Story Time From Home – Monday 18th May

Hello everyone and welcome back after the weekend!

Last week I created an online quiz for P2/1 to try all about Scotland.  It seemed to work really well so this week I have made one for everyone who enjoys the Story Time videos.  The quiz is all about bears which you can play online by clicking the link below.

You do not need to download an app or to login but you can put your name or initials in.  It is a multiple choice quiz and it is very easy to play on a mobile phone. Please let me know how you get on and what you think!

This week’s story theme is robots and here are the robots that were made by the children in my street that you will see in the video this week .  Aren’t they fantastic?

And of course here is the link to today’s story which I hope you enjoy!

Miss McDermott

P2/1 – Monday 18th May

Hello P2/1

Hope that you are all well after the weekend.

There are quite a few things for you to look at this week and I apologise to the grown ups that they can’t all be on one page so to speak. This is because the teachers are working as a team to do different parts of the planning.  I hope that you understand and bear with us on this – home learning is quite tricky for everybody as you know.

Today there is also a 3d shape page and minibeasts page for you to look at if you’ve time. Please remember these activities are for the whole week – not just for today! 

Thank you to everyone who tried the Come and Visit Scotland quiz last week.  After the positive feedback I have made another one with a “bear” theme  and I have used some of the bear facts that I learned from you –  so do look out for them if you did this challenge! Here is the link.

And here is the link to today’s Story Time from Home. This week the stories are all about robots and as I mention in the video I was given some super robots by two of the children in my street who are also watching the videos with their family. A big thank you to them – I’m sure you’ll agree that they look fantastic!

If you make a robot model this week, please do send a photograph – I’d love to see it.

Have a good day

Miss McDermott and the Robots!