Author Archives: Hazel Parker

Group 4 Blackburn Book trail

Group 4 recently completed a book trail around Blackburn which was run in conjunction with some of the other local schools. The pupils enjoyed visiting the different locations around Blackburn to find the clues.

The pupils were delighted to receive certificates for their participation in the book trail and Cody was the lucky winner of a £10 book token. Well done everyone!

Group 4 YPI winners 2024 😊

Group 4 were delighted to win our YPI competition yesterday with £3000 being awarded to our charity OPAL Cyrenians. The charity supports older people in the community by running a range of groups and activities. The charity are going to use the money to create a hub area where they can have coffee mornings and other events at their offices in Bathgate.

It was a fantastic afternoon with some great presentations from all the groups involved. Well done everyone!