P2/1 – Friday 12th June

Hello everyone

It’s nearly the weekend again!

Here is today’s Story Time From Home – no interruptions from Tufty today mind you! The story has a very important message all about good listening which is just as important at home as it is at school.


Below is a fantastic cat story that I have been sent this week and I thought you would enjoy reading it too. It was written and illustrated by one of the P1 girls in our class

Hopefully the weather will be nice at the weekend and you will all get outside to play and do nice things.

Stay safe and I will look forward to hearing from you and sharing another story with you on Monday.

Miss McDermott 

Good afternoon primary1, Thursday 11th June

I hope you are having a good week. I have loved seeing the photos you have been sending in, keep up all the fantastic activities you have been doing. They look great!

A lot of fairy tales have an element of magic in them and although we can’t cast spells like them , we can become scientists. Some experiments that scientists do are so clever and quite magical!

Science – How It Works - Kids Environment Kids Health - National ...

Here are a few experiments you can try at home with a grown up.



Can you try to make a stick man dance?


There are lots more on here.


Please let us know if you do any. We would love to see how you budding scientists get on!

Have a lovely afternoon.

Your P1 teachers


Good morning

Morning boys and girls!
Hope you’re all keeping safe and well. At the weekend Miss Wallace accidentally broke her bird feeder in her garden! The birds kept coming to visit my garden to find some food and they were wondering where it had gone!
So I decided to make one out of a milk carton. It was super easy to make and thought I would share it with you in case you have some bird seeds spare! Let me know how you get on! Miss Wallace X

P2A Thursday, 11th June

Good morning, everyone.

Yesterday was definitely a very wet Wednesday.  The rainy weather brings out lots of minibeasts – the ones I don’t like!  I don’t like this week’s topic of slugs and snails and I really don’t like them in my garden!  Have you noticed more of them when when it’s rainy?

Here is one of the new Mr Men Show stories.  It begins with Little Miss Naughty and some snails!

Have a lovely Thursday.

Mrs Herbison

3a Thursday 11.6.20 Good morning.

Good morning, 3a,

Didn’t it rain yesterday! I did get out for my daily exercise, but I put on my waterproofs.

Mrs Bell and I have had some lovely emails this week. Thanks to everybody who has shared their work and other activities with us. We’ve seen writing, volcano models, photographs of deer and of craft activities. We send these to the office as part of our celebrating success.

Remember if you need any help, or want to show us what you’ve been doing, you can email us and we’ll get back to you.

Just for fun…

When it’s bedtime, Katie Morag likes to wear her bed and wander around for a while.

WOW! Today’s photo isn’t even upside down. I am an IT wizard.

Ms Occard

Good Morning Primary 2B Thursday 11th June 2020 Mrs Boyle


Good Morning Primary 2B

I hope you are all well.  I have seen some of your great stories and I thought if you have time you might like to learn about using the correct punctuation. Here is a quick lesson to help you.


Here is the link for a game to help you learn about putting punctuation in the correct place.


Mrs Boyle and Mrs Mills are loving looking at all your work. Here are some pictures I would like to share with you. Can you see your work?

Have a fun day !

Mrs Boyle

P3B Thursday 11th June

Good morning everyone! I hope you have all been enjoying the learning activities this week.

I tried some origami yesterday, inspired by someone in our class who made a seahorse! I tried to make a jumping frog, I managed to make the frog but unfortunately he doesn’t jump! I will need to try again. Here is a picture of my frog and the video I used in case you want to try. There are lots of videos on YouTube you could choose something different to make. Send me your photos 😀

Money is a focus this week is maths, here are some money games to help you practise recognising and adding coins. Have a go if you want!



Todays riddle…

What has two hands and a face, but no arms or legs?

Have a great day!

Miss Ross 😀


Good morning P1! Thursday 11th June 2020

Good morning everybody,

Today, or whenever you have time, perhaps you could play some games to improve your listening skills.

Games where you have to listen, wait and then react, or listen and make a decision are good at improving not only listening, but processing skills too.

Here are just a few games you could play at home:


Ask your child to listen carefully to statements you are about to make. If it is a nice statement, e.g. “Everyone gets an ice-cream!”, they shout HURRAH! If it is not so nice, e.g. “Dinnertime is cancelled.”, they say BOO!

I Say – Go!

This game is similar to Simon Says. Ask your child to follow explicit instructions. The catch is, they have to wait until you say “Go!” before they can carry out the instruction. To increase the difficulty, leave a longer gap between the instruction and saying go!

Thumbs Up Thumbs Down

Read out a list of statements. Your child has to listen carefully and decide if the statement is true or false, showing you what they think by putting their thumbs up or down.

I Went to the Shops and I Bought…

I’m sure you know this game – the first person says “I went to the shops and I bought an apple.” then the next person has to say, “I went to the shops and I bought an apple and a boat.” The aim is to listen carefully to the people before you so you can remember what they have said. To make it trickier, you could try to do this choosing items in alphabetical order. If it is too tricky to remember, you could encourage your child to draw a quick pic of each item as you go.

We hope you enjoy practising your listening skills!

Take care,

Your P1 Teachers