Happy New Year from Red Class

Happy New Year from Red class.  It has been lovely having everyone back in class this week.  We have started our animal topic for this term where we have introduced Old McDonald had a farm.  We have enjoyed listening to the song, matching farm animals, feeding the farm animals and even washing them this week too!

Yellow Class enjoying construction

On Wednesdays we enjoy construction for our “fiddly fingers” fine motor skills session. We can choose to build with magnets, train sets, Jenga, Lego and Octons.

Noisy Nativity 2023

What a fantastic nativity performance our pupils put on this year! Well done to all the pupils and staff who made it such a fabulous show! Here are some of the highlights from the performance and preparation:

Yellow Class Nativity Preparations

In Yellow Class we worked hard on our nativity performances. We have enjoyed learning all of the songs, making some scenery and creating our costumes. We were all superstars on the day and had great fun performing in front of an audience!

We’re feeling a bit Christmassy!

The young people and staff of group 7 have definitely got the Christmas spirit.

Can you spot who’s who?

Merry Christmas from everyone in Group 7!

Pink Class Autumn Firework Fun

We have all had fun making fireworks pictures for bonfire night and for Diwali.  We made fireworks in the sky with pipe cleaners, we drew rockets and we made fireworks out of shapes. We have drawn fireworks, printed them, cut them out, coloured in and added them to out Autumn Classroom Display on the wall.  We have made Diya Lamps for Diwali out of Clay which we fired in the kiln.


Loud rockets.

Working hard!

Great job!

Great work!

Our Diya Lamps for Diwali.

Autumn Topic wall display


We had fun making these in three stages.

Yellow Class winter art

We followed step by step instructions very carefully to create winter scenes of snow and robins. They are proudly displayed outside our classroom.