Group 6 Thursday 4th November

Hi everyone,

If you are reading this, it means that Pinewood School is closed for the day. Don’t worry, there are lots of fun ways to learn at home.

Click on the SWAYs below to get some great ideas for Art, Science and Language.




Then, head on to SEESAW to get some super ideas from Pedro for PE, Maths and Health.

If you have any problems send me or Pedro a message.

Have a great day!


Eco-Committee minutes – 13th May

Hello everyone,

Please, find below the minutes of our meeting as well as the evidence of Friday Fairtrade Snack (Friday 6th May).

A special thank you to Pam for proving us with delicious Fairtrade bananas and chocolate. Our pupils said: “the chocolate was yummy!”

Pink class has enjoyed their Fairtrade snack!