Category Archives: Primary 1

Primary 1-3 Science Investigation

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend.

Here is a science investigation that you might want try at home this week.

Task – Can you investigate which solids dissolve in water? You will need some solids to test, cups of warm water and a spoon.

You could try a spoonful of salt, sugar, gravy granules, instant coffee, tea leaves, flour or pepper.

Beforehand write down a prediction about what you think will happen to each solid in the water then test each one separately. Remember to stir the solid in the cup.

If you can’t see any grains left after a minute, then the solid has dissolved!

It would be lovely to see any photos or videos of your work.

Take care and stay safe.

Miss Whigham

Primary 1 Learning 30.03.20

Good evening everyone!

Would you believe I have been trying to post this since lunchtime!  Like most of your mums and dads I am realising this working from home with a young child is not an easy task!

Anyway I hope you are all well and beginning to settle into a wee routine of learning and working at home.  I’m sure you’ve all made a good start on your learning pack we sent home with you when the schools closed.  I have made a weekly task grid for Literacy and Numeracy/Maths (see below).  Each grid has 6 tasks which will help you to revise and consolidate recent learning.  I thought at this point while we are all getting used to this new way of working it  would be best to focus our activities on things we already know a little bit about.  After the easter holidays we will look at progressing our learning by looking at new concepts.  Please let me know if you have any questions by emailing the school on .

I am enjoying seeing people’s tweets about their learning and hope that I can contribute to this too because we had a delivery today at the Clyne household.  Euan was so excited to receive his butterfly growing kit with 9 real, live caterpillars! I’ll post some updates of their progress!

Missing you all but hoping you are all staying safe and well.

Take care,

Mrs Clyne

Primary 1 Literacy Grid wb30.03.20

Primary 1 Numeracy and Maths Grid wb30.03.20

Things to do for P1-3

There are lots of ideas being shared around at the moment. High on most peoples list is Joe Wicks at 9am each day and the Glasgow Science Centre at 10am, and if you take part too then it can make the learning more fun.

Social media has many ideas being shared around, so have a look when you are stuck.
When you need some fresh air you could try some ideas from the Woodland Trust

If you like crafts then have a go at these:



P1 Weekly Reflection 20.03.20

Well folks, what a week it’s been in school and I can’t praise the children enough, they have been wonderful!  Their smiles this week have made it worthwhile!

This week Primary 1 children from P2/1 class joined us for a few days and we have had great fun practising for our assembly which we shared this morning, sorry we were unable to invite parents and carers in to watch.  The children were amazing and all said their parts with confidence.  Perhaps they will tell you about it at home.

In literacy we have been learning the sounds aw  and are and we worked together to sort out real words from nonsense/alien words.  We learned the tricky words where and were, it was a wee bit tricky to tell these two words apart so please practise these at home.

In maths we have been learning about 3D shapes and had to sort some real life objects according to their shape.  Perhaps you could talk about 2D and 3D shapes at home.  In numeracy we have been practising our fact families and we did some addition and subtraction sums.

This week we have also been working on our Wellbeing Web and have talked about the eight different Health and Wellbeing indicators and the children self-evaluated each of these.  We’ve talked about how we were feeling and the children have been supported to share their concerns around the Coronavirus.

As the children leave today I have a mixture of emotions.  I will miss them all over the coming weeks but I want you all to stay safe and healthy.  Your child has brought home their home learning pack today and I hope you will support them in continuing their learning.  Please take good care of each other and I look forward to seeing you all back in school soon.

Mrs Clyne


P1 Weekly Reflection 13.03.20

This week we have continued learning about magic ‘e’ and how it changes the vowel in a word from its sound to its name.  We focused on making words with the o-e and u-e sounds and we worked on sorting real words from alien words.  We have also completed our sound assessments and Mrs Smith and Mrs Clyne are very impressed with the progress we are making with our reading.  Reading bags will not come home this weekend to allow us to sort the new reading groups and have the books ready for Monday.  In writing we were writing about why our mums are special and we wrote some lovely things.

In Maths we have been continuing with our number bonds and we were making kites to show the different number bonds to 10.  We have also been learning the months of the year and learned a wee song to help us remember the order of them.

In science we learned about springtime and we talked about it being a time of new life.  We learned about the lifecycle of a butterfly and we had to sequence the different stages of a butterflies life.

We started to practise for our assembly next week and have been learning some songs and making some video clips to share.  Unforunately we will no longer be inviting parents to join us at the P1 assembly.  While we are sorry this is the case we appreciate your continued support as we follow guidance surrounding the current circumstances.

P1 Weekly Reflection 06.03.20

Well what a ‘booktastic’ week we’ve had to launch our first ever Book Month and celebrate World Book Day.  On Tuesday we watched the 10th Anniversary Authors Live’s show.  Michael Rosen was very funny and we were amazed by how quickly Tanya Roberts could illustrate what he was saying!

Click on the link below to see some familiar faces!  Our part in the film was supposed to be part of the Live Show but Michael Rosen went off script and spoke for too lang and they had to cut short the film which meant our school clip wasn’t shown.

Yesterday we celebrated World Book Day by Dropping Everything and Reading on three separate occasions throughout the day, the children loved this!  We made some bookmarks and enjoyed listening to Mrs Sansom sharing a story with us.  The children talked about their favourite stories and who they like to share them with.

Today we have enjoyed our ‘Share a Story‘ assembly and Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.  It was really fun sharing our stories and Mrs Clyne read the story of Alice in Wonderland while we drank our milk.

In between all our book fun we have learnt the sounds a-e and i-e and the tricky words one and anyone.  In maths, we continued with our numbers bonds and learnt about halves and quarters.  Here are some of the children’s comments:

GG “I liked learning our new sound a-e and i-e.”

RC “I liked the same as Georgie.”

PP “I liked the assembly when we were all dressed up.”

SS “I Ioved the tea party”

EW “I liked it when we had the assembly.  Mrs Mill was scary.”

PW “I liked eating the food at the party.”

AH “My favourite part was eating the cupcakes.”

IG “My favourite thing was everything we did this week. I liked making the bookmarks.”

EM “I liked all of the week.”

NB “I liked when me and Georgie shared our books at the assembly.”

ZP “I liked the tea party.”

LK “I liked eating the sandwiches at the tea party.”

FW “My best bit was the tea party.”

SC “I liked Mrs Clyne’s costume.”

ED ‘I liked the assembly.”

P1 Weekly Reflection 28.02.2020

Hi folks,

Apologies for not posting in a few weeks, it’s been a very busy time!

The children have been revising their set two sounds ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, ar or, air, ir, ou, oy and the tricky words are, we, to, like, want, what, they, be, she, go, old, her, do, does.  This week we have moved on to set 3 sounds and have focused on oi and ea and tricky words  any and many.  The children are making good progress with their phonics and we thank you for your support at home!

In Numeracy we have been learning our number bonds to 10 and 20 and have been looking at adding and subtracting within 20.  We have also been talking about the number after and the number before.  We have learned how to tell o’clock times and half past times on analogue and digitial clocks and we are developing our understanding of the order of the days of the week and months of the year.  This week we learned about odd and even numbers.  Perhaps you can practise looking for some odd and even numbers at home or when you are out and about!

In our Science work we have learning about the parts of a plant.  We enjoy our lessons with Miss Whigham.

In PE we continued with our gymnastics and this week practising bunny hopping.  Mrs Clyne will continue with gymnastics and Mrs Smith will continue to do some team building activities.

Today we watched P2s assembly on Superheroes and learned that it doesn’t take a cape and a mask to be a hero.  Everyday heroes can be seen around our school on a daily basis.  If we follow the school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe we will all be heroes.

Here’s some of the children’s comments about their week:

Sophie “I enjoyed learning our tricky words any and many.”

Penelope “I enjoyed learning our sounds oi and ea.”

Georgie “I liked learning our new sound.  It was the same ‘oy’ sound but it was spelt ‘oi’.”

Emelia “I liked at the assembly when they sung the songs.”

Elloise “I enjoyed the assembly and I liked the songs they sung.”

Zac “I liked playing with the bricks.  I was building a speedboat.”

Cole “I have liked learning about boats. We made some pictures of boats.”

Have a lovely weekend.

P1 Weekly Reflection 17.01.20

Another busy week.  In literacy, we have been learning the sounds ar and oo.  We learned to read some very big words with as many as ten letters like toothbrush and shampoo.  We also did very well with our reading and Mrs Clyne was so impressed that she would like to increase the pace of our reading and try to give us two books a week.  For this reason, it would be really helpful if the children brought their book bag every single day.

This week we launched the First Minister’s Reading Challenge and we went to visit the newly revamped school library where we chose our own book to take back to class and some of the children enjoyed reading their books to Ted.  We have also begun to watch Katie Morag stories on BBc iplayer as part of our Scotland focus.

We heard some of the children reciting their Scots poems and are looking forward to hearing eveyone saying their poem next week.  Please ensure your child is ready to recite their poem on Monday 20th January.  Three children from the class will be chosen to go through to the final on Wednesday 22nd January and we will finish our Scottish focus with an assembly on Friday 24th January.

We have been learning about hand washing and hygiene and wrote some very impressive instructions for how to wash our hands properly.  We learned that it is important to use warm water and soap or we won’t kill the germs.

In numeracy this week we have been learning about doubles and in particular doubles within 20.  We made some great ladybird pictures and now have a beautiful display outside of our classroom.

P1 Weekly Update 10.01.2020

Happy New Year!

It was lovely to welcome all the children back and hear their stories from the Christmas break.  Thanks to everyone for their lovely Christmas wishes, cards and gifts.  It is lovely of you to think of us and is much appreciated.  The children have returned refreshed and have been very enthusiastic about planning a new design layout for our classroom.  We have had great fun rearranging the different areas.

This week’s particular highlight was the new arrival of large blocks which have sparked some fantastic play.  The children worked well in pairs or small groups to build some amazing structures.  We also had to do some problem solving as we tried to work out how best to fit all the bricks into the new storage unit, this proved challenging!

We have revamped our house corner which has encouraged more engaging play and the children have been asking if we could get some dressing up clothes so if you have anything you’d like to clear out and think would be suitable for the children to role play in, please do sent it in.  Thanks.

We talked about New Year’s resolutions and how sometimes people make promises of things they can change or do better.  The children chatted about taking more exercise or eating more healthily.

In assembly Mrs Mill spoke to us about managing our worries and we learned that it is best to talk about things that are worrying us.  We also read a story in class today called Lion’s In A Flap which was all about Lion managing his worries.

Here’s some of the children’s comments about their week:-

Georgie – I liked learning our new sounds igh, ay, ee, ow.

Ruby – I liked learning the sounds too.

Sophie – I liked the assembly when Mrs Mill told us all about managing our worries.

Isla – I liked the assembly, learning new sounds and when we got the new blocks.

Nieve – I liked playing with the new bricks and building castles with Sahasra, Elise and Isla.

Penelope – I liked playing with the blocks.

Elise – I liked when me and Nieve were playing in the house corner together.  I liked that it has moved.

Emelia- I enjoyed playing with the bricks.

Piotr – I like the house corner.

Lucia – I liked playing with Isla and Eva in the new house corner.

Have a lovely weekend.