Maths Week Scotland In P7…

This week we celebrated Maths Week Scotland.

“I thought the 5 questions we got were really good because they were challenging to start off with but then they got really easy and fun.” Katy

“I liked doing the coloured cube challenge because it was very tricky and I learned a lot from it.” Natalie

“I learned something new doing the cube cuts question.” Finlay

“I really enjoyed the maths this week because it was challenging and it was very fun.” Logan F

“I learned how to calculate the area of a circle this week and it was very fun and challenging.” Matthew

“I enjoyed the maths because I learned that finding a common multiple of ten numbers takes a lot of hard work and effort.” Ainslie

“I enjoyed going to take pictures of things on the way and at Eliburn Park because it was challenging and we got to enter a competition.” Kyle

“I liked using the Cuisenaire Rods. We went through so many whiteboards because it was so hard and fun.” Silvester

“I liked trying to figure out the cube cuts question because it was difficult and we had to try so many questions when the answer was right in front of us but we got there in the end.” Aiden

“I liked going on the walk to Eliburn Park because we got to take nice photos and then work out what was mathematical about them.” Murray

“I loved the walk to Eliburn Park because we got to play at the park and then take pictures and find out how those things are related to maths.” Callan

“I enjoyed Maths Wi Nae Borders because we got to learn lots of great new things.” Jamie

“I really like the walk to Eliburn Park because we got to play around for about ten minutes and take photos then when we got back to school we did maths and entered into a competition.”

“I liked doing the Cuisenaire Rod problem it was fun and challenging.” Leon

“I think maths week was fun and we got to learn new things and it was challenging!”

“We went to Eliburn Park and found maths in nature, it was challenging but fun.” Calum W

“I liked going out on a walk to take pictures for a competition because I like going on walks.” Charlie

P1 Weekly Reflection 4.10.19

This has been another busy week as we learned the sounds k, u and b.  We began to use the school’s newly purchased PM Writing resource to support our writing.  We were looking at a picture of Peep, the Pet Bird and talking about what we could see then naming these things.  We looked at the sounds in the words and then talked about why saying the words on their own did not make sense.  We then talked about making sentences and the children worked together to create the following:-

The girl has a pet bird.  The bird drinks water.  The bird eats seeds.  The bird is yellow.  The cage is white. The bird is cute.  The bird looks beautiful.

The children were so proud of their efforts and we talked about the capital letter at the start of a sentence and the full stop at the end.  Perhaps you could look for some capital letters and full stops in books at home?

In numeracy and maths this week we have been looking at patterns with colours and numbers.  The children were very good at creating their own patterns with colour and thinking about the patterns on the bodies of zoo animals too.  We have also been working on counting forwards and backwards within 20 and thinking about the number before and after.  Please continue to practise this at home.

In PE this week the children have continued to develop their listening skills and ability to follow instructions by playing Traffic Lights.

Here are some of the children’s comments about their learning this week:-

Georgie “I learned the sound b.  Bat starts with b.”

Lucia “I like the sound b too.”

Elloise “With Dave we did songs that are similar to the movies.”

Cole “I liked making 10 to 20 in my numbers.”

Albert “I remember number 8 and I got stickers for my writing.”

Isla “Learning b, bat, bed, book and bell”

Zac “I liked writing the story about Peep the pet bird.  It was terrific.”

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

P6 this week

This week in P6 we have created WW2 art with Mrs. Fraser, we all got a little messy but it was fun. In P.E we did team dodge ball with Mrs. Smith and handball games as well, we did passing and moving games with handballs with Mrs. Fraser on Thursday. This week is Scottish maths Week and we did a game called join and cut with Mrs. Smith and with Mrs. Fraser, we did perimeter. We have been doing a piece of writing about rescue services- we had to do our first draft and a second draft. We had to have three main paragraphs about characteristics as well as an introduction and conclusion. On Friday we did some art and free writing and did an online bullying poster in our jotters.

By Katie and Georgie