed what we can do when we are faced with a problem.

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We also got fantastic news on Friday – we are class of the week for a second time and were also the class who have been the most sensible when walking around the school this week.  We got an extra long breaktime as a reward.

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P1B – Flumflums and Poppies!

P1B have been on the move this week; using our bodies, getting our hearts pumping and brains working as we learn.  In PE on Monday we used our whole bodies to make all the addition sums for 4.

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Then we played a running game where there were lots of sums around the hall with no answers, when Mrs Kennedy called out an answer we had to run to one of the sums that adds up to the number she called out.  We’re getting really quick at remembering all the different ways to make 2, 3, 4 and 5 and enjoyed racing our friends to find the right sums.

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We have also been doing a lot of word building this week.  We used our bodies again as we put sounds in hoops to make words and said each sound as we jumped in the hoops and read the word at the end.

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The whole school has a book focus this week and next and we’ve been looking at the story of Jack and the Flumflum tree by Julia Donaldson.  Firstly we drew pictures of what we think the Isle of Blowyernose looks like and what we might find if we visited there.  The pictures are amazing and Mrs Kennedy wrote down all our ideas too – she had a lot of writing to do as we had lots of thoughts about what it would look like.  We also studied the words in the book to help us to understand the story better.  Our favourite phrases are ‘don’t get your knickers in a twist!’ and ‘I can’t swim for toffee!’  There are also lots of lovely describing words to explore too – heaved and hauled, gobble and guzzle, nip and gnash, as well as the characters – red-cheeked Rose and stubble-cheeked Stew and poor granny with her terrible doze of moozles!

At assembly on Friday we watched as P5A put on a fantastic performance all about Remembrance Day.  They helped us to understand why we wear poppies at this time of year. After the assembly we really wanted to make our own poppies. Mrs Kennedy gave us some resources and in our usual creative way we made lots of different styles of poppies – they were brilliant!

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P1B and Mrs Kennedy x

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