Flumflum trees, singing and fun in P1A!

This week we have been learning the sounds ‘g’ and ‘l’. We have been practising how to write our sounds and we have been making words.

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Nico and Zara said that they enjoyed rainbow writing and making the sounds with playdough.

In numeracy, we have been learning all the different ways to make 2, 3, 4 and 5.

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We even made our own sums! Thomas says that 2+1=3 and Euan wants to let you know that 2+2=4. Jacob’s favourite activity was our dice game!

On Thursday, we read Jack and the Flumflum Tree by Julia Donaldson. We looked at the front cover and used our imaginations to think about what the Isle Of Blowyernose might look like. Look at our fantastic pictures!

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We have working really hard with learning our songs for our nativity, ‘The Innkeeper’s Breakfast’. Campbell’s favourite nativity song is ‘Oh, what a lovely breakfast!’

On Friday, we got five minute’s extra play time for our excellent behaviour when walking around the school. Miss Harrison was very proud of us!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend,

P1A 🙂

Shhhhhhh don’t wake the hibernating Hedgehogs!

In Primary 1/2 this week, we continued our learning about Autumn. We started the week by looking at Autumn animals and using information books and pictures to extract key facts. Primary 2 then went on to write fact files about Hedgehogs. Our new Autumn display is nearly complete so please feel free to stop by and have a read of some of our work. You will find it between Primary 1A and Primary 1B. Primary 1 have also been working hard on their writing. This week they used all of the skills they have learnt so far to write full sentences using finger spaces and full stops. Miss Mudd can see that they are gaining more independence every day.

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The whole class have been working really hard on their reading this week. We read in our groups every day and share our ideas on the text. Miss Mudd can see that a lot of us have been practising hard at home as we are making great progress. We have been doing paired reading and sharing stories with a partner. We have enjoyed working with different people and learning how to support each other. We have also been summarising stories using puppets to re-tell key events.

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Through our research on Hedgehogs, we looked at hibernation. We conducted an experiment to look at hibernating bears. One bear (hot water bottle) was put next to the window with no leaves or twigs to help keep him warm. The other bear was tucked up nicely with a fleecy rug, leaves and twigs. We left the bears for 2 hours to see who kept in the most heat. In our free play, Miss Mudd then challenged us to see if we could use the bricks to build a den for the bears. We researched different hibernating animals and went on to write a hibernation diary for our chosen animal. We had to pretend we were that animal for the day and think about the different jobs we would be doing to prepare to hibernate.

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On Friday we got nice and messy making clay hedgehogs. Miss Mudd did warn us that the clay was hard so it gave our fingers quite the work out! We loved making our hedgehogs and used penne pasta for their spikes. We will be painting them and sticking on their eyes next week.

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To finish off, we have to post a few photos of Primary 1/2 bobbing for apples. We had great fun getting wet on Monday although Miss Mudd chose to sit that one out!

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Have a lovely weekend. Nativity starts next week!

Primary 1/2

P1A are reading!

This week we have been learning addition facts for 2, 3, 4 and 5. We looked at all the different ways to make these numbers.

Our new sounds this week were ‘c’, ‘k’ and ‘ck’. We used these sounds, along with the other sounds we already know, to spell and read lots of words. This week, we all had reading books with words! We have been working really hard with our reading & have been practising our common words.

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We had a lovely end to the week when we won Class of the Week for the second time!


Next week, we will be starting work on our nativity, ‘The Innkeeper’s Breakfast’! We will let you know more information soon.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

P1A 🙂


Cracking Reading by P1B

We’ve been Busy, busy again! We had fun at the end of the day on Monday, dookin’ for apples which we gobbled up straight after, enjoying the novelty of eating in class.

We have been reading our new reading books with our reading groups several times this week.  We are really good at reading the words aloud and are working hard to listen as others read and we follow the words on the page. We also share our ideas and opinions on the story and listen to those of others.  We chose the names of our reading groups ourselves and have decided on Elephants, Pandas, Polar Bears and Kangaroos – four fantastic names!

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We have also been working hard using the sounds c, k and ck. We have been writing quite a bit in our jotters too, sounding out sentences using all the sounds we know and learning how to leave a space between words as well as trying to write on the line.

We are trying to get outside as much as possible when the weather is good.  We visited the outdoor classroom again on Monday and practised our ‘c’ sound.  We left a large stone ‘c’ on the ground as a surprise for others to see when they come in, but we won’t tell them it was us!

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We practised our common words in the gym this week, enjoying the big space to run around and make a lot of noise as we played games to learn the words.

We have been looking more closely at adding, learning all the addition sums for numbers to 5.  We are really pretty good at saying all the sums that add to 2 and 3 and will be working on 4 and 5 next week.  We’re also working on a wall display so we can use this to help us as we work.  Mrs Kennedy has lots more games planned for next week to help us to learn all the number facts.

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Mrs Kennedy has just downloaded the songs for our nativity The Innkeepers Breakfast,  we will start learning them on Monday, Christmas is about to begin in P1B!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy


Autumn has arrived!

Welcome back! We hope everyone had a lovely October holiday.

This week we jumped straight back into our learning and had a very busy week. In Literacy we had a consolidation week, revising all of the sounds we learnt last term and applying our knowledge to different contexts. We were ‘diving for digraphs’, reading Yes/No questions and writing CVC words.

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We also received a very kind gift from a friend of Miss Mudd. The MacDougall family kindly gave us a beautiful doll’s house to play with, as well as some jigsaws and games. We have loved playing with it and we are very grateful.


In Numeracy we were introduced to addition and learnt about the language and symbols that we use when adding. We have practised with lots of concrete materials and Miss Mudd was amazed at how quickly we all picked it up. The Primary 2 group were using TU frames to partition numbers and were using this knowledge to help with their addition.

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For the next 2 weeks, we are doing an Outdoor Learning focus and P1/2 are learning all about different seasons throughout the year. We have been looking at Autumn so got the clipboards out and went on a nature walk to see what we could find. We collected lots of leaves, looking at the different shapes and colours. We then used these leaves to create hedgehog pictures. We had some great discussions about Autumn and thoroughly enjoyed getting out of the classroom and into the local environment.

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We hope you all have a lovely week.

Primary 1/2

Our first week back in P1A!

What a busy first week back in P1A!

This week, we have been using the sounds we know to build words. When we were writing about autumn, we tried very hard to spell words using the letter patterns we have been taught.

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In numeracy, we have been learning to add numbers to 10. Nico says that 4 + 4 is 8. Zara would like to tell you that 5 + 5 is 10 and Sophia knows that 10 and 10 makes 20. We will continue our work with addition next week.

This week, we have been learning outdoors. On Wednesday, we were nature detectives and went on the hunt to look for signs of autumn. We found blackberries, conkers, pine cones, mushrooms and piles of leaves! Later that day, we made some autumn pictures.

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On Friday, we learned some basic French words with our P7 buddies. We also had our first official trip to the school library and we all have a library book to take home.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend. See you next week,

P1A 🙂

Autumn Fun

It is lovely to be back together again after the holiday, we have settled easily back into our routines and have been sharing lots of interesting holiday news.

We have had lots of fun outside this week as we investigate Autumn and the changes happening all around us.  We are lucky to have such a big outdoor space and we had great fun in the outdoor classroom.  We have collected lots of things for our Autumn table and children can bring in anything they find outside of school too.

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After our walk we worked in groups using a record sheet to note down all the sings of Autumn that we noticed.  We worked very well together as we learn co-operation and how to work together to complete a task.

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We have also been working hard in Numeracy this week, learning addition.  We have been working with a partner, challenging each other with tricky sums, we like being the teacher and checking if our partner has the right answer.

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We also had our first visit to the library on Friday.  Mrs Manlove explained that we will choose a book every Friday and take it home to read, bringing it back the next Friday so we can take a new one.  Some Buddies came too and helped us to choose a book.  They are also very good at reading to us.

Have a lovely weekend from all in P1B x

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End of Term and Class of the Week!

Wow! What a quick term and yet when we think about all we’ve done and how settled we are it seems like we have been at school for a long time.

This week we have been learning the sounds ‘d’ and ‘e’.  We pretend we are playing a drum for the ‘d’ action and crack eggs for the ‘e’ action.  We really enjoy the Jolly Phonics songs and actions and they are really helping us to remember our sounds – you can find them on youtube if you would like to practise at home.   We are also enjoying finding words or sounds we know as we look at books and words all around us.

In numeracy we have been learning ‘one more’ and ‘one less’ and saying the number before or after a particular number.  We are getting very quick at it.

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On Tuesday we had lots of visitors to our classroom for Special Person afternoon.  It was very busy and lots of fun, we played games together and it was lovely to show others around our room and share our learning.

We loved assembly this week, especially when Miss Baillie announced that P1B were class of the week!   We have certainly been working very hard. Mrs Kennedy is extremely proud of us and how well we have settled into school life.  We have all learned so much since we first started and we are a very happy and hard working bunch!



We are really looking forward to term 2, beginning with some outdoor learning.  We will be looking at some new projects and begin to practise for our Christmas show.

Have a lovely holiday from all in P1B.

Primary 1/2 Vs The Big Bad Wolf

This week in Primary 1/2 we have been solving some very tricky problems. After reading the story of The 3 Little Pigs, we were set a challenge by the Big Bad Wolf. He dared us to try and build a house that he would not be able to blow down. We used our team work skills to design a house and discussed the materials we would use. We then had a go at making some houses out of paper, wood, Lego and straw. It was a lot harder than it sounds. We had to show resilience when things got tough.  img_5176 img_5175 img_5174 img_5170

We have been playing lots of games with our new sounds. Miss Mudd was in a real muddle this week and had jumbled up all of her sentences so she needed help putting them back together in the right order.

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In PE we continued to work on our basic skills and moved around different stations to practise. We also got the balloons out to help us develop our throwing and catching skills. It was great fun!

img_5079 img_5081 img_5158 img_5156In our writing, we are planning a story about a spider than lives in the Enchanted Forest. We have each developed our own main character and have described them using some awesome adjectives. We made our spiders out of different materials and really brought them to life!

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We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and a well deserved break. Be safe and enjoy your family time.

P1/2 and Miss Mudd

P1B Puppet shows and castle

Another busy week in P1B.  We now have a castle in our classroom  – all the children worked hard to build it.  We put our name on the bricks so that everyone knows who made it!  We’ve been playing in it a lot – lots of role play going on with knights and baddies, kings and queens.

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We have been reading the story of The Three Little Pigs this week.  We have been talking about and drawing the ‘setting’ of the story.  We have been writing some words from the story too, sounding out as we write. We all had a really good go and Mrs Kennedy is amazed at how well we are learning our sounds.  We also made puppets and worked in groups to put on shows, retelling the story.  We are very good at putting on different voices for different characters and using props.


Later in the week, some of us decided to be judges during the shows – we made notes and wrote down scores – great writing practise.

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In maths we have been learning about gathering information and how to record it, using tally marks and pictographs.  We made a giant pictograph showing our favourite fruit.

We are a very creative bunch – during free play we have been really busy using lots of different materials to make signs and flags for the castle as well as masks, hats, bracelets and much more. Here we are with some of the things we’ve made. Mrs Kennedy is very pleased with all our problem solving, decision making and persistence 🙂



We hope you all have a lovely weekend.  P1B x

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