Tag Archives: Learning For Sustainability

Beatlie Fairtrade Cafe

Beatlie Fairtrade Café

It is with regret that Beatlie will not be opening their doors for the Fairtrade Café just yet!


Do not fret – the café will come to you!

Friday 25th February

All classes will be making a Tray Bake of their choice using at least 1 Fairtrade product in their ingredients. We will be designing our own label for the product and it’s packaging which will allow us to send the goodies home for you to enjoy with a good Fairtrade coffee or Tea together with friends and family.

This year the focus is on Fairtrade and Climate Action and throughout the week you can have a look at the blog to find out more on the issues affecting people all over the world due to Climate Change and why Fairtrade is so important!

If you would like to donate to Fairtrade this week please send any monies in with your child in an envelope.

Thank you

Fairtrade Fortnight 2022

Today is the start of Fairtrade Fortnight: 21 February – 6 March 2022

What is Fairtrade Fortnight?

For two weeks each year, at the end of February and start of March, thousands of schools, colleges and universities across the UK come together to learn from the people who grow our food and drinks, mine our gold and who grow the cotton in our clothes – people who are often exploited and underpaid.

Through learning about how we are all connected through the things we eat, drink and wear, young people are equipped with the knowledge and skills to shape a more compassionate and sustainable world.

 This year the theme is:

Climate, Fairtrade and You

So, this Fairtrade Fortnight, we invite you to stand with farmers and workers seeking climate justice!

This week we will be sharing information and resources for you to look at and get involved at home and spreading the message to others.

 You can also get involved by visiting the Choose The World You Want Festival



Ochiltree Memories from Term 2 2021


What a year it has been so far – lots and lots of fantastic achievements made in 2021! There are so many memories I wanted to share that I have made a Sway for each of the children!

We have also been enjoying sharing our good work each week when we are sending home our baking, craft work and plants – I think the escorts are beginning to wonder what will come next!

We are truly grateful that we have had the opportunity to participate in so many great activities this year both in our own class and with Duntarvie! Lets keep our fingers crossed that we will continue in the new year!!!

Christmas Wishes to you all from Ochiltree xcx





World Food Day Poster Competition

World Food Day was highlighted and celebrated on the 16th October. As part of our learning here at Beatlie we looked food journeys and how/why we can and should do better.

To share our learning we all participated in a poster competition – please have a look at the great work we all had fun making! Some more photos may also be shared on their Learning Journals.



World Food Day 2021

World Food Day 2021 Theme, Activities, Quotes, Slogan and Wishes


World Food Day is celebrated every year around the world on the 16th October; the date that the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FOA) was founded in 1945. First commemorated by the FOA in 1979, World Food Day aims to promote healthy diets and eradicate hunger issues by 2030.


World Food Day adopts a new theme every year, with previous themes including Family Farming (2014) and Our Actions are our Future (2018).

The theme for 2021 is ‘Safe food today for a healthy tomorrow’ which stresses that production and consumption of safe food have “immediate and long-term benefits for people, the planet, and the economy.”


Beatlie will be raising awareness by participating in a poster competition – keep an eye out for the great work our pupils will produce!



Community Litter Pick

This week Beatlie participated in their first litter pick of the new school session and can I just say…….

I think we could be out of a job! What a fantastic improvement in the area all thanks to the local community coming together over the past year or so to make improvements to the local environment and we have noticed – WELL DONE.

As we know the problem of litter will not be eradicated and we will continue to support the school, Craigshill and beyond to do our bit to reduce the impact on the climate!

Thank you to all the staff and pupils for participating and doing their best on what turned out to be a beautiful day to tackle the litter.

We will keep you posted for the next one, meanwhile enjoy having a look at our fantastic team working hard.

Gardening Week 2021

Beatlie have been hard at it again this week

But I am sure everyone will agree that they had fun with all the different gardening projects they were involved in!

We all had different jobs to do in and around the school grounds maintaining and tidying up areas to make the place look nice for all the times we will be out in the garden to enjoy the summer weather that we hope to get for a couple of weeks before the holidays.

We also took on a special community based project this year – Street Sign Planting. We wanted to take this on and be a part of the community of Craigshill who are coming together to make improvements within the local environment. The staff and children have done an excellent job and I hope you are able to enjoy the blooms when they come out over the coming weeks.


World Bee Day @ Beatlie 2021

We have all had a fabulous day celebrating World Bee Day in our own Beatlie way!

You will see from the film all the lovely interesting & interactive activities we have enjoyed bringing lots of smiles to our faces.

We hope you have had fun having a go at the bee quiz to see what type of bee you are and that you will support the cause for bees in our country by providing bee friendly environments where you can.

Next week we will be participating in the UK National Children’s Gardening Week so we will be continuing the theme of creating bee friendly environments as well as lots of other exciting project ideas – so come back next week to see what we have been up to.

World Bee Day

Today we are celebrating World Bee Day in Beatlie.

This year’s theme is ‘Bee engaged – Build Back Better for Bees’

So what’s the buzz about bees?

A third of the world’s food production depends on bees.

Bees pollinate (a process vital to crops growing) three quarters (75%) of leading global crops, including oilseed rape, apples, soft fruits, beans and courgettes, as well as things like tomatoes and strawberries.

Bees are vital for maintaining the balance between living organisms such as human beings, plants, and animals as well as their environment.

They also help reduce pollution.

Scientific studies have proven that bees have become increasingly endangered. So what can be done to help?

  • Planting bee-friendly plants like heather and daisies and red clover on balconies, terraces, and in gardens can help
  • Leaving sections of the garden wild and letting the grass grow long gives the bees a place to shelter
  • Create a bee hotel for your garden’s bee population
  • Leaving a small dish with a few pebbles and shallow water in can help if a bee is thirsty
  • There are also special bricks which bees can live in
  • Don’t use pesticides as they are really harmful to bees
  • Buy honey and other hive products from your nearest local beekeeper


Welcome - Celebrate World Bee Day