Language Skills (Secondary)

Good morning everyone,

Below are some activity choices for this week:

Option 1 (daily activity) – Early Level

Writing lower and uppercase letters

Ask an adult to shout out all lowercase letters and write them down.

How many can you manage without looking?

If you are feeling confident then move on to uppercase letters.


Option 2 (week long activity) – First Level and beyond


You are going to create your own diary. First, research some famous dairies, e.g. The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank – google an excerpt to look at the format (how it is laid out).

Now, it’s your turn!

Create your own personal diary and design the front cover which should reflect your personality.

Every day make a diary entry that explains the events and experiences of your day.

The key features of a diary are explained below:

  • describes the places where events happened
  • is written in the past tense
  • talks about the most important events
  • uses some personal pronouns: I, we, my, me
  • talks about feelings
  • uses time conjunctions (e.g. before, next, after) to show when things happened.

Try to think about your choice of words to make your writing more interesting by using adverbs and adjectives.

An adverb – a word that describes a verb (an action or doing word). E.g. I ate (verb) my breakfast slowly (adverb).

An adjective – a word that describes a noun (the name of a thing or place). E.g. I played a fun (adjective) game (noun).


Option 3 (browse the web)

Explore one or more of the following websites to find something of interest and benefit to you:


Good luck!

Laura (Language Teacher)

RME – Thursday 14th January 2021

“The Golden Rule” appears in the teachings of the world’s six biggest religions in some form or other. Some pupils may remember this.


What could you do today to treat others nicely?


  • wash the dishes                                                  share toys


say something nice to someone                                      help to make a snack

                  say thank you more often                 show respect for others

Here are a couple of videos to help you learn about the Golden Rule –







Language Skills (Secondary)

Good morning everyone,

Below are some activity choices for this week:

Option 1 (daily activity) – Early Level

Matching lower and uppercase letters

Write out all lowercase letters (in one colour of pen) and uppercase letters (in a different colour of pen).

Now try to match them. How many can you manage?


Option 2 (week long activity) – First Level and beyond


You are going to create your own diary. First, research some famous dairies, e.g. The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank – google an excerpt to look at the format (how it is laid out).

Now, it’s your turn!

Create your own personal diary and design the front cover which should reflect your personality.

Every day make a diary entry that explains the events and experiences of your day.

The key features of a diary are explained below:

  • describes the places where events happened
  • is written in the past tense
  • talks about the most important events
  • uses some personal pronouns: I, we, my, me
  • talks about feelings
  • uses time conjunctions (e.g. before, next, after) to show when things happened.

Try to think about your choice of words to make your writing more interesting by using adverbs and adjectives.

An adverb – a word that describes a verb (an action or doing word). E.g. I ate (verb) my breakfast slowly (adverb).

An adjective – a word that describes a noun (the name of a thing or place). E.g. I played a fun (adjective) game (noun).


Option 3 (browse the web)

Explore one or more of the following websites to find something of interest and benefit to you:


Good luck!

Laura (Language Teacher)

Wednesday music with Connie and Gordon – 13 January 2021

Welcome to Wednesday Music with Connie and Gordon!

Warm up to this piece of fabulous music by clapping your hands and moving in time with the music.

Here is today’s selection of favourite karaoke songs for you to enjoy  at home. Take some time to make your own MICROPHONE, to do this  click on here.     Enjoy the selection today!

Movement –  dance or play along with an instrument.

Time to relax!

Wednesday 13th January – Home Learning

Morning Good Morning GIF - Morning GoodMorning GoodDay GIFs

Hello and welcome to Wednesday!

Are you ready for Circle Time?


What about some maths?


Now, time for some movement.


When did last do any cooking?  Has it been a while? Why not try Cheese and Ham roll-ups!


Let’s do some jobs.

Ready for some reading?


Let’s have some sensory fun!

Are you very messy???

Time for some relaxation.

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!