Tag Archives: food technology

Healthy food exploration in Red Class

Throughout our growing topic, Red class have had lots of opportunities to explore different fruit and vegetables that are grown. Over the last two weeks we have tried lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, grapes, kiwi and orange. This week we were even using our fine motor skills to thread some fruit on skewers to make some edible caterpillars! Most of us thought they were delicious!

Chinese New Year in Yellow Class

We have been learning about Chinese New Year in Yellow class. We enjoyed exploring Chinese writing, made Chinese lanterns and made some yummy spring rolls!

We also learned lots of facts that we are sharing with our friends at assembly this week.

Cooking in Yellow Class

In Yellow class we have been practicing lots of different food preparation, measurement and cooking skills over the term. This week we made some delicious pizzas. Some of us tasted a little bit in class but we all wanted to take them home to show our adults!