Friday 24th April 2020

Good morning everybody,

Thank you so much for all your emails, photos and comments this week. I miss you all very much and so I am really enjoying hearing from you and seeing pictures of the fabulous learning and playing you are doing at home, and I am delighted to be able to answer any questions and support you however I can.

I have seen so many examples of your hard work, as well as hearing beautiful stories about the memories you are creating at home during this difficult time; cooking together, creating family quizzes, gardening, treasure hunts, going on walks and enjoying the Spring weather and flowers.

I saw a lovely picture yesterday that I wanted to share – it shows lots of everyday activities that are not only necessary and/or fun, but that contain a great deal of opportunities to learn and develop new skills too. I imagine you probably do lots of these already, so well done!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend – have you got anything nice lined up? I am planning on making a couple of new recipes, so I will let you know after the weekend how they turned out.

Take care and have fun,

Love Mrs Jamieson


Story Time From Home – Friday 24th April

Good morning everyone from sunny Bathgate! Hope it’s a nice day in Linlithgow too.

Here is the link to the last of this week’s dragon stories. Please make sure that you watch right to the end as I had to add a little bit on!

I think my favourite story  this week has been Dragon Stew but I did feel very sorry for the dragon when the Vikings were poking and hurting him.  At least he got his own back in the end.

Please check Twitter later today for this week’s awesome achiever’s.  You’ll need to use your really good looking skills as remember I can’t include and names or photographs of your lovely faces!

Stay safe and enjoy the weekend.

Miss McDermott

Morning Nursery

We would love to see what your child has been learning whilst Nursery has been closed. If you would like to send us some photographs of their work that would be great for us to see. To add a photograph to the Learning Journal you go to gallery on the left hand side under your child’s photograph click on that then at top right hand side of all your child’s photos you click add photo. This then gives you the option to add up to 4 photographs at a time. We plan to share some of the work on Twitter (no children’s faces or names will be visible). If you do not want your child’s work to be posted on Twitter please reply to this message. Thanks for your continued support and we hope you have a lovely weekend in the sunshine with your families. The Nursery Ladies xx

Happy Friday!

Good Morning Primary 1,

Another week of home learning has passed and you have all been very busy. I have really enjoyed all the pictures and videos I have been sent – they made me smile. Please keep sending me pictures of what you are up to, or even just a note to say hello.

Remember that nothing has to be printed out at all- if we attach a sheet it is just to give you ideas and can be written into your child’s jotter. A good way to reduce, reuse and recycle after celebrating World Earth Day!

Our new weekly learning grid will be issued on Monday and will be available on the website and on here. A useful tip is to screenshot or download it so you have it handy.

Finally- have a lovely weekend in this beautiful weather and enjoy some family time.

Keep safe and I will speak to you on Monday,

Mrs Menmuir  

Good Morning P2b Friday 24th April

Good Morning P2b

I hope everyone is well today. I can’t believe it is Friday again! In the house I have been busy every day as there are always lots of jobs to do. I have just moved into a new house so I have lots of boxes to unpack and painting to do. Can you ask an adult if you can help with a job in the house. Mabye you can help with the dishes, polishing, cleaning the bathroom or tidying your room.  Let me know what job you helped with                                                                                   and how it made you feel when                                                                                      you helped someone.

Take care  and have a lovely                                                                                              weekend.

Mrs Boyle

24.4.20 Good Morning 3a

Good morning everybody.

We are so lucky to be able to enjoy this good weather. One of our class emailed me to let me know how he was helping his Mum plant flowers in the garden. That’s a great learning opportunity and I’m sure they both enjoyed themselves.

I know a lot of posts appear on this blog, but if you click on P3 at the top of the screen, it should be easier to find the posts specific to P3.  ( Pssst – it’s also worth checking what activities have been posted by 3b teachers and any of the other classes. ). From Monday, your weekly home learning grid will also be posted on our blog.

Our poem today is a new one to me. It was sent by a member of our class who knows a lot about dinosaurs.

Aunty Ruby

Aunty Ruby had a dinosaur

She took it everywhere

She taught it how to knit and sew

And wash her underwear

She used to ride upon its nose

A great mistake I think

‘Cos it sneezed her into outer space

And now Aunty is extinct.


Just one activity today – please email me and share your learning or news. Or both.

Have a great weekend.

Ms Occardi

Just for fun. Katie Morag wishes lockdown would end.


Good Morning, P2A Friday, 24th April

Happy Friday, everyone!  I hope you have had a great week and managed to get outside lots and enjoy our wonderful weather.  I have really enjoyed reading all your lovely emails and seeing all the super things you have all being learning with your families.  I have seen photos of some super baking, measuring, building models and lots of you having fun.

I had a busy day yesterday but I did manage to spend some time in my garden and enjoy the sunshine.  My little cherry tree is full of beautiful white blossom and my little apple trees are beginning to show some pink blossom.  I love to look at them every morning and see the changes taking place.  Have you noticed any changes to some trees near you?  You could let me know by clicking on the comment box above.


Ramadan began when the sun went down last night.  Here is a short PowerPoint about Ramadan.  This is something you can look at and learn together with your family.


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy getting outside with your family and looking at all the wonderful things around us.  Stay safe and well, everyone.

Have a great day.

Mrs Herbison

Thursday 23rd April 2020

Good afternoon P1,

I hope you have had a nice morning. Thank you for sending us so many lovely photos of you learning and playing. It is great to see the creative things you have been doing at home. Have a look at the school twitter page tomorrow to see what children in the rest of our school have been doing too.

I wonder if any of you tried an activity to practise throwing and catching. Let us know in the comments if you did. I took my little dog Bennie down to our garden at lunchtime and tried to play a throwing game with him – the only trouble is that he won’t bring anything back! Here is a little video of us playing ‘fetch’ just for fun!

Take care and have a wonderful afternoon and evening,

Your P1 Teachers

What emotion?

I know how good Primary one are at playing the drama emotion game and pass the smile, so why don’t you show your family how to play.

Use those wonderful facial expressions to show different emotions. Will you be happy, angry, sad or excited? Can you use your body to show the emotion too? When would you feel these emotions? What would happen to  make you feel this way?

There are some great emotion songs you could sing along with too.


To practise some calm and relaxation you could also try some Cosmic kids yoga to The hungry Caterpillar.

Remember to keep sending in your photos of some of the learning you have been doing at home.  We love seeing all of the activities you have been getting up to!


Have a lovely day!

Primary one Teachers


Story Time from Home – Thursday 23rd April

Hello everyone! Did you find the connection between today and a dragon story? If you were at school in England you would probably know this because St George is the special saint of England just like St Andrew is our special saint here in Scotland. Another name for this is the patron saint. I wonder if you can find out any other patron saints?

Below is a link to a short video all about St George and the dragon which I think you might enjoy.

And here is the link to today’s story time from home which is all about dragons. I hope that you enjoy this too and have started to think about what you could write for your own dragon stories.

Below is a photograph of some planet Earth crafts that some boys made at the hub school in Bathgate with me yesterday.  Don’t they look great?

The words at the bottom say reduce, reuse and recycle.

Thank you again for all your photos and messages. I will share some of these on Twitter at the end of the week but please remember grown ups I can’t post any  photographs with  faces or names.

Miss McDermott




Thursday 23rd April

Hi everyone,

I hope you have had a good week so far. Its been so nice hearing from some of you and seeing the wonderful work you have been doing. Keep in touch and send a message anytime, even if its just to say hello.

Springwatch on CBBC 

Check out all the latest animal and nature quizzes, clips and more from CBBC and Springwatch.

Check out this fun Newsround spring wordsearch online.

Have a great day!

Miss Ross



Good Morning Primary 2b Thursday 23rd April 2020

Good Morning Everyone,

I hope everyone is well today? Today is the 23rd of April I wonder if anyone can tell me why this is a special day? Miss McDermott will be reading a dragon story today. If you want to you can write your own dragon story. I would love to read them. Remember your story  needs a title, an opening sentence, a problem and an ending.

I have sent you a link to another story about a dragon and a game you might like to play.

Have fun using your imagination.                              

Mrs Boyle

Good Morning Primary one

I hope you had a good day yesterday and enjoyed doing World Earth day activities.

We hope that you have been staying active during your time at home and making the most of the lovely sunshine we have been having.

Why not try practising your throwing and catching today. Try passing an object back and forth with a grown up or a sibling. If you start to find it easy, move further apart to make it trickier.

Or why not try the bucket toss. Roll up some socks and throw them into a bucket. How many can you get in in a row?  You could also make it harder by throwing them into a smaller hole. I used an old cardboard box to make a bunny toss. Remember don’t give up if you find it hard, keep going!


What other throwing and catching games can you think of?

Have fun!

Primary one Teachers