Author Archives: Mr Spence

Guided Access on the iPad

Lots of our pupils love to keep pressing the home button when what yo really want is them to work on the app you have selected. Click below for an easy guide to Guided Access. This prevents them from continually exiting the app until you unlock the screen again. It is widely used in school and can help them stay focussed for longer.

Guided Access

Edinburgh Zoo Webcams

Ever wanted to see what life was like inside Edinburgh Zoo. Here is your chance. Just follow the links to see the live webcams from inside Edinburgh Zoo.

Koala Bear                Panda                        Penguin                    Rockhopper             Tiger
Click Here                 Click Here                  Click Here                Click Here                 Click Here

Fischy Music

Pinewood loves Fischy Music and they have kindly allowed us to share our Fischy log in details with everyone.

User name: graeme.spence
Password: pinewood123

Click here for Fisch Music Online and use the log in details above

Click here for Fischy Tunes, our music website.

Click here for Fischy’s you tube channel, where every Monday at 11am there will be a live assembly