Tag Archives: literacy

Gold Class Friday 29th May

Morning everyone, what a beautiful day.

  1. Head over to assembly, there are some great photos of Pinewood pupils.

2: Literacy: Have you read a book recently? Complete this review on it.

3: Social Studies


4: Story – Continuing with our China theme, listen to this traditional story from China called The Five Chinese Brothers.

5. Go and see what Lorna has planned for you in Sign of the day.

6. Food Technology: Why dont you try baking these Chinese cookies

7. ICT – Can you find out 5 facts about China using the internet?

8. On Fridays we have Music – head over and see what has been planned for you.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Gold Class Wednesday 27th May

Good morning everybody. How are you all today?


2. Literacy:

3. PE. On Wednesday we have PE – pop over and see what has been planned.

4. Story:

5: Go and see what Lorna has planned for you for Sign of the Day.

6. We have Art on Wednesday – head over and see what activities are there for you.

7. Science: click to enlarge

8. Health and Well-being. Have you done something kind for someone else today? Can you make someone smile today?

That is all today. Pop back tomorrow. Have a lovely day.