P2(P2/1) Weekly Learning Grid Week Beginning 4th May 2020

Please find below the link to this week’s learning grid. The links for the resources are included in the grid.  Just to remind you all that Monday is a holiday and Tuesday is an in-service for teachers. It is up to you whether you want to do any home learning on these days.

P2 Leaning Grid 04.05.20

Please find below the links to the Science for this week from Miss Whigham.

Insects and bugs body parts power point

minibeast parts

minibeasts word search

I look forward to seeing some photos of your learning.

Have a good week.

Miss Maclachlan


P1 Learning Grid Week Beginning 4th May 2020

Please find below the link to this week’s learning grid and the resources that you need. Just to remind you all that Monday is a holiday and Tuesday is an in-service for teachers. It is up to you whether you want to do any home learning on these days.

P1 Learning-Grid-week-beg.-4th-May (1)



Here are the links to this week’s Science from Miss Whigham

Insects and bugs body parts power point

minibeast parts

minibeasts word search

We look forward to seeing photos of your learning.

Have a good week.

Miss Maclachlan, Mrs Clyne and Mrs Smith