Author Archives: Laura Dewar

Group 2 – Friday 8th May

Social Studies Look at Linda’s post for today.



Sign of the Day – have a look and see what Lorna is signing today

Food Technology Time to make something yummy.  What does Hazel have planned.


ICT/Technology Check out what Kirsty has planned.

Music – I wonder what Connie is singing today.


Group 2 – Thursday 7th May

Maths – Have a look at Claire’s Maths post.

Fiddly Fingers – Look at the slides for instructions





Sign of the Day – watch Lorna’s video.

Sensory Play – Have a look below.


Music – tune in to Connie’s post.

Dance – Are you ready to move?  It’s time to get dancing.



Group 2 – Wednesday 6th May

Maths – have a look to see what Claire has planned for today’s Maths

P.E – What is Pedro doing in P.E today?



Sign of the Day I wonder what Lorna is signing today.  Can you look and see?

Art It’s time to visit Steve and see what he has planned

Outdoor Learning Let’s take a look at what Gerry is doing today in Outdoor Learning

HWB  It’s time to chill.  Can you choose 2 activities to help you relax?

Feel calm