P3- Friday 15th May

Happy Friday!! Hope you are all safe and well and have been enjoying the different learning activities provided by Mrs Hillan and Mrs Lockhart. Today is International Families Day and whilst we can’t spend time with our extended families at the moment, I thought it would be a good opportunity to spend quality time with the grown ups in your house. Maybe you could go on a walk together, watch a movie or play a board game. The Morrison family like to play frustration and it can get quite competitive!!


This week we are going to explore the different units of weight. Can you think why this is important to learn and which jobs would use measurements such as kg and g? Read the powerpoint that explains different units of weight and I haveĀ  attached a challenge sheet, where you could bake something at home and record the different units of weights used. Enjoy!!


Measuring challenge


We are going to explore food webs and how they can show the link between different food chains. Watch the following clip and then I have attached instructions on how to make a food web mobile. Have fun!!

Practical food webs

Fitness Friday

I hope you are all managing to keep fit and well during your time at home. Remember there are lots of different ways to keep fit such a walking, running, yoga and going for a bike ride. I hope you have managed to complete your fitness diary challenge that I posted a few weeks ago. If you can, please send a copy of your fitness record to the school email and I will access them from there.

Have a great weekend and I will check in with you all next Friday!


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