P1 Sharing The Learning 15.5.20

What a great week, the sun has shone and we have had just enough rain to keep the plants growing. However, it has also been a tough week for adults as we face more time in lockdown, and the children are maybe feeling out of sorts but don’t really know why. We as teachers and as parents, recognise what a fantastic job you are doing keeping busy, staying at home and keeping safe. Thank you.

Well done class we have got our first reading award from epic!

As we go forward with our sharing of learning we would like to ask if you would think about what you would like to see on the blog.

Think about what you would like to share with your classmates.

What are you proud of? What was the highlight of your week?

What was the funniest or best thing that happened?

What was difficult or challenging that made you think?

We are looking forward to seeing what some of you might send in to share and why?

This week some of the class have shared a variety work and it has been a privilege to see all the things you do to keep active, healthy and learning.

Some of you have been out and about keeping active and busy, even leaving messages for your teachers:















Some of you have been doing maths and writing:
















And – some of the marine biologists have had fun:


















And some have explored under rocks and logs collecting more than information perhaps?:

Thank you for sharing your learning with your friends.

Growth Mindset and Resilience

I have attached some resources on Growth Mindset and Resilience that we have used in class. I know that learning can be tricky at the best of times but in the current situation it can seem impossible for many of us. This might be a good time to remind pupils that there are things they can do or say that might help.

How Does Anxiety Make My Body Feel

Anxiety or Worry Flashcards

My Bag of Worries and Sadness




Under The Lights Building Resilience Presentation



t-c-7636-growth-mindset-statements-mindfulness-colouring-pages_ver_1 (1)

P2/1 Home Learning Weekly Reflection Week Ending 15th May 2020

Good afternoon Primary 2/1. I hope you are enjoying the sunshine.  I have again enjoyed hearing all about the learning that has been taking place. I have heard and seen stories of Lego creations, walks, playing tennis, baking cookies, creating under the sea pictures plus lots more.

P1’s Literacy learning has been focused around the ‘oa’ sound and the tricky word ‘here’. For literacy we have been writing our spelling words in mud, sand or shaving foam, reading Wendy the Witch to identify the ‘oa’ words, drawing a picture and hiding our spelling words in the picture and searching for real and nonsense words.

In Numeracy and Maths the focus for this week was on time. We matched o’clock and half past times on analogue and digital clocks, sung along with Jack Hartmann, made our own clocks using things around our house and played what’s the time Mr Wolf.


P2’s focus in Literacy this week has been on the ‘a-e’ spelling pattern, learning about adjectives, reading a book then writing a book review and writing our own fairytale adventure stories.

In Numeracy and Maths the focus this week was exploring adding by making 10, subtracting when crossing 10 and solving worded problems. We used our number bonds to 10, part whole models and counters to help us.

This week we have written our own poems about what we can see under the sea, made an under the sea collage using different materials and sorted creatures into their own habitats.  In science we have created Minibeast fact files and recorded visitors to our bug hotels.

Here is a selection of photos of the learning this week.


As we move forward with our sharing of learning I would like to ask if you would think about what you would like to see on the blog. Think about what you would like to share with your classmates. What are you proud of? What was the highlight of your week? What was the funniest or best thing that happened? What was difficult? What was the best challenge that made you think?
I am looking forward to seeing what some of you might send in to share and why  you have chosen to share it.

Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Maclachlan x

P6 This Week 11.5.20

We have been sharing our learning this morning and enjoyed a quiz created by Conlan- thank you!

Most of us successfully completed learning about time and function machines for maths. Many enjoyed learning about the benefits of volcanoes, creating super comic strips, sways, powerpoints and animations to share the learning. Below is Alina’s fabulous example.

Many stones have been painted and riddles solved!

Enjoy your holiday on Monday!

Primary 4 Reflection

It is lovely to get the chance to chat to so many of you on a Friday morning. It really does set me up for the weekend with a smile. I love to hear about all your activities and I’m so pleased that you are all managing to find some fun moments during this strange time.

Here are some of your comments about school learning you did this week:

Sophie – My favourite thing to learn this week was writing a conversation using inverted commas because it was fun making up people and something to talk about 😁

Rhys – I liked Maths this week because it was fun, some questions I found easy but some other ones like the problem solving questions I found more difficult 😜

Luke – I’ve been enjoying Sumdog. I found the fractions a little tricky.

Blake – I am enjoying the Africa topic. I enjoyed making a Lego safari jeep. I’m getting better at fractions but need some more practice. I’ve had fun baking gluten free biscuits.

Finn – This is what i enjoyed this week I liked the maths this week because it was much harder than last week.

Luke – I enjoyed maths because it was a challenge and I like a challenge.

P7 Learning & Homeschool Camp

School Camp was cancelled but Homeschool Camp is open for business!
This week I went on a walk and did a lot of the camp activities which were really fun. I baked cupcakes which tasted really good. I also built a den and watched Fantastic Beasts and all the Harry Potters. I’ve also been playing and talking to my friends.
This week I have been at my dad’s apartment playing on the Atari there are so many fun games on there despite the age. We have been on many walks around the area we also built some more furniture. Overall a great week. – Aiden
This week I went on a walk down at the farm and I saw the baby alpaca.  She is called Rainbow. I also made a den with my bothers but then it fell down 🙁.  I have been making lots of scones this week too. I also saw Mrs Mill and Mrs Young at the school when I was on a walk. – Logan Y
This week I played my Xbox with some friends.  I went on walks to Eliburn and I watched the builders in my back garden. – Cade
This week I was on Xbox with some of my friends.  I played football and I also built a den. – Finlay

This week I enjoyed doing some camp activities which were really fun and I’ve been going on walks and cycles a lot.  – Cameron


I did lots of school work.  I also made a fort.
This week I did some camp activities and I have been playing with my siblings in my back  garden.  I also built a den and made a treasure hunt.
This week I’ve done some camp activities which were really fun, I’ve made some pom-poms and door signs. Lastly I helped my friends with getting on social media over the phone.



This week I have been doing been school work. I have been playing Xbox. I have been going for walks about the village.  I also made s’mores a few weeks ago.






Katy enjoyed her nature walk this week and took this beautiful photo.


Callum L created a treasure hunt for his sister as part of his homeschool camp activities.