Tag Archives: Learning For Sustainability

Summer term in Lomond

What a fantastic end to the first year in our new school. We have had so much fun exploring everywhere. The weather has been a little bit nicer so we have made the most of being able to get out and about. We have had some very exciting walks and we even met a tractor with a very friendly driver who stopped to let us come close and see his tractor.

We have had lots of fun inside school as well, with our teddy bears picnic and clown doctors party both happening on nice sunny days. Even when it has not been as nice, we have still managed to make the most of our lovely new gardens, who knew that a poly tunnel was a great place to have a dance!

We finished our term with a lovely trip to Lochore Meadows country park where we had great fun in the play park then we had our picnic lunch, we even managed to have an ice cream before getting on the bus and coming home.

We hope everyone has a lovely summer and comes back to school looking forward to all the adventures we have in store for next year.

Ochiltree 2024

Ochiltree have had a fabulous year! I for one have loved every minute of it and will miss them very much!

It has been a year of fun and laughter, skills and attainment and the children have done themselves and you proud!

Alex and Fletcher have achieved their Asdan Transition Challenge and move onto their senior phase after the summer.

Mollie also moves into the senior phase class with one more year of her Asdan to go.

Brendan, Liam and Stanley will continue on their Asdan journey in Ochiltree with new friends joining them after the summer.

I hope you have all kept up to date on their journey this year through their Learners Journal and have enjoyed all the photos and videos of how fantastic they have been participating in all the wonderful activities we have had this year.

A special thanks to all who have supported all the youngsters in Ochiltree this year goes to: Madge, Alison, Tracy, Kerri, Ashley and Susan.

Have a fantastic holiday and look forward to seeing you at some of our school getharings next year. x

Lammermuir Term 2

This term in Lammermuir we have been busy celebrating lots of different events – From Children in Need to St Andrew’s day, World Children’s Day to Christmas.  We have taken part in cooking and baking activities, arts and crafts activities and some relaxing activities.

We hope you all have a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year!

From everyone in Lammermuir

World Food Day

This week in Beatlie we recognised World Food Day by making sensory bottles with the focus ‘Water is Life, Water is Food. Leave No One Behind’

World Food Day takes place annually on 16 October and promotes awareness of hunger and action for the future of food, people, and the planet.

Take a look at how much fun we all had making the bottles and how great they all look now they are finished.









Beatlie Scarecrow Festival 2023

Our first cafe in our new school and what a lovely morning we had joined by some strangers………..

Thank you to all who came and enjoyed the lovely baking the children prepared over the week.

Thank you to all the children and staff for decorating the hall and making fantastic scarecrows.

Everyone had the opportunity to vote for their favourite – although everyone is a winner, Peat was the peoples favourite on the day.

Enjoy watching the videos of us all preparing for the day and a second one showing us all enjoying the morning.

See you all again for our Children in Need cafe on 17th November.

Earth Day 2023

Earth Day 2023 – Invest in our Planet

This year for Earth Day we decided that we would invest in our planet using clean and safe energy:

# by investing in some solar lamps for each class to use on the day

# by collecting monies to donate to Solar Aid to help families in need

Through this participation we were using clean energy and giving the tools for others to do the same.

Families have no choice but to rely on poor alternatives such as homemade torches, candles and kerosene lamps.

These dangerous devices are imperilling health, impairing education, wasting household income and emitting astonishingly high amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.

Worst of all, families have to risk their lives every single night with open flames. It doesn’t have to be like this.

The whole school participated in Earth day – here are just a few of the activities we had fun experiencing:

Thank you for your generous gift. Through donations of £35 from pupils and staff along with a donation of £10 from the Fairtrade Tuck Shop we are able to give £45 to Solar Aid.

Your support means we can reach remote villages bringing solar to places where no one else goes.

Without your help, these communities would remain in the dark with only candles or kerosene lamps for light. Your donation will make this a problem of the past from the moment they switch on a solar light.

When the sun goes down at 6pm in sub-Saharan Africa, 590 million people are living in darkness. They have no access to electricity. There is no switch on the wall to turn on the light. This is energy poverty.

Impact calculator

A donation of  £45 will result in…

3 solar lights reaching 16 people, with 12 currently using dangerous, toxic and poor sources of light.
This will lead to total savings of $379 a year, with 13 people feeling safer at home and 3 more children studying after dark.

Well Done Beatlie!