Good Morning Group 1,
Today is different because school is closed! Time off school is a change to your usual schedule but it is OK. Your teachers and family want you to be safe. Listen for the strong wind and try to stay inside. You can do your favourite things and some school work at home.
You could watch your favourite movement songs on you tube and listen to news-round. What is your favourite news story today?
Have a look at some of these pictures from our class this week. In maths some young learners were completing fantastic shape work. Take part in a shape hunt around your home! If you have spaghetti you could try making some shapes, is it easier to make shapes with cooked or uncooked spaghetti. We had fun exploring shapes finding out if they roll or do they stack. For the young learners who were exploring fractions you could see if you can find something you could split into two equal parts. Is it possible to make a flour or sand tray at home and try and split it into equal parts.
You could make your own Scotland flag or picture for the celebrations in school next week, find out if you have a family tartan, and look at some famous places in Scotland. It is Burns night on Saturday, here is a short clip you can watch:
We look forward to seeing you in school next week!