Tag Archives: science

Group 1 Underwater Activities

Group 1 have had fun completing lots of underwater activities. They were enthusiastic using all the ICT enjoying underwater adventures using the interactive floor projector, osmo activities on the i pads and numeracy games on the smart board, some pupils completing times tables challenges! They also experienced underwater yoga and for literacy read the books Don’t Worry Little Crab and the Rainbow Fish. Making colourful puppets and acting out the story of Don’t Worry Little Crab the young people were good at identifying the character traits of the two crabs and comparing the story to personal experiences. During the Rainbow Fish we explored the character traits of a good friend and completed number mazes to reach the octopus. Finally we enjoyed a trip to Deep Sea World!



Group 1 Earth Day Activities

Group 1 celebrated Earth Day by taking part in lots of different activities. The Earth day theme this year was fighting plastic pollution. We got messy burying some plastic, an apple and some paper in soil, then writing down our predictions what we think will happen. We will find out in 4 weeks if our predictions came true! The book A Planet Full of Plastic was enjoyed by group 1, we read it and answered some questions before writing about what we felt the biggest problems with single use plastics were and thought of things we could do to help. We went on a litter pick in the local park and analysed the litter we collected before making and reading some graphs. We also looked at how plastic could enter the food chain. We explored the life cycle of plastic, made pictures from salt and glue and completed a scavenger hunt. We completed some recycling tasks and learned about plastic in our oceans.

Yellow Class – Learning about growing

Yellow class are enjoying their topic about Growing this term. We observed our caterpillars as they became chrysalises and then butterflies. We chose a spot in the outdoor learning garden among the flowers to set them free. We learned about the life cycle of a butterfly and have created writing and art showing this.

We also learned about the life cycle of sunflowers and planted seeds. We each took a plant home to look after and left some in school. We are measuring them each week and are wondering how big they might grow?!

Group 1 Spring Activities

Group 1 have been busy completing Spring activities during their IDL time. We enjoyed observing and recording all the signs of Spring outdoors. We have been pairing baby animals with their parents and learned about the life cycle of a frog. Following instructions group 1 made their own paper frogs. We enjoyed acting out the Easter story and making our own story boards. Group 1 made Easter eggs and put their favourite things inside. We also explored symmetry in nature, made our own symmetrical butterflies using paint and completed some symmetrical patterns in class.

Group 1 Science Electricity

Group 1 have been learning about things that use electricity. They have also learned about circuits, made a circuit clown with a light up nose and spinning bow. Next they used the circuit to explore whether different items in the class were conductors or insulators. We also added a switch to our circuit and explored adding more batteries to get a brighter bulb! They also explored electricity and it’s history to understand how life has changed because of electricity