Tag Archives: literacy

Silver – Wednesday 25th March

Good morning Silver Class!

Some ideas for today’s timetable if you are following along at home.


Let’s practise some writing today, The Silver class looove writing in different materials.

You can try shaving foam

Or try salt, sand, rice, paint – anything at all. Your imagination is your only limit 🙂

Can you try writing your name? How many pictures can you draw? Maybe you could try some numbers too? It’s messy and it’s fun!


Try some of Gerry or Pedro’s ideas on the blog.

Remember there is also Joe Wicks on YouTube and also Oti Mabusa online too – take this time to have some fun and learn a new dance moves 🙂


David Walliams will be sharing stories daily on his website – http://worldofdavidwalliams.com

Sign of the Day

Remember to keep practising your signs of the day! I’d love to see your efforts – send me a picture or a video of your super signing!


Make a rainbow!

Rainbows are bringing people together during this difficult time. Let’s get involved Silver class! I want to see your best rainbows 🙂 You can colour, paint, use strips of materials/felt/tissue, use window chalk or paint, whatever you can find. 🙂



The Glasgow Science Centre are posting science videos each day at 10am on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. Each one will be available on their Youtube channel so don’t worry if you don’t catch it live.

Links are below:


Health and Wellbeing (HWB)

Time to get out the house! Go out into your garden or out for a walk. Take a note (either write it down or just tell an adult) – what can you see? What can you smell? What can you hear?

Come up with as many things as possible. This is called being “mindful” and it is very good at keeping us calm and in the moment. It’s important to be as mindful as possible just now and enjoy the moment.


Have a lovely day everyone.


Story Time for the Orange Class – until Friday 3rd April

Jack and the Beanstalk

Please find bellow a link to short – 3 minute, easy to follow videos about Jack and the Beanstalk for the Orange Class to watch.  There is a sequencing exercise you could try at the bottom.

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk video clips

When you have finished all of the episodes you could try sequencing the story.

If your child finds it hard, you could fill in most of the answers and leave only one or two gaps.  Then you could rinse and repeat!

A pdf is available here.   jack_sequencing

If you have a printer you could print the pdf file, cut out the pictures with your child and glue the pictures on to card.   You could then carry out the sequencing many times making it easier or harder as appropriate.

Have fun! David





Wednesday 25th of March

Good morning Pink Class!

Let’s see what we could do today.

First of all let’s get singing with our families! Wakey, wakey!


Let’s think about days of the week today. Can you teach someone in your family our days of the week song? Can you teach them our signs?

Movement –

Check out the movement section. There are some great activities posted here.

Lifeskills –

Use the Tablespoon Biscuit recipe from your home learning pack to make some yummy biscuits. After all of this movement you deserve a yummy treat!

Literacy –

Try one of the sound/literacy tasks from your pack.

Practise writing the letters of the alphabet (use different colours for each letter).


Check out the P.E. section for some ideas or play a game in your garden.

Story –

Today why don’t you develop your listening skills and tune in to David Walliams reading one of his stories. He reads a new story every day at 11am. Each story is around 15 to 20 minutes long.

Art – 

Children are being asked to paint or draw a rainbow and put it in a window at the front of the house. During this time of social distancing, families can go for a walk and children can look for rainbows!

Science –

We have been looking at water in the Pink Class.

Let’s do a floating and sinking experiment.

Find 10 things around your house. Do you think they will float or sink when you put them into water? Guess then experiment. Were you right? Why/why not?

s0f Floating and sinking investigation.


Look for healthy food choices in your fridge or cupboard.

Can you eat 4 healthy foods today? I’m going to try this too!

Today’s challenge –

Indoor scavenger hunt, Get someone to time you. Challenge someone in your family to do it faster!

Have fun today Pink Class!


Good morning everyone,

Hope you are all well and enjoying the activities on our blog.

For Language today and tomorrow, please see the following:

You can choose a story to listen to from: http://stories.audible.com

And or you can listen to Elevenses with The World of David Walliams   http://worldofdavidwalliams.com

I am currently organising Language and Communication folders, these will include activities that encourage key skills at a range of levels. Look out for these next week!

Have fun and enjoy your day!

Laura Leathem (Language and Communication Teacher)

Group 11 – Wed 25 March

Good morning Group 11!




I posted a transition passport that you can work on last night.  You could also try some of the following:

Movement (and PE): We are starting at 9 am with Joe Wicks. https://www.thebodycoach.com/blog/pe-with-joe-1254.html

Life Skills:  dust the house, dishes in the dishwasher and fill the washing machine.

Literacy:  Watch the following and write or talk about an amazing day out that you have had. http://takingflightfilm.com/

Story: Read your favourite book or listen to one of these stories. https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/storybooks-and-games/

Signing: check Lorna’s sign of the day video.

Art: We are going to work with chalk today, either on paper or in the garden path if the weather stays dry. You can also visit the National Gallery. https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/paintings/search-the-collection

Science:  We are going to fill a basin with water and see which items float or sink.

HWB: we are going to call or video call the people we love because we miss them.  Phone someone you love too.

Have a good day, Kirsty.