Author Archives: C Boyd

Group 1, 2,3 Maths 21st April

Hello Everyone.

Do you know today’s date?

Can you write it down?

There are 3 levels of work here. Pick the level that suits your math’s learning best.

If you’re not sure start at A and then move to B and then C if you can.

Group 3 There is a maths post from yesterday that you can also do if you haven’t done so already.

Activity A

Join in with Jack and shout out the number when you know it.

Play Top marks Teddy Numbers. Choose 1 to 10 first then you could try 1 to 15

Can you find 7 cars, pencils, or spoons in your house?

Activity B

Join in with Jack and shout out the number when you know it.

Today you are going to find one more or less to 20 then try to 30. If you are managing this then you can try 10 more or less.


Activity C

Join in with Jack   and shout out the number when you know it.

Find 10 more or less up to 50 then 100.

Now try Addition and subtraction to 20.

Let me know how you get on.




Group 1 Tuesday 21st April

Good Morning Group 1.

How are you all today?


I hope that you are all well and feeling happy.

Some of the class might be feeling worried just now.

Here is a story about what might help if you are feeling worried.

It’s always best to share a worry. Sharing it makes it seem less big and someone might be able to help you send the worry away.

Life Skills

I hope you have all been trying out some new life skills challenges in your home?

This weeks challenge is Hoovering. Can you hoover a different room each day?

Let me know which rooms you’ve hoovered.

Have a good day!


Group 1,2,3 Maths Monday 20th April

Hello Everyone.

I hope you have all had a lovely break and are ready to do some more maths learning.

There are 3 activities below. Please choose the one which suits your stage of maths learning best. If you’re not sure then start with A and then move to the next one.

Activity A

Join in with Jack counting to 20

Go on a number hunt in the house

Ask someone in your house to write the numbers 1 to 10 or 1 to 20 on some separate pieces of paper and hide them around the house. Your task is to find them all and then put them all in order. Good luck!


Activity B

Join in with Jack counting forward and backwards to 50.

Chairs have legs, tables have legs, people have legs. How many legs can you find in your house?

Write down your answers eg 24 chair, 6 human, 4 table, 4 drawers.

Can you make a chart to show what you have found?

What had the most legs?

Can you work out how may legs you found altogether? You could use your hundred chart to help.

Let me know what you found.

Activity C

Join in with Jack counting by 2

Sock party.

Find as many socks as you can in your house.

How many pairs of socks are there and how many with no match?

How did you count the socks?

Can you use counting in 2s to help count pairs?

If I have 5 pairs of socks how many socks is that all together?

How do you know?

What else could you count in pairs?

Let me know how you get on.






Group 1 Monday 20th April

Hello Everyone. I hope you’ve all enjoyed your holiday from school work and have found some fun things to do.

I have been reading, doing some sewing and getting outside for some exercise. I have loved seeing the new lambs in the fields and they have made me feel very happy.

I love this song too

What has made you feel happy? Was it a game you played,playing outside or maybe having an Easter egg?

Draw a picture of what has made you feel happy and say what made you happy and why.

Perhaps you could send me your pictures?


Today we would have been out in the community if we had been at school.

Instead I want you to go outside and see how many signs you can see.

It might be a road sign, a traffic sign or a bus stop.

What do the signs say?

What do they mean?

Take a photo of anything you see.

Look at the other blogs for more learning and don’t forget sign of the day and of course Maths.

Have fun!


Group 1 4-4-20

Good Morning Everyone!

How are you all today? I’m happy today  because the weather on Sunday is going to be sunny!

What’s the weather like today?

How are your household chores going? What have you managed to do?

Laura has also posted a story for language. Its PE today so put on one of the PE workouts and have a go.

Reflection time

There is a reflection sheet included in your home learning pack – please complete this today to bring to school when we get back.

It’s nearly Easter holidays time so I’ve added another link with ideas to do indoors from the scouts. There a lots of fun things to do so have a look!.

and finally

Happy easter rabbit with eggs decoration - Download Free Vectors ...

Take care everyone and enjoy your Eater egg (if you haven’t eaten it already!)


Maths Shape Activity 3

Hello Everyone.

I hope you manages to make some interesting patterns with rectangles or squares,

Today why not try making a pattern with circles?

Find a lid or coin and draw around it to make circles.                                                                             Now make a pattern with the circles.                                                                                                           Is it easier or harder to work with circles than rectangles?                                                                     What’s different about circles?                                                                                                                     Would tiles that are circles be a good shape to use to cover your bathroom wall?                          Why?

Here is a Jack Hartmann maths song to get you counting and moving

Sensory Play shaving foam

Hi Everyone.

It’s not too long till Easter so I thought you could try 2 activities in 1.

Why not try making some shaving foam Easter egg pictures.

You will need :

shaving foam, paint or food colour, a tray, paper, something to stir the shaving foam with. and a scraper to take off excess foam, scissors.

What to do:

Put shaving foam in try,  add some drops of colour,  drag a stick through it to make a pattern,  place a piece of paper on top and gently press down. Scrape the excess saving foam off and leave to dry.

When you have made your marbled paper you can cut out some Easter Egg shapes.

Here is a link to help you:

Don’t worry if you don’t have any paint or colour you can have fun playing in the shaving foam!



Maths Groups 1,2,3 Shape activities 2

Hello Everyone.

I hope you managed to find lots of shapes in your house or garden yesterday.

Today’s challenge is to make a pattern using rectangles or squares or both.                                      Have a look in your house or outside. Can you see any patterns made with tiles in you kitchen or bathroom or maybe some slabs outside?                                                                                    You are going to make your own pattern with rectangles or squares.                                                 What do you have in the house to help you? cards? mats? dominoes or maybe you could draw your pattern.

Can you take a photo of your pattern?                                                                                                      Can you colour it?                                                                                                                                             How many rectangles or squares are in your pattern?                                                                             What happens if you add another shape?

Have fun investigating and let me know how you get on.




Group 1 Good Morning 31-3-20

Personal hygiene

Good morning Group 1. How are you today? I can hear the birds singing this morning and I’ve just been watching a wood pigeon sitting on my fence so that has made me feel happy. I will feel even better if the sun starts to shine!

Have you looked at today’s date? It’s the last day of March so tomorrow will be????                           That’s right the 1st of April which is also April Fool’s Day. Look out for people playing tricks tomorrow!

We have been talking about personal hygiene in class. Today I’d like you to talk through the sheets (on the link Personal Hygiene above)  and see if you can remember all the things that are important to keep clean and smell nice. How many of them can you do on your own?

Enjoy your day!
