Tag Archives: literacy (Secondary)

Group 4 Blackburn Book trail

Group 4 recently completed a book trail around Blackburn which was run in conjunction with some of the other local schools. The pupils enjoyed visiting the different locations around Blackburn to find the clues.

The pupils were delighted to receive certificates for their participation in the book trail and Cody was the lucky winner of a £10 book token. Well done everyone!

Language (Secondary)

Good morning everyone,

Hope you enjoyed the lockdown activity yesterday, if you didn’t get a chance to complete it, you could always try today:  Lockdown

Here are a variety of words to practise reading and spelling:

Early Level – Initial sight words

First Level – 100-High-Frequency-Words 200-High-Frequency-Words

Second Level – Common exception-words 2 Common-exception-words 1

Have fun and enjoy your day!

Laura Leathem (Language and Communication Teacher)

Language (Secondary) – Today’s activity

Hello everyone,

Following on from my earlier blog post, I have attached today’s language activity – Lockdown

I said that I would post a folder with different activities but unfortunately I am unable to do this (content is too large), so I will now post them individually each day.

Have fun and enjoy your learning!

Laura Leathem (Language and Communication Teacher)


Language (Secondary)

Good morning everyone,

And what a lovely morning it is! Hope you have all had a good weekend.

As promised, I have attached a Language folder highlighting the key skills that we encourage in Language and Communication. The activities are aimed at Early, First and Second Levels. You can make yourself familiar with them today, and I will make reference to these activities throughout this week.

There is also a folder called ‘Additional activities’ and I have created a writing activity (differentiated) that you all might like to try today.

I have also included all Secondary classes (even those that I don’t teach) just in case you want to dip in and out of these.

Hope you all enjoy your day and have fun!

Laura (Language and Communication Teacher, Secondary Department)

P.S. Technical hitch – I am having difficulty uploading the files and will get some help with this – these should be available shortly.