Tag Archives: maths

January 24th Group 1

Good Morning Group 1,

Today is different because school is closed! Time off school is a change to your usual schedule but it is OK. Your teachers and family want you to be safe. Listen for the strong wind and try to stay inside. You can do your favourite things and some school work at home.

You could watch your favourite movement songs on you tube and listen to news-round. What is your favourite news story today?

Have a look at some of these pictures from our class this week. In maths some young learners were completing fantastic shape work. Take part in a shape hunt around your home! If you have spaghetti you could try making some shapes, is it easier to make shapes with cooked or uncooked spaghetti. We had fun exploring shapes finding out if they roll or do they stack. For the young learners who were exploring fractions you could see if you can find something you could split into two equal parts. Is it possible to make a flour or sand tray at home and try and split it into equal parts.

You could make your own Scotland flag or picture for the celebrations in school next week, find out if you have a family tartan, and look at some famous places in Scotland. It is Burns night on Saturday, here is a short clip you can watch:

We look forward to seeing you in school next week!


Paralympics Group 1

Group 1 have been learning about the Paralympics and some famous Paralympians. They learned about the countries around the world that practice Paralympics, looked at the different different flags and designed our own flags using our favourite colours. The young people could mark on the calendar the start and finish dates for the Paris Paralympics.  We looked at some of the differences between other countries and Scotland. We watched some para athletics and listened to some inspiring stories from Hollie Arnold MBE and Thomas Young MBE. The young people chose their favourite sports that we could watch and try including javelin, long jump and discus. They also enjoyed colouring in the logo of the Paralympic games, making torches and learning about the different medals. Some pupils made graphs comparing the number of gold, silver and bronze medals won by the different countries. We also found out that Great Britain have won medals across all groups showing in the words of Usain Bolt “Anything is possible. Don’t think limit.”

Yellow class Maths and Literacy

Yellow class have been working hard completing their maths and literacy tasks. We are doing well working independently and you can see it on our concentrating faces and big smiles!

Group 1 Measuring Activities

Group 1 have been enjoying taking part in different measuring tasks. We have been reading books about measurement discovering ancient measurement of length was based on the human body. Group 1 explored different types of measurements including lengths, mass and volumes. We spoke about the different units of measurements and had a scavenger hunt to find different packages with measurements on. We used the i pads to explore google maps finding out the distance to some of our favourite places or places we’d like to visit.  Fun was had using the trundle wheel outside and measuring rainfall in a beaker. The young people had fun making their own play dough counting cups. We then used our fraction work to try and split the play dough into equal parts using scales to see if we were accurate. One pupil used the play dough to help complete some equivalent fraction work. Fun was also had making numbers, letters and patterns with the play dough. We then used the measuring jug to make our own kinetic sand working hard to follow instructions and measure carefully.

Group 1 Earth Day Activities

Group 1 celebrated Earth Day by taking part in lots of different activities. The Earth day theme this year was fighting plastic pollution. We got messy burying some plastic, an apple and some paper in soil, then writing down our predictions what we think will happen. We will find out in 4 weeks if our predictions came true! The book A Planet Full of Plastic was enjoyed by group 1, we read it and answered some questions before writing about what we felt the biggest problems with single use plastics were and thought of things we could do to help. We went on a litter pick in the local park and analysed the litter we collected before making and reading some graphs. We also looked at how plastic could enter the food chain. We explored the life cycle of plastic, made pictures from salt and glue and completed a scavenger hunt. We completed some recycling tasks and learned about plastic in our oceans.

Group 1 Spring Activities

Group 1 have been busy completing Spring activities during their IDL time. We enjoyed observing and recording all the signs of Spring outdoors. We have been pairing baby animals with their parents and learned about the life cycle of a frog. Following instructions group 1 made their own paper frogs. We enjoyed acting out the Easter story and making our own story boards. Group 1 made Easter eggs and put their favourite things inside. We also explored symmetry in nature, made our own symmetrical butterflies using paint and completed some symmetrical patterns in class.

Making Patterns in Maths

In Silver Class this week we have been looking at making our own patterns! We really had to focus and work out what we wanted in our patterns.

Do Bigger Hands Hold More Cubes.

Group 1 have been measuring different lengths this week. They have used cubes and rulers to measure their hand lengths. Next they counted how many cubes they could hold and investigated if bigger hands could hold more cubes. They stood in order of hand length then stood in order of how many cubes they could hold. One pupil also plotted the results in a graph.