Here are the spelling words for this week – have fun!
Month: May 2020
Childline support
The Coronavirus is also called COVID-19.
If you have any questions or worries you could talk to a parent or carer or trusted adult in your family.
There is a lot of information about Coronavirus/Covid-19 in the news. Find out what it is and what to do if you are worried at
You can also contact ChildLine free by ‘phone on 0800 1111 and in other ways too. Go here for more about contacting
Children’s Parliament Survey about Corona virus
All our lives have changed very quickly because of the Coronavirus, which is also called COVID-19. A lot of adults are in the news and online saying what it is like for them. At Children’s Parliament we want to share how it is for children too.
How are you doing? May survey is now open.
This is our national survey for 8 to 14 year olds.
It’s really important that we find out how it’s going for you.
P5/6 Wednesday 6th May
Good morning all!
I am going to copy each day’s “Daily Plan” ( I have changed the name from “Read Me First”) document from Team’s “Files” into the blog as some of you have been having difficulties accessing it. I hope this helps.
The use of Teams went really well last week, thank you. Over the long weekend I have tidied up “Files” and, I think, made it easier to use and find things. Please let me know if you have any issues with it.
Keep your personal projects going- you still have the folder to post them into – please check out the work Thomas, Ethan and Zoey have already put in there.
Topic –Continue to research “The Broons”, and think about the characters and how they might interact under lockdown. If you haven’t, create a list of the characters and write down what they are like. Describe them physically and what their personalities are like, just like you did for “Oor Wullie”. You will need to use adjectives, and if you want to challenge yourself you could also use similes and metaphors. Read Ethan’s “Broons” story and Thomas’s “Oor Wullie” and “Broons” story. Challenge: can you do better? Start to think about interesting ways to present these stories. I am going to create a dedicated folder for this work in “Files”.
Continue to focus on money in maths first and then move onto measure. This will help progress your work on decimals to 3 places.
TJay 1b | TJay 2a | TJay 2b | |
Money | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 7 |
Measure | Chapter 15 | Chapter 13a | Chapter 13 |
Use the book that is most relevant to you – like “chili questions”. Do it like we do in class – don’t feel the need to do every question, just do enough to show yourself that you have understood. Check your answers in the back as you need. And Please contact me for support when you need to.
Education City: I have published the new series of activities: “Fractions 2” and am going to add more sequenced activities today”. Please try them.
Spelling activity: choose a list of Fry’s words that is appropriate for yourself. Create a Word document with a table of 2 columns and 25 rows. Write your chosen 25 words in the first column. Using a dictionary, on-line or book, put a definition of the word in the second column next to it. I will create an example later if you are not sure how to do this. I am going to create a dedicated folder in “Files” for this work as well
Remember Logan S suggested growing your own vegetables as a health project. Ethan has also now started growing strawberries.
Keep your daily diary going, recording what you are doing, what exercise you do, what you eat and how you feel.
Continue to practise your French using the resources from the link below:
Don’t forget to do the day’s activities on BBC “Bitesize”.
And exercise with Joe (or his girlfriend!?)
Take care all of you.
VE Day celebrations – Family learning !
Friday 8th May marks 75 years since the end of the Second World War in Europe.
Find out what happened, who was involved, how did people share the news and how did they celebrate? (Why are people comparing this to our situation just now, and how we might feel at the end of lockdown?)
The following activities are taken from the POPPYSCOTLAND website. There is much more information in the learning section – I have just chosen a few!!
How did they hear this important news before we all had phones and internet…..
How did they celebrate when they heard the news? Look here and have your own VE Day party this Friday !
For our P5-7 pupils – there are a number of activities to choose from- I have focussed on Winston Churchill’s famous speech.
I would LOVE to have done this as a mini topic in school this week with P3-7 classes and linked it with our writing! If you have a virtual VE Day party, make poppy biscuits or do some dancing please take photos and send them to our school email address! Miss Taylor
P4 Fractions – 6th May
Primary 3 – Wednesday 6th May
Wednesday 6th May
Good morning everyone!
I hope you have enjoyed the long weekend and spent some quality time with your family.
Remember to have a look in your new packs to see the activities you have to work through.
Hope you’ve been remembering to keep your fitness up and doing your daily exercising. Let’s do some PE with Joe this morning:
Numeracy – Write out your 10 times table and ask someone at home to check you have them all correct and to test you on these!
You can also watch the video below to help remind you!
Art – What does your house look like inside and outside? How many bedrooms does it have? What other rooms are in the house? Draw a picture of your house from the outside and then draw it from an inside view – try to include as much detail as possible. You can show the inside like the image below:
Literacy – Imagine you lived in a different house (maybe your dream house) – what would it look like outside and inside? What kinds of rooms would it have – a cinema room? A swimming pool? Write a story about showing your best friend around your new house. Describe everything you would see and say how you feel about your house.
Mrs Lockhart and Mrs Morrison will be posting for you on Thursday and Friday.
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Mrs Hillan
P6/7 May 6, 2020
Please start the day with active movement. You may want to do Zumba or Joe Wicks exercise.
Spicier- Imperative-and-Modal-KS3-
LI and instruction ordering and comparing fractions
Spicier fraction task – all-groups-worksheet
When you are done with fractions, please finish where you left off on your long boat project design.
Good Morning P1/2 6.5.20
Happy Wednesday!
Welcome back boys and girls, I hope everyone had a lovely long weekend and you are feeling refreshed and ready for Wednesday’s home learning tasks. Don’t forget you can work your way through the home learning packs too and use the blog for any additional tasks you would like to complete.
Miss Stanway sent us teachers a little clip to share with you all. I know how many of you had wobbly teeth before school closed so I thought it would be fun to share ‘The Tooth fairy in Lockdown’, it made me giggle, I hope it does the same for you.
It’s a short week this week for learning but let’s focus on another new book from the oxford owls ebook selection.
Log in using username : deans12
Password: mrsstevenson
Access the book – ‘Top Dog’
Have a go at some before reading questions with an adult-
- Can you make a prediction about what is going to happen in the story?
- What do you think Top Dog means?
- Who do you think the main characters will be in the story?
- Where do you think the story takes place?
Now have a go at reading the story with an adult. Remember all the things a good reader does to be successful… can you share them with your adult.
- Point to each word
- Use the pictures for clues
- If we are unsure of a word sound it out
- Look for words we know
Once you have read the book have a go at both of the activities at the top of the page. They focus on matching the sentence to the picture and listening for the ‘o’ sound and sorting some words into two groups. Good Luck!
Last week we focused on the new sound ‘w’. Here is a clue for this weeks’ new sound.. can you guess what it is..
That’s right it’s ‘ng’ – it’s made up of 2 letters which make one sound coming from the back of your mouth.
In your pack you should see this sheet
What words can you think of which contain this sound? Here is a clip to help you.
Now, why not have a go at sounding out and writing some ng words and drawing some pictures to go with your words.
k – i – ng s – i – ng s – o – ng p – o – ng
b – a – ng f – a – ng l – o – ng l – u – ng -s
Finally I would like you to have a go at writing a silly sentence with as many ‘ng’ words as possible. Don’t forget all the things a proper sentence needs.
- Full stop at the end
- Capital letter at the start
- Finger spaces between the words
- All the letters resting on the line.
Numeracy and Maths
I hope you liked last weeks’ coin toss game and it helped you begin to get to grips with all the different coins, their values and maybe even making some totals by adding their values. Let’s continue with the theme of money and jump onto Facebook and catch up with Natwest Monday Sense Monday (even though it’s Wednesday!) Monday’s (4th May) lesson was all about saving money, something which I should probably watch too!! You will need an adult with a Facebook account to help you access this lesson.
Keeping with the theme of saving money I thought I would set you all a little challenge to design your own money box using recycled materials. There are loads of ideas out there especially on Pinterest. Here are a few that I liked, they may just give you some inspiration.
I would love to see some of your money boxes, so if possible have an adult take a picture and email it into the school office.
I really do look forward to receiving pictures of your fantastic work at home, it makes my day!
Health and Well being
Last week we looked at crossing the road safely and thought about the key messages of STOP, LOOK and LISTEN. Today we are going to expand on them a bit further.
The 6 steps of the green Cross Code.
With the help of an adult explore the website
Can you list the 6 key steps and explain them to an adult.
Visit the early section of the road safety Scotland and navigate to ‘green cross code pics‘ game to match the key words to the pictures. Feel free to explore the rest of the website, there are some great games to play to help you learn more about keeping safe on the road.
Have a great rest of the day and I hope you have enjoyed today’s learning tasks. I shall be back tomorrow with more!
Mrs Stevenson
Primary 7 6.05.20
Bonjouir. Ca va?
This morning for maths we are going to be working with fractions. You will see 2 pages that you can have a look at if you feel you need a little revision before you start. Don’t do these pages if you are confident about what you already know.
The medium task is consolidation of fractions that again, have a look at and try all / some of the questions if you feel you need to.
The Spicy is
L.I. to produce an equivalent fraction
S.C. I can use times tables accurately to find equivalent fractions and simplify fractions
Revision – Fractions of a Quantity
Revision of equivalent and simplifying fractions
Break – Lunch
After break there are two fun activities for you to have a go at.
After Lunch
After Lunch we will be looking at The Plague and The Great Fire of London. It will not be easy to work through a topic but we will do our best. There is a power point for you to work through this afternoon.
- Read and write down (so you remember) the L.I. and S.C.
- Note any information that will help you to be successful with the S.C.
- Use that information to write a paragraph
- Share your paragraph with someone in your house