P1K Learning Reflection for Week ending 20.4.18


Holly – we taught Mrs M to count on a Rekenrek

Arya – we played cover up you can count in your head or see the counters to help

Nathan – takeaway using dice, you take the small number from the big number

Rayyaan – We showed different ways to make a number you can do 6 and 4 or 7 and 3 to make 10

Maddie – domino number patterns to see how many ways we can make a number



P1K found different sized foot prints in the class. After lots of speculation about who or what left the footprints the children explored different ways they could measure them.  They decided to use: beach glass, dominoes, lego and counting teds. The children started to notice that they were getting different results because they were using different materials to measure with, see the table below:



After lots of discussion and exploration the children found they best way to measure was:

  • Dominoes were the best non-standard unit because they were all the same length
  • To measure the length you don’t go around but from end to end
  • Be careful there are no gaps when placing the dominoes.
  • Measure the longest part

The children then practised their measuring skills further by measuring the length of all sorts of things around the classroom using cubes.




P1M Learning Reflections W/E 13th and 20th April

What a busy couple of weeks P1M have had since we came back our holidays. In Language we have learned four sounds ‘oo’, ‘ar’,’or’ and ‘air’. We have used these sounds to read and write words such as book. We have written about our Easter holidays and worked with a partner to write a spring acrostic poem. In Numeracy we have been busy working on our friends of 10, counting in 2s, 10s and learning how to count in 5s. We have started to explore measurement. We used items such as counters to measure the length of some dragon footprints and objects around our classroom like a water bottle. We also had our PATPAL and we loved showing you what we do in numeracy in class. Pictures from the PATPAL will follow. We loved taking part in SportaFunD on Thursday. Pictures to follow. In art, with it being spring, we had a go at drawing some daffodils. Here are a few reflections from the children:

Cali: I enjoyed drawing the daffodils. I found recalling my doubles tricky.

Alanice: I loved playing rotten apples in the gym hall. It was tricky drawing the daffodils.

Calum: I enjoyed all my learning. I found drawing the daffodils tricky but I gave it a go.

Anya: I enjoyed learning new sounds and then making new words with these sounds. I found drawing the daffodils hard.

Zach: I enjoyed learning how to draw daffodils. I found adding and subtracting 2,3 or 4 a little bit tricky.