Good Morning

Good morning boys and girls whilst sitting in my conservatory I noticed lots of shapes all around me so I thought I would go on a shape hunt. I wonder if you have any shapes in your house? Why don’t you go and have a look.

Love Mrs Cairns xx

P2/1 – Wednesday 29th April

Hello P2/1

Hope that you are all well!

Thank you so much to everyone that sent me superhero photographs yesterday – you are looking fantastic!

Now I am going to be honest here and tell you about something that I saw on Mrs Herbison’s blog yesterday that I thought you might like too!  It is a competition to design a superbear and it is being organised by a big shop called John Lewis.

This is what it says

Children of Britain are invited to share their designs to create a “super-bear”’ cuddly toy using #DesignYourSuperBear to be sold at Christmas – with 100% of the profits going to the NHS.

Here is the link and more information if you would like to take part.

Now like Mrs Herbison has said on her blog, you could still have a go at designing a superbear even if you don’t want to take part in the competition.

You could even send your photographs of your bears to me.

Here is the link to today’s Story Time from Home.

And here is the link to a short video of the Pied Piper of Hamelin which today’s story is based on.  I don’t think that this is the same video that we watched and discussed in class.

This is not my favourite Biff, Chip and Kipper story but I wonder what you think?

Have a good day and remember just do your best!

Miss McDermott

Story Time from Home – Wednesday 29th April

Hello boys and girls!

Here is the link to Wednesday’s Story Time from Home .

And here is the link to a short video version of the PIed Piper of Hamelin that the story is based on which I talk about in the video.

I’m not sure that this is my favourite Biff, Chip and Kipper story – I wonder what you think?

Miss McDermott


P3B – Wednesday 29th April

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all having a good week so far. Thank you to everyone who has been in contact with Mr Brice and myself, we love hearing what you have been up to and seeing all your hard work.

On Monday me and Elliot made a bird feeder with an old tub, sticks and shoe laces. There are so many great ideas and you can usually make them with things you have around the house. We haven’t seen any birds on it yet but hopefully they get used to it soon. Here is a picture.

I know everyone loved Percy Parkers 5 times table song in class. As you are all so good at it why not share it with your family. You could also learn Percy Parkers 3 times table song.


International Dance Day 

Today is international dance day, a perfect day to practice the routines you have put together for expressive arts. Feel free to send us a video of these we would love to see them.

I have added a link of a just dance video that we have all enjoyed in class.

Keep in touch!

Miss Ross 😀



Good morning P1! Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good morning everyone!

I hope you have had a nice start to the week. We have been hearing from lots of you all about the great things you are doing at home. Please keep sending us emails and photos and comments – we love hearing from you.

Today, or at some point when you have time, I would love it if you could do a wee activity with a grown up that I hope will remind you of how special you are.

All you have to do is look at the sheet here (I am AMAZING) and ask a grown up to read the start of each sentence to you. Your job is to tell them (or just think about it inside your head) how you could finish the sentence. You don’t need to print it or write anything down, it is just a nice chance to reflect on how unique and wonderful you all are.

We are so proud of you all; for all your super learning but also, and especially, for all the lovely things we hear that you have been doing, like helping around the house, playing with your brothers and sisters, being kind and making your families smile. You are all wonderful, never forget it!

I found a list of LOTS of fun things to do indoors for the days when the weather isn’t as nice as it has been lately – I will leave the link to it here (Fun Indoor Activities) for you to have a look at. You can try some of these if you want, but remember that you don’t have to. You might have already thought of some even better ideas yourself!

Please feel free to get in contact with us if you need help with anything at all – we are here to support you however we can.

Take care and have a lovely day,

Your P1 Teachers

Good Morning Primary 2b Wednesday 29th April 2020 Mrs Boyle

Good Morning primary 2b,

I hope you are all well. Today is National Poetry Month and I know how much you like to read and listen to poems.  Here is a link  to Kenn Nesbitt’s website with lots of lovely poems to listen to and read. Maybe if you have time you can make your own acrostic poem. Go to lessons and it will explain how to do this.  My favourite poem is When the teacher isn’t looking. Maybe you can let me know if you have a favourite?

Click for Kenn Nesbitt’s Poetry Website

Below are some examples of some acrostic poems using your name or the name of your friend . Mabye you want to think of your own ideas. What about characters from your favourite cartoon or film?                                                                                                                



Have a fun day!

Mrs Boyle

Good afternoon P1! Tuesday 28th April 2020

Salut P1,

This afternoon I thought we could practise some of the French we have learned this year with our French teacher and in class. Let’s watch our French Greetings song and sing together to get us warmed up.

Bennie says SALUT everybody! Can you remember what that means?
Silly Bennie has forgotten to colour in the French flag – can you help him? What colours should he have used?

Memory Challenge!

Can you think back to what you have learned in school? See if you can tell a grown up how to say these common greetings in French. I bet they will help you look them up online if you have forgotten any.

Hi!     Good morning/day!     Good afternoon/evening!     Good night!     Good bye!     See you soon!

Check Bennie’s picture to see if you were right:

Here is a short video to help you with the pronunciation.

Did you spot a tall landmark on the laptop in the first picture? It is very famous. Here is a little information about it:

Perhaps you could research some other famous landmarks in France. If you get stuck, I have attached a PowerPoint all about France that might give you some hints!

All About France PowerPoint

Let us know in the comments how you got on if you tried this activity or if you found out anything new about somewhere nice in France.

Take care and have a lovely afternoon and evening,

Au revoir!

Your P1 Teachers


Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning Primary 3!  I hope you are ready to make some music?

Maybe like me you are spending a lot of time in your garden when the weather is warm? Or maybe you have been enjoying a walk outdoors? Wherever you are there are so many sounds around and we are going to explore and collect some sounds today!

If you click on this link you should find a clip called Sonic Explorer and today it is all about the garden and the outdoors. While you are watching and listening, think about what instruments would make those sounds. Maybe after watching you could be a sonic explorer in your own garden or on your next walk and collect your own sounds? Or you could use your music memory to remember the sounds of the park or an outdoor space.

I would love to hear your sound collection, it could just be like a list like this

trees rustling, birds tweeting, ball bouncing, washing flapping………and so on.

You could turn it into a Sound Poem and write it out in your best handwriting then draw pictures or shapes to illustrate it. Or if you prefer you could take photos of your sound to share. I look forward to hearing about some interesting sounds!Happy listening!

Please click here for Sonic Explorer!


Primary 2A Tuesday 28th, April

Good morning, everyone!  I hope you are well and ready for another lovely day.  Did any of you look at the link to National Gardening Week?  They give you ideas for each day.  Today’s idea is about which plants attract pollinators so that will be one of my tasks today!


Do you know about a competition to design a super bear?  I found out about this last night and thought some of you boys and girls would like to take part.  I would love to but this is a competition for children!  This is the invitation from John Lewis:

Children of Britain invited to share their designs to create a “super-bear”’ cuddly toy using #DesignYourSuperBear to be sold at Christmas – with 100% of the profits going to the NHS

Here is the link and more information if you would like to take part.  You could still design a super-bear even if it’s not for the competition.

I would love to see your Super-Bear designs.  Have fun designing!

Have a great day.

Mrs Herbison 

Good Morning!

Hi Everyone,
Whilst out on my daily walk I have been looking out for signs of spring and I came across this beautiful blossom tree. I wondered if you could make a blossom tree using different resources from around your house including paint, chalk, pens, pencils, tissue paper and any other items you may have. Also remember to have a look out for any blossom trees you may see when you are out and about.

Hope to see you all soon!
Mrs Fyfe x

P2/1 – Tuesday 28th April

Hello everyone

Today is National Superhero Day! Now actually I felt a bit sad this morning, not just because the weather is not very nice but because as you know I love dressing up and one costume I don’t have is – a superhero one.

However you don’t have to wear a special costume or have magical powers to be a Superhero.  Often it can be little things that you do for people that can make a big difference. Just now there are lots of superheroes helping to keep us safe in lots of different ways.

I am sure that like me lots of you are going outside on Thursdays at 8 o’clock to clap and say thank you to all the doctors, nurses and staff who are looking after people that are unwell.

Lots of your grown ups are all still having to work too as well as now being your teachers at  home. This makes them my superheroes because they are helping me to do my job – so a big THANK YOU from me. I know you are all doing a fantastic job from the amazing photos and messages that you send and I really appreciate your help (and creativity!)

Maybe you can celebrate Superhero day by trying to find a way that you could help someone at home.  And if you do have a Superhero costume why not wear it today and send me a photo?

You can find some more fun Superhero ideas if you follow this link.

Here is the link to today’s Story Time from Home.  Can you believe it? In today’s story  Biff, Chip and Kipper come to Scotland for their holidays!

Miss McDermott

Music Time with Mrs McWhirter


Good morning Primary 1 and Primary 2/1

Have you ever wanted to be in a band?

I wonder what instrument you would choose to play?

There is one thing you have to be good at in a band and that is keeping a steady beat and I know how well you can do that. Just to make sure I hope you are all ready to keep the beat with me using a new resource!Click on the link and find a song called Be in the Band! Next, find an instrument or something safe to tap or simply use your hands to clap or other parts of your body to keep the beat. I hope you have fun!

I would love to see a picture of you playing your favourite instrument in your band or try this colouring sheet.



Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning Primary 2!

Have you ever wanted to be in a band?

I wonder what instrument you would choose to play?

There is one thing you have to be good at in a band and that is keeping a steady beat and I know how well you can do that. Just to make sure I hope you are all ready to keep the beat with me using a new resource!Click on the link and find a song called Be in the Band! Next, find an instrument or something safe to tap or simply use your hands to clap or other parts of your body to keep the beat. I hope you have fun!

I would love to see a picture of you playing your favourite instrument in your band or try this colouring sheet.



Good Morning Primary 1!

Good morning Primary 1!

I thought I would give you some ideas for the STEM activity this morning. I have made a collage  of lots of different life cycles that you can create. You could either copy one of these or use your imagination to think of a different way to design one. The most important thing is to have fun and remember to send us some pictures.

Here is a little video that explains about life cycles. See how many different animals you can spot in it.

Lastly, when you and your family need a little break from all the crafting, here is a nice story about a little owl’s new egg. You will have to use your listening skills and imagination for some of it.

We are really missing you all. Take care and stay safe! 

Primary 1 Teachers