The Reading Champions #LookForABookScotland

This week on Wednesday the Reading Champions (Katy, Silvester, Luke, Matthew and Natalie) went out around Livingston to hide 16 books for the #LookForABookScotland challenge. It is all about taking your books out and hiding them around Scotland. Other people have to find them, read them and then choose if they want to hide or keep them. The Reading Champions took them to places such as, The Tennis and Football court, Mill Farm, Thirldfeild Wynde, Kirkfeild, West Lothian Coureer and The Livingston Old Parish Church. They all went out with Mrs Clyne and Mrs Findlay.

“We hid lots of books and many people coming back from school and at Mill Farm found them. We found two tweets from very happy people that have found them and said they are going to hide them again soon. I am so happy that people are enjoying the reading and taking part in the challenge.”-Katy

“I loved hiding the books in Mill Farm because we got to see all of the animals and some of us hadn’t been there in ages so it brought back good memories. We also found good hiding spots.”-Silvester

“It was very fun when we went out to loads of places for a whole morning up until break to hide books for lots of people and we saw their tweets in assembly today and it made us happy to see they were so enthusiastic about reading. We were sad to hear somebody through one in the river but one of the people in our class took their shoes and socks off to go in and get it well done Charlie!”-Natalie

“I was happy to hear that some people found our books. I love reading and am glad other people do to!”-Luke



P2 Learning Reflection for W/E 25.10.19

It has been a delight to listen to the children deliver their class talks this week.  I have learned so many interesting things about them all and I am so proud of everyone for giving it their best go. We all supported each other and did some breathing exercises to help settle any nerves or butterflies in the tummy.  The children enjoyed sharing their talking tools, there were a variety of different examples such as: photos, posters, visuals, mind maps, key words and notes.  All of the children had a real sense of achievement when they had finished and they have decided that they want to do it again, soon! Well done P2, I think you are all amazing!

Austin – I liked doing my class talk. I talked about my family and my hobbies.  I felt happy to do it.

Lois – It felt a bit nervous, but after I done it I felt really good.

Kaelan – I liked my class talk because I liked answering the questions.

Charley – I felt nervous first but it was okay. After I did it I felt really happy.

Nicholas – I loved giving my class talk. I felt good.

Ziva – I really liked doing my talk because I liked standing up and talking, it was really fun.

Lewis – I was nervous but then it washed away and I felt happy. I had pictures.

Emma – I forgot about the rest of my favourite things, like the colours of a butterfly wings they are really pretty.

Sushanth – I liked to do the questions because I said my favourite animal was a skunk.

Poppy – when I was doing my class talk first I felt I had butterflies in my tummy and I was a bit worried that other people would laugh at me.  After I did it, I felt good inside and I felt good that I did it. People were interested, it was good.

James – I was a wee bit nervous when I came up for my talk, but it was good because I had some pictures to help me.

Roshan – I looked at my paper and I looked at my audience.

Leighton – I liked the class talk because I was scared at first, but when I did it I was happy and impressed that I did really well.

Leo – I enjoyed saying the whole entire thing without having my sheet.

Savinc – I was nervous at first but after I did it I felt good about myself.

Rory – I enjoyed it because it was kind of scary at the start but as soon as I finished I felt good. It just kept getting better and better and better. I feel so good now.

Isaac – I was scared to talk to the whole class but it was just butterflies. I liked doing it.

Subhan – First I was nervous but then it was good.

Coben – at first I was nervous but when I was doing it I felt fine.

Euan – I liked doing my class talk because I said all the things.

This week in Primary 3

This week we started our new topic of Farm to Fork. This began with our class trip to Mill Farm (Almond Valley Heritage Centre) where the children were learning about the animals on the farm and what food/goods are produced by them. The met a sheep called Dolly and a chicken called Amelia Egghart. They were able to pet them too.

In numeracy this week we wrote numbers up to 1000.

The children loved writing about their week off in their weekly writing books.

In P.E. we were continuing developing our ball skills and were practising dribbling the ball around obstacles in our groups.

This is what the children enjoyed from this week…

Nathan – I enjoyed going to Mill Farm. I liked petting the sheep and the chicken.

John – I enjoyed the book The enchanted wood and was sad that it ended this week.

Elena – I enjoyed writing about the animals and the food that they give us after our trip to Mill Farm.

Andrew – I enjoyed being back with my friends in school.

Arya – I liked looking at the animals at Mill Farm.

Holly – I enjoyed our visit to Mill Farm and learning about Mill Farm.

James – I liked the Paraffin Works at Mill Farm.

Sophia – I enjoyed reading my book in the library.

Anya – I enjoyed P.E. this week and working as a team.

Maizy – I enjoyed the body coach work out today.

Caleb – I enjoyed using the basketballs to dribble on Tuesday.

Here are some photos from our trip this week and what they have learned from it.

P1 Weekly Reflection 25.10.19

It has been lovely to welcome the children back to class this week and hear all their stories about their holiday week.  It has been a busy week in class as we welcomed Mrs Anderson and Mrs Platt.  Mrs Anderson will be working with us for the next 5 weeks and Mrs Platt will be working in the class for the foreseeable future.  We also had a visit from Mrs Taylor who was having a wee break from P5.

In literacy we have learned two new sounds this week, and sh.  We made some tricky words out of playdough, searched for sounds in the sand and sorted them, we told Ted how to write the sounds and we were building words using the magnetic letters.  In writing we were using some of our tricky words and verbs (lives, eats and drinks) to help us write sentences about our pets.

In maths, we were creating patterns using numbers, colours and people.  Here’s some photos, can you spot the pattern we’ve created in our line?

We also talked about the number 4 using a Five Frame and talked about different ways to make 4.  Some people were able to tell us some take away sums as well as adding.

In literacy we read the story of The Little Red Hen and we talked about sequencing and thought about the characters in the story.  We drew a picture of our favourite character from the story.

In PE, we developed our hand-eye coordination and throwing and catching skills and were trying to challenge ourselves to make the activities harder.  We used materials like cones, hula hoops, bean bags and balls to practise throwing and catching.

Yesterday we welcomed Clachan Wullie back to school after his adventures on the Big Bucket Trail over the summer.  Hayley from the Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity told us more about the work of the charity and we will be thinking of some good ideas to raise money to help the charity.  Watch this space!


P2/1 Weekly Learning Reflection week ending 25/10/19

Welcome back, we hope you all had a lovely holiday. P2/1 have been busy learners already. In Literacy P1 have learned the ‘l’,’h’ and ‘sh’ sounds and the tricky word you. We played roll and read, practised our letter formation and made a fluffy lamb.P2 spent time revisiting the last four sounds of aw, au, air and are. They searched for these words in a word search, played roll and read and we practised writing our tricky words.  In Maths this week P1 and P2 have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes. We have been talking about the properties of shapes, playing shape lotto and drawing shape pictures. With Miss Whigham we looked at and explored autumn. P2 wrote an autumn poem and P1 explored autumn colours by colouring a picture. In art, we created little hedgehogs by finger painting. We also coloured in leaves and squirrels. In P.E we worked on large ball skills and team work. On Thursday afternoon we had a special assembly to welcome back Clachan Wullie. Hayley from the hospital for Sick Children came and spoke to us about how the Oor Wullie bucket trail has helped raise money for the hospital. P2 also did their class talks on ‘All about Me”. Miss Maclachlan was so impressed with the effort that the boys and girls put into preparing their talks. Well done P2. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Lucas: “I found it tricky writing the sound ‘sh’.”

Charlotte: “I enjoyed learning the sound ‘sh’.”

Solomia: “I want to learn important things at school.”

Alister: “I enjoyed everything this week.”

Hamish: “I found some learning tricky this week.”

Ch: “I enjoyed assembly today.”

Lucia: “I enjoyed everything this week.”

Hiba: “I enjoyed the assembly on Thursday when we got Clachan back.”

Connie: “I enjoyed going to assembly on Thursday and Friday.”

P6 This Week

This week in P6 we have done lots of different things. We had visitors to talk to us about something called the Shail Trail and we will be working with them to make a trail. It goes all over West Lothian, starting at  Winchburgh and ending at West Calder .

In pe we played handball because the P6 handball league starts next week- it was really fun to practice.

We made clay pots as we were learning about Diwali.

In maths we learned about polygons.

Owen and Amaya


Great week in P4

Finn – I liked doing the posters about Taking a Moment. It is good to know what to do when you are stressed out. It is good to draw.

Rohan – I liked when we were doing the assembly about Clachan Wullie because I was proud of our school for making the Clachan Wullie.

Olly – I liked doing writing in our writing lesson. I wrote about a fierce lion.

Elisha – I liked today’s assembly. I liked the new idea of Wonderful Walking because it will save a lot of bumps in the corridor.

Luke N – I like the new idea about the library and how you can get a card and scan it any time you want a new book to read.

Joe – I liked maths yesterday. I liked the fact families.

Sebastian – I like to do maths and learning adding.

Blake – I liked thinking about Taking a Moment because you can be creative and it gets you happy.

Kalista – I enjoyed doing the maths because it was extremely fun and tested your thinking skills.

Alexander – I liked the assembly today because it was fun. I liked the comment that said the more you read the more you’ll know, the more you learn the more places you’ll go.