Story Time From Home – Thursday 4th June

Hello boys and girls

Here is the link to Thursday’s Story Time from Home.

The voting is now closed for next week’s theme.  A big thank you to everyone who took the time to vote – it was really very close! You will have to wait until Monday to find out the result though!

Hope you have a nice day even if the weather isn’t so great today.

Miss McDermott


P2/1 – Thursday 4th June

Hello everyone,

Here is the link to today’s Story Time From Home.

There are lots of other fairy tales that you will know and  can read or watch as videos that might help you with your writing this week.

Thank you if you voted for next week’s story theme – the result was very close and I will share it with you on Monday.

I am working in the hub school again today so I won’t be replying to emails and messages until Friday.

I hope that you have a good day whatever you choose to do.

Miss McDermott


Good Afternoon! 3.6.2020

I thought I would ask you to be creative this afternoon. In Primary 1 we love to draw and explore artists. This time I thought that you could listen to the story about a little girl who doesn’t think that she is good at drawing. She then creates the dot.

Listen to the story:

Now see if you can create a dot picture. There is so much that you can do with it. Here are some ideas:

There is a famous artist that we looked at before in Primary 1 that uses lots of dots- can you remember who he is? If not, see if you can find him online. We would love to see your art work so please send us photographs.

Have a lovely afternoon.

Good morning!!

Good morning boys and girls I hope you are all well and having lots of fun with your families. Outside the nursery garden (attached to the fence nearest the entrance) there is a lockdown caterpillar who is asking us to decorate a stone and add it to him. I have added my stone which I decorated with a love heart and wrote my name on. Maybe you could go and add a stone to the caterpillar and see how long we can make him. Have fun!! Mrs Cringean xx

P3B Wednesday 3rd June

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and have had a good start to the week. At the weekend I got to visit my sister in her garden and see my lovely little niece she is only 11 weeks old. It was very hard not to grab her for a cuddle! We then had a BBQ it was great fun!

I thought I would try a little science experiment at home. Below is a picture of two eggs one is in white vinegar and one is in water. What do you see happening? Do they look different?
I would love you to make a prediction about what is going to happen to the eggs.
Will they change size?
Will they stay the same colour?
What will the vinegar do to the egg?
What will the water do to the egg?
You can leave a comment with your predictions or send me an e-mail and tomorrow I will post the results.

Just for fun.. what colour is the shoe? You might get different answers, comment on the blog post to find out what colours everyone sees.

Have a great day!

Miss Ross 😀







P3A Wednesday 3rd June

Good Morning 3A!

It feels a bit strange to be writing a message to 3A on a Wednesday!

Hope you are having a good week.  Thanks to those who have emailed.  I know you enjoy Ms Occardi’s videos of her dogs.  I have a pet cat called Luna.  She likes to sleep a lot so I don’t have a funny video to share!  Here’s a photo of her instead.

Image preview

We adopted Luna from a rescue centre 5 years ago and we think she is now about 6 years old.  She likes being patted on her head but doesn’t enjoy sitting on my lap.  She tries to chase birds outside so we’ve put a bell on her collar so she can’t sneak up on them! Her favourite cat treats are Dreamies.  Would love to  hear about and see your pet pictures too.

Mrs Bell

Good Morning Primary 2B Wednesday 3rd June Mrs Boyle



Good Morning Primary 2B,

I hope you are all well today. I know you will all have had a lovely weekend out in the sun.

Yesterday I am sure you enjoyed listening to Miss McDermott’s story about Jack and the incredibly mean stalk. I thought  that all you budding scientists might like to make a zip wire for Jack  to help him to get up and down the beanstalk.






Build a zip wire to help Jack

( you could use any small doll or lego person)

to get down the beanstalk. What happens if you change the gradient?

After investigating how changing the gradient of the zip wire changes the speed Jack travels down it, experiment with different types of harness and different types of string for the zip wire.

A thicker, rougher string should mean Jack travels more slowly down the wire as there’s more friction than when using a smooth wire.


If you like puzzles if you have time you can complete this word ladder. There are trickier puzzles on website if you enjoyed this one.

As it’s Wednesday, please remember and have a look at our Health and Wellbeing blog page today.  Perhaps you could try this activity with a grown up when you have time.

Have a fun day!

Mrs Boyle

Good morning P1! Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are having a lovely week so far. I have seen a lovely competition being advertised just now that I thought you might enjoy taking part in.

You could win a £10 National Book Token for each of your classmates – and surprise them all when schools reopen!

Create a fabulous National Book Token design while you are learning from home; whether it’s our school crest doodled in ink, a pencil drawing of the entire class, or something completely different, they will be choosing one child’s design to put on a National Book Tokens gift card every week for seven weeks.

When schools open up again, the winners and their classmates will each receive a £10 National Book Token – with the winning artwork on it – to inspire you to choose your next favourite book to read.

Follow this link for details on how to enter. Good luck!

This competition got me thinking about reading and why I love it so much. Do you enjoy reading and being read to? What do you like most about it? What type of books do you like best? Do you have a favourite book? Maybe you could find out what everyone in your household likes about reading or what their favourite books are.

These are my favourite books:


You might have heard of some of them. I LOVE reading because you have to use your imagination and you can learn about different people, places and times. Reading can make you feel like you are somewhere totally magical and out of this world! You also learn a lot from reading stories because you have a chance to think about things from other points of view. Reading is also a great way to become a good writer, so there are lots of good reasons to keep reading.

I hope you take some time to think about your favourite books this week and to remind yourself how fun and amazing reading and being read to can be! Good luck if you decide to enter the competition – you are all so creative, we would love to see any designs you create.

Take care everyone and have a really lovely day,

Your P1 Teachers