Tag Archives: ICT

ICT – Tuesday 19 May

Let’s go on a virtual trip!

I miss going to Ullapool.  Come with me!

We are going to take a car.  Take a screenshot of your favourite one.

We are going over the Queensferry Crossing. Take a screenshot.

We are going through Pitlochry. Take a screenshot.

We are going to McDonald’s for lunch in Inverness.  What would you choose?

We have reached Ullapool.  Can you take some screenshots of it?

Do you like my pictures?




Play sensory games on your tablet.  You can find some here http://www.shinylearning.co.uk/freegames/

Gold Class Tuesday 19th May

Morning everybody I hope you had a good day yesterday and attempted the challenges that were set.


2. ICT

3. Dance: Head over to Dance and see what has been planned for you.

4. Story: Mud Pie

5. Sign of the day: Head over and see what Lorna has planned for you today

6. Fiddly Fingers – click to enlarge

7. Gardening:

8 HWB: can you exercise the letters of the the word TUESDAY?

That is all for today. Pop back tomorrow and see what’s been planned.

Gold Class Tuesday 12th May

Good Morning everyone, I hope that you are well and keeping healthy.



3. Dance: Head over to the dance section and see what has been planned for you today.

4.Story: Enjoy today’s story The Hungry Caterpillar. Can you count the foods that the caterpillar ate? Are any of them healthy?

5. Sign of the day. Head over to the section to see what signs you will be learning today.

6. Fiddly Fingers: click to enlarge

7. CDT: Can you make a bird feeder for the garden?

8. HWB: Lets try doing some exercises. click to enlarge

That is all for today. Pop back tomorrow for some more. Bye.