Category Archives: Primary 1

P1 Weekly Learning Grid Week Beginning 11th May 2020

Good Morning. We hope you have had a good weekend. Please find below the link for the learning grid and resources.

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I can see under the sea poem template

Under the sea – Habitats

Have a good week

Miss Maclachlan, Mrs Clyne and Mrs Smith

P1 Weekly Reflection 08.05.20

Hello everyone, we hope you’ve had a good week and enjoyed all the wonderful sunshine!  This week there has been a lot of great learning taking place both through written tasks and active tasks.  We’ve heard about lots of creative activities with people making models and pictures, painting beautiful under the sea lanturns for their bedrooms, building planters, baking yummy delights (including dandelion honey), and even making a video as if they were a granny looking back on what life was like during the coronavirus.

In Literacy our learning has been focused around the ‘ai’ sound and the tricky word ‘there’.  We have been writing our spelling words in rainbow colours, making ‘ai’ words by cutting and sticking initial, middle and end sounds and we played a Popping Balloons game which was great fun!  We have also been trying to remember our sun, boat and sea letters to help us when writing.



In Maths we have been developing our understanding of fractions and have consolidated our knowledge of halves and quarters.  We’ve been drawing some shapes and marking them to show a whole, a half and a quarter.  We practised our sandwich making skills and identified halves and quarters.  Some of us went on a fraction hunt around our homes and came up with some great examples of halves and quarters.


In our topic work this week we have been imagining we are under the sea and we have thought about some of the wonderful things we would see, hear, touch and smell.  People also discussed how they might feel living under the sea and what would amaze them and possibly scare them about being under the sea.  Some of us made kaleidoscopes which was great fun and others did some research into the different creatures that live in the sea.  Did you know that an octopus can flash different colours?  Well done to those who were able to explain that the ocean is dark at the bottom because the sunlight does not reach there but light at the top because the sunlight is absorbed and reflects the blue colour of the water.   Many of us have enjoyed watching the videos about the sea creatures and their habitats.  We are all learning so many new and interesting things.


In science lots of us have been carrying out some personal research into different minibeasts and have been sharing lots of good facts.  We’ve seen people continue their hunt for minibeasts and others matching up the habitats with the different creatures.  Well done to everyone who was able to label the parts of the minibeast correctly too.

We are loving being able to share in all your learning experiences so please do continue to send your photos and videos or even just an email with some news of what you’ve been doing.   If possible can we ask when sending your emails that you copy both of us in because Mrs Clyne is rubbish and keeps forgetting to forward them to Mrs Smith!  This would be a great help and means we can both see all the wonderful learning that’s happening.  Thank you.

With regards to reading, try to enjoy sharing books as much as you can and Mrs Clyne will get on to sorting EPIC as quickly as she can, this week has been very busy with report writing!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs Clyne & Mrs Smith



Coding at Home

The Raspberry Pi Foundation have launched a new, free Digital Making at Home initiative to support parents and young people with coding at home. You don’t need any coding experience to join in, and all of their resources and activities are free forever.

Every Monday, they release new themed code-along videos about projects designed for all levels of ability. They also provide support tutorials for parents who are interested in learning more about coding tools like Scratch and Python, and over 200 projects with step-by-step instructions that are accessible online at any time — all for free.

Sign up now to start receiving free activities suitable to your child’s age and ability straight to your inbox.

P1, 2/1, P2 Science Home Learning WB 4.5.20

Good morning everyone! I hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend. Thank you again for all the wonderful photos and videos you sent last week.

Once again I have sent your Science home learning tasks to your class teachers. This week we will be finding out about the different body parts of insects! What are the parts that make up an insect? What job does each part do? Read the power point titled ‘Insects and Bugs!’ and use this to help you complete the activity sheet where you have to label the different parts of an insect. If you are able to write a few sentences too, that would be great!

Just to remind you there are also lots of activities on the mini beasts home learning grid I sent you.

Have a great week!

Miss Whigham



P1 Learning Grid Week Beginning 4th May 2020

Please find below the link to this week’s learning grid and the resources that you need. Just to remind you all that Monday is a holiday and Tuesday is an in-service for teachers. It is up to you whether you want to do any home learning on these days.

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Here are the links to this week’s Science from Miss Whigham

Insects and bugs body parts power point

minibeast parts

minibeasts word search

We look forward to seeing photos of your learning.

Have a good week.

Miss Maclachlan, Mrs Clyne and Mrs Smith