Tag Archives: stories

Thursday 23rd of April – Pink Class

Good morning Pink Class! It’s going to be another beautiful day!

Calendar – 

What month are we on again? What was last month? What is next month?

Let’s practise our months of the year:

Movement –

What is in the movement section for you to try today?

Life skills –

Mmmmmm, I have a lot of these jobs to do today, how many can you help out with?

Maths – 

We have been looking at birds this week. How many have you spotted?

Click on the sheets below to help you keep a record over the next few days.



Fiddly Fingers –

Another use for those toilet tubes –

Story –

Yesterday was Earth Day and we were all thinking about ways to help save our planet. Here are a few stories about Earth Day.

Signs of the Day –

Pop over to this section to learn some signs from Lorna.

Music –

Pop over to this section Connie and Gordon have some great ideas to try out,

Sensory –

Have you ever painted with feathers? Try to find some feathers when you are out on a walk and have a go. Can you imagine what the sky would be like if birds did make marks with their tails when they flew?

Gordon has also popped on some great art ideas to do with Earth Day for you to try. Have a go, Be arty!

Dance –

Has Rachel got a new part of the dance sorted? Have a look!

Challenge of the Day –

Can you make a face using a plate and some things around the house? Challenge your family to do the same. Give your family of plates names.

Have a fantastic Thursday Pink Class!


Group 5 Story Time Monday 20th April

Hi Everyone,

Today’s story is Twinkles. Arthur and Puss. I hope you enjoy it.


Tomorrow’s story choice is

Find out what happens when What a Mess thinks he has discovered a monster.


Meet Hairy Maclary and his friends as Hairy Maclary does his best to keep his bone away from his hungry friends.

Reply to this post to let me know which story you would like to see.

Group 5 Story time

Hi everyone,

Today’s story is What a Mess. It is a slightly longer story so it is in two parts. I hope you like it as much as I do. I just love the pictures.

Tomorrow’s choice (the final choice before the Easter holidays) is …

In this story Slinky Malinki (a cat) goes out to meet his friends. Find out what they get up to and where they all settle down at the end of the night.

or …

After the Storm (Percy the Park Keeper) - book, teaching resources ...

A good one for a windy day. Find out what Percy and his animal friends get up to after a storm messes up their park.

Reply to this post to let me know which one you would like to hear.

Group 8 – Thursday 2nd April

Good morning Group 8

Here are some activities for today

Why not try some story massage. Use the guide below and while you are reading a story you can use the exercise on the young person.

How about some messy play.

For lunch today why not try making your own sandwich. Here are the instructions for a chicken mayo filling.

Make sure you are helping around the house too.

You can go on a treasure hunt around the house and find as many different colours as you can. Then why not try sorting them into different colours.

Time for some relaxation with some breathing exercises

Next click on the picture below to explore the webcams at Edinburgh Zoo

Hope you all have a good day and manage to get some fresh air too.


Group 5 Story Time Wednesday 1st April

Hi everyone,

Today’s story is the Gruffalo. I don’t have a copy of this at home so this is a youtube link which will take you to someone else reading the story. I hope you enjoy it!

Tomorrow’s story choices are …

In this book we meet What-a-Mess, a small Afghan hound. He does have a proper name but he has forgotten it because everyone who sees him always says ‘What a Mess!’

Or …

In this story Slinky Malinki (a cat) goes out to meet his friends. Find out what they get up to and where they all settle down at the end of the night.

Let me know which one you would prefer by replying to this post.